The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 383 Assessment

Chapter 383 Assessment
Wu Shiming's eyes lit up, and it was a female soldier who walked in. It was the female officer of the major who brought the five of them into the camp earlier.At this time, she had already taken off her heavy coat and was only wearing a white military uniform. The snow-white military uniform was straight without any wrinkles. Against the backdrop of the golden epaulettes on her shoulders, she looked heroic.

"Major!" The lieutenant immediately gave her a military salute, and the female major also thumped her chest.She was slender, tall, and beautiful. When she beat her chest with her right hand, there was a wave of turbulence naturally.

"I'll be in charge of his assessment. You go back." The major said in a deep voice.

The lieutenant froze for a moment, "Are you responsible for it yourself?"

The major nodded, "Yes, I checked his process after entering the mountain. Therefore, I will be responsible for his assessment."

"Yes!" The lieutenant gave another military salute and strode out of the elevator.

Wu Shiming smiled and said, "Xing Lan, Ye Hui, from now on, if you hammer like this every day, your breasts will grow bigger and smaller at the same time. Be careful!"

Ye Xinglan and Yuanen Yehui gave Wu Shiming a hard look, and their eyes signaled, "You wait a moment."

The female major also wanted to teach Wu Shiming a lesson, but she held back in the end.

The six people got out of the elevator, which was a metal corridor, and they walked inward. After turning left, the major led the six people into a room.

"Why does it look so much like the entrance of the Ascension to Lingtai in the Spirit Pagoda? And it's still an intermediate-level Ascension to Lingtai. There are glass covers around the room. Judging by the size, they should be for people to stand on.

"Xu Yuhao couldn't help but said.

The major went to the console and began to operate, his hands quickly passed over the keyboard, and there was a series of crisp knocking sounds, the two glass covers were slowly opened, and various instruments in the entire room also lit up.

The major said: "Later, your test is similar to that in Ascension to Lingtai, and your task is also very simple. Protect me inside until the test is over."

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

The major asked, "Which of you will take the assessment first?" Then he looked at Wu Shiming, and said, "During the assessment, you can't bring life forms other than yourself."

Wu Shiming smiled and said, "I'll come first." Putting the Snow God sculpture on the table, he walked towards one of the glass covers.

The major narrowed his eyes slightly, and then quickly followed, "Just to remind you, you can't use your soul power inside, you can only use the weapon in your hand. Do you understand?"

"Know it!"

Wu Shiming closed his eyes and didn't feel any discomfort. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had appeared in a snowy field, holding the wooden gun he had chosen in his hand, looking around. In the distance, it was the camp he had been to before.

"Why is there such a huge pit here? This deep pit is so deep that it's bottomless, and there's darkness below. There are some inexplicable breaths rising from below." Wu Shiming observed, and then checked his body, Sure enough, he couldn't feel the existence of his soul power anymore.

At this moment, light and shadow flashed, and the female major appeared beside him.It was also the same as the previous outfit, everything was the same, but when she looked at him, for the first time, there was an expression other than sternness on her face, that was, surprise!
"Why did you come in so quickly?" the major asked suspiciously.

Wu Shiming shrugged and said with a smile, "I don't know the reason here, you ask me!"

The female major's expression returned to normal, she pointed to the abyss next to her, and said coldly, "Jump down."

"Okay!" Wu Shiming didn't care, he jumped and jumped directly from the black hole.

The major followed him with a leap and followed him.

It was pitch black in the black hole, Wu Shiming turned on the Ziji Magic Pupils, his eyes lit up, shining with a purple halo, they were the Ziji Magic Pupils.

This is indeed a cave, and the surrounding walls look uneven, and it does not seem to be artificially dug.After falling about [-] meters, their bodies paused, and the momentum of their descent suddenly decreased significantly, and a large net blocked their bodies.

The female major followed Wu Shiming closely, seeing that Wu Shiming was tall, with broad shoulders and broad back, she couldn't help asking, "Hey, how tall are you!"

"I'm not called Hey, I'm Wu Shiming, and I'm exactly two meters tall." Wu Shiming turned his Ziji Magic Eyes to observe the environment here, not because he was worried about any danger, but just out of curiosity.

Wu Shiming's Ziji Demon Eyes saw a bat-like creature, which was not too big, rushed over, Wu Shiming raised his wooden spear, and stabbed it directly through the bat-like thing.

The major was surprised and said, "Your wooden gun is not broken?" She was well aware of the bat's impact force, which weighs hundreds of catties, and ordinary metal spears would bend at the waist, but Wu Shiming's wooden gun was fine.

(End of this chapter)

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