The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 34 Sneaking Into Canaan

Chapter 34 Sneaking Into Canaan
"Huh~ I must beat you." Wu Zhangming clapped his hands and laughed.

Luman's huge body was already covered in bruises, and he smiled wryly, "Yes, I'm too stubborn." Luman cursed secretly, "Fuck, let me tell you, tell me what you want me to say Is it? Even say a word."

After Wu Changming handed over the exercises to Qinglin, he went to sleep again, and bought Xiao Yan's spiritual liquid from Ka Yenuo, which can speed up the cultivation of Dou Qi. , to Qinglin.

Wu Changming then went to sleep.

The next day, Wu Changming took Qing Lin and left here for Canaan.

Wu Changming sneaked into the campus of Canaan College, there was a lot of traffic, and there were also a lot of law enforcement teams.

Wu Changming smiled and said, "Ka Yenuo, let's do this! Buy me the same disguise as Belmode in Conan's world."

"Okay! It's worth 100 million federation coins." Ka Yenuo said.

Wu Changming learned the Yi Rong technique so much, while others were not paying attention, he grabbed an unobtrusive student, knocked him out, and threw him into the space.

Wu Zhangming put on a good face, put on his clothes, entered the school, first went to the cave, and took away those earth cores and so on from the Canaan Academy. Wu Changming forgot the name, but this spirit can Increase the speed of practice.

Wu Changming walked around the academy with a purpose, using mental power to investigate, the purpose was to find Zi Yan.

Wu Changming passed by for a day, and sighed, "Oh, it seems that Zi Yan is still in the inner courtyard, it's not easy to sneak into the inner courtyard! Huh~ With the breath of a dragon, it should be Zi Yan. Alright, let's use the treasure to seduce her. "Take out a seventh-grade herb from Han Feng's ring, and the medicinal fragrance of the herb attracts Zi Yan.

Soon, a little girl appeared following Yaoxiang's guidance.

The girl looked only in her teens, but she was actually a guy who had lived for thousands of years, and said, "That herb smells so good! Give it to me! You give me the herb, and I will protect you from now on, and I can let you live on campus. Run amok."

Wu Zhangming shook his head and said, "No, I will only give it to you if you are my friend."

"Okay! It's good to be friends! However, I won't protect you if you are bullied!" Zi Yan felt that this child was indeed a child, and she was hooked so quickly.

Wu Zhangming smiled and said, "But if you are my friend, you have to leave this world."

"Leaving the world? Little brother, don't be joking! How about giving the grass to your sister?" Zi Yan touched Wu Changming's small head and smiled.

"Cut, no." Wu Changming resolutely said, he was going to abduct the dragon, how could he give you a grass for nothing?
The dance leader thought for a while and said, "Miss sister, you have to buy this plant of mine, it is a seventh-grade herb."

Zi Yan touched the back of her head and said with a smile, "Okay then! I'll give you this grass in exchange." She took out a third-grade herb.

Wu Changming rolled his eyes and said, "You are not exchanging, it is obviously a robbery."

Zi Yan touched the back of her head in embarrassment, and said, "I didn't expect you to know a lot, you little brat."


The next day, through Wu Changming's approach, Zi Yan became friends, but it was still impossible to go with him.

Wu Changming lived in Zi Yan's room, lying on the ground, thinking of how to lure Zi Yan?
Just as Wu Changming was thinking hard, he accidentally saw medicinal materials. Wu Changming seemed to think of something, "Herbal, medicinal herb. Yes, shape-changing grass." He sat up happily.

Wu Changming asked, "Ka Yenuo, how much is a Transformation Grass?"

Ka Yenuo said, "One plant is 600 million, and one is 700 million transforming pills."

"Okay, it's the Transformation Pill." Wu Changming said with a smile.

"The transaction was successful."

Wu Changming stood up, shook Zi Yan and said, "Sister Zi Yan, I have Transformation Pill."

Zi Yan drooled, opened her eyes in a daze and said, "What transformation pill, what the hell are you talking about? Transformation pill?"

(End of this chapter)

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