The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 396 Entering the Abyss Passage

Chapter 396 Entering the Abyss Passage
Wu Shiming made a slope, and the Amethyst Winged Lion King pulled the sled down and walked down. Just when he reached the entrance of the cave, Wu Shiming stood up and looked into the cave. It was pitch black below, with occasional low roaring sounds It sounded, and from time to time there was snow falling down from all around, and there were many huge ice edges around the cave.

It seems that this huge cave with a diameter of more than 3000 meters is like a huge swallowing mouth, as if everything can be swallowed into it.

"A pit with a diameter of more than 3000 meters is really big!" Wu Shiming laughed.

After waiting for a while, everyone arrived.

Everyone didn't say much, just jumped up and entered the black hole very quickly. A series of electronic wave scans came from below. The blood god rings on their hands naturally glowed. This is the instrument installed inside the blood god army to confirm their identities. .

Soon, the two of them landed on the big net below the abyss, "Where is this big net, where is it going down?" Yuan En Ye Hui asked suspiciously.

Long Yuxue explained, "Those most powerful abyssal creatures need large enough passages to come out. They were jointly sealed off by the powerhouses of the major forces at that time, leaving only small passages."

Everyone nodded and continued to move forward. Inside this dark passage, there are two regiments guarding it all year round.

The interior of the passage is not completely dark, but there are lights shining every once in a while.This is obviously a safe area, and the lights are also installed by the Blood God Legion.

Wu Shiming walked in the front, although these soldiers had never seen Wu Shiming, but Wu Shiming had a major general's armband, and along the way, they kept saying "Major General."

This made Wu Shiming very happy, everyone continued to walk inwards, and came to the first passage platform, where it had long been turned into a metal world, with various soul guides everywhere, and there were even some places for resting. metal room.

Wu Shiming said: "Then where shall we go now?"

Long Yuxue explained: "The abyss channel is divided into S-level, A-level, B-level, and C-level. This is your first time here, Major General, so we will naturally go to the B-level channel.

Channel b is not very strong enough to pass through the creatures of the abyss. We go in to investigate, and the security is not low. With the strength of the major general, there will be no danger, and it is convenient for everyone to understand the creatures of the abyss. "

"Okay." Wu Shi thought for a while before agreeing. Although he was confident in his own strength, he would inevitably be afraid of not being able to protect Tang Wulin and the others.

Wu Shiming went to the garrison to explain. He saw that the leader of the garrison was a colonel. He smiled and said, "Please let us go, we are going to passage b."

When the colonel saw Wu Shiming's military rank, he let him go immediately without asking any further questions.

Then Long Yuxue led Wu Shiming and the other five into a passage about two meters away.

Wu Shiming could only walk with his head down, and a total of six people passed through three nodes guarded by soldiers, and only then did they truly enter the abyss passage.

Walking into the abyss passage, a bunch of six-clawed bats came rushing towards him. Wu Shiming was not interested in these abyssal monsters. If there were many, he would kill them. If there were not many, Wu Shiming was too lazy to take out the Xuanhuang Qin.

"Dragon God! What are the materials used to make this Xuanhuang Qin?" Wu Shiming asked.

The dragon god originally turned into a human form, holding Axia in his arms, and had a great time playing, but was suddenly interrupted by Wu Shiming, and said displeasedly, "I used my dragon's beard, the phoenix's sycamore wood, and my god crystal of destruction and creation." Made it, don't bother me!"

"Hey! The dragon clan is indeed a treasure. The horns and beards of the Dragon God can become treasures!" Wu Shiming chuckled lightly. "What is the dragon god doing? Do you want to take a peek?"

Dragon God threatened, "You brat, if you dare to take a peek, I'll beat you up."

"I'll go, Dragon God, do you have mind reading skills?" Wu Shiming asked in surprise.

"That's not true, but I know exactly what you think, kid." Dragon God said with a smile, "Boy, if you dare to peek, don't blame me for being rude."

"Okay! Okay! I won't bother you anymore." Wu Shiming hurriedly said, so he took out the Xuanhuang Qin, he always felt that the Xuanhuang Qin was super handsome!You can't put it down, you have to look twice.

When I was at home, I always played a few tunes, entertained myself, and slept with my Xuanhuangqin in my arms almost every day.

Wu Shibing said happily, "Shi Ming, you play the piano!"

"Not yet, when you meet a real monster, I'll show you the power of the Xuanhuang Qin." Wu Shiming laughed.

The girls followed behind Wu Shiming, looking at his broad shoulders, straight back, all in white, and a purple fairy piano in his hand, they couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Tang Wulin shook Xu Yuhao jealously.

(End of this chapter)

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