The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 263 Tang Wulin Vs Long Yue

Chapter 263 Tang Wulin Vs Long Yue

Ye Xinglan also came over, looked at Wu Changming lightly, and said, "I've heard about you from Wu Lin, you must have Li Zhi in your activities, you can't isolate Li Zhi, otherwise, let you have a taste of the Star God Sword sharp."

Le Zhengyu and Xie Xie couldn't help swallowing, and said with a smile, "We will definitely invite Li Zhi."

Xu Lizhi smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Xinglan."

Ye Xinglan glanced at Wu Changming, and said, "What activities are you going to do next, take care of Li Zhi."

Wu Zhangming smiled and said, "No problem."


Back in Wu Changming's room, Wu Changming waved his hand, and five white suits appeared on the bed. The white suits were hung with golden chains, and they matched very well.

Wu Changming smiled and said, "This is the costume I prepared for everyone. The opponent has eight heavenly kings. We also have to have a handsome combination, crush the opponent with appearance, and wear it."

Le Zhengyu and the others nodded, Wu Changming changed his clothes first, and entered the fitting room one by one to change.

After tidying up their clothes, the four of them stood in a row, and Wu Changming stood in position C, forming a slight awl shape.

Each of the five people took out a Western Kendo fencing sword, put on the hat of Captain Jack, the leader of the Pirates of the Caribbean, and put on a blindfold covering one eye.

The dance chief smiled and said, "Do it with me." His decoration and movements are based on the catwalk of the Japanese national treasure actor Takuya Kimura's samp team.


After the practice, Xu Lizhi left first, Xie Xie, Tang Wulin and Lezheng Yu were about to leave, Wu Changming called the three of them to stop.

"What's wrong?" The three asked suspiciously.

Wu Zhangming smiled and said, "The three of us form a team. This team can only have four people, so I will count you three. This combination is more handsome!"

"Let's take a look at the clothes." Xie Xie said expectantly.

Wu Changming prepared a blue ancient costume for Xie Xie, and a blue ancient costume for Tang Wulin. Le Zhengyu was not suitable for plain white clothes, so Wu Changming prepared a red ancient costume for him, and Wu Changming What I prepared for myself was a dark purple costume.

Everyone put on their clothes one after another, Lezheng Yu said with a smile, "I like this dress very much."

"I like it too."

"Me too."

Le Zhengyu smiled and said, "I've never seen this style of clothes. Another kind of atmosphere seems to be very different from the style of clothes in this world. It also has a strong, domineering, and simple atmosphere."

Wu Changming smiled and said, "You summed it up very well. The opponent has Dragon King, Shadow King, Fox King, Wind King, etc. The four of us are the four beauties of the world. The previous combination was called the Jack combination."

"I think that when we face the Eight Great Heavenly Kings, we will be more domineering and able to restrain each other in this suit," Tang Wulin said. "But Lizhi's side..." Xu Lizhi is indeed not suitable for wearing ancient costumes, and western decorations are more suitable for Xu Lizhi.

Wu Changming pondered, and thought, "Let's wear ancient costumes, called Tianya Simei. Li Zhi will wear that one, called Jack Tianwang, collectively known as Tianya Five Heavenly Kings."

"I don't know if such a combination will look a bit nondescript." Xie Xie worried.

Wu Zhangming smiled and said, "I'll know after trying it."

On the second day, under Wu Changming's command, everyone did well. Wu Changming smiled and said, "Our aura is definitely not weaker than the opponent's Eight Heavenly Kings."

Xie Xie said excitedly, "Definitely."



The next day, in a one-on-one match, Tang Wulin's opponent was Dragon King Long Yue.

Waiting in the battle zone, Wu Zhangming patted Tang Wulin on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you lose. Long Yue's martial soul is the Dragon King, the son of the Dragon God, and his bloodline level is very high. Although you can beat him with his bloodline, he has already Possesses self-created soul skills, and his cultivation is far superior to yours, if something goes wrong, he will immediately surrender."

Tang Wulin smiled and said, "It seems like I'm bound to lose."

Wu Changming's face was solemn, and he said, "Long Yue is not easy. If he is now facing my brother's strength in the period of Soul Emperor, without wearing a battle armor, my brother is not sure of victory!"

Tang Wulin's eyes narrowed. His idol as a soul master since he was a child was Wuchangkong. Even Wuchangkong at the same time was not sure of winning. It could be seen that Long Yue's strength made Tang Wulin's heart sink slightly as he walked towards the competition stage.

Everyone came to the first row of audience seats, and the referee Fang Er quickly announced the start of the game.

At the beginning, Tang Wulin's blood power suppressed Long Yue's blood. The emperor of the Star Luo Empire and the dean of the Monster Academy, Shenyu Douluo Enci, couldn't sit still. He thought that Long Yue's martial spirit was the son of the Dragon God. The Dragon King is the strongest dragon martial spirit in the world. Only the Dragon God can suppress the blood of the Mountain Dragon King, and the blood of the Dragon God hardly appears among humans. He is sure that Tang Wulin's blood is definitely not the Dragon God, but he can suppress it. Mountain Dragon King, this puzzled him a lot.

Tang Wulin used the sledgehammer he got from the Green Skull's surprise attack on the train against the enemy, coupled with Tangmen's random cloak and hammer technique, the power of the blood barely gained the upper hand.

Long Yue entered a state of bliss, the madness in his eyes continued to grow, and finally broke out with real strength. With the crushing of his cultivation, he suppressed Tang Wulin all the way, and Tang Wulin's defeat was set.

(End of this chapter)

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