Chapter 441
The two youths led the three of them to the back of the courtyard and entered an empty room. Wu Shiming took out his mobile phone and played a wave of fighting the landlord. The two of them began to close their eyes and meditate.

They waited silently, and after a short time, a bookcase next to it suddenly moved sideways, and a middle-aged man walked out, it was Zang Xin.

Seeing the crowd, Zang Xin nodded to the three of them, then waved and walked towards the hidden door behind the bookcase.

Walking into the secret door is an elevator.

Descending 500 meters, it is a huge mecha production line. Tang Wulin couldn't help shaking his head and said, "How much can the mechas made this year be sold for?"

Wu Shiming looked at Tang Wulin speechlessly, and said, "Now you are not short of money, why are you still so concerned about money?"

Tang Wulin pondered for a while, and said, "How much is the production of mechas this year? What is the value of each mecha?"


The four came to a room, Zang Xin was sitting at his desk, and Wu Shiming was invited to sit on the sofa.

Zang Xin looked at Tong Yu and smiled, "You are..."

Tong Yu said lightly, "I am Tong Yu, from the Star Luo Empire."

"Sure enough." Then Zang Xin said seriously, "You came back in a hurry, and you probably don't know the current situation. Let me tell you."

Tong Yu didn't care.

Wu Shiming and Tang Wulin sat up straight and listened carefully. Zang Xin said, "Today's Spirit Transferring Pagoda has produced ten thousand-year souls. The price of ten thousand-year souls is sky-high, but high-level soul masters are not short of money, so the Spirit Transferring Pagoda has produced ten thousand-year souls. The tower made a lot of wealth by doing this, and he sent a large number of ten-thousand-year souls to the God of War Tower and the Federation, and they all supported the Eagle Faction.

The hawks advocate expanding outward and plundering the resources of the other two continents, but the doves disagree, arguing that there are still many resources inland and can be developed.

But the people are very supportive of launching the war, and the military expenses are fully borne by the Spirit Pagoda.

Moreover, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda has greatly reduced the price of century-old souls and thousand-year-old souls, which has won the support of many middle and low-level soul masters, and the Spirit Transferring Pagoda itself controls most of the soul masters in the world.

The power is so powerful and the foundation is so deep, it is unimaginable. Although the influence of the Spirit Pagoda in the federal parliament has weakened, its prestige among the military and the people has reached a new high.

It is almost a foregone conclusion to start a war, so, I hope you can go to the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire in the name of the head of the Tang Sect, facilitate the alliance between the two, sell them weapons with sufficient deterrent power, and let them have the power to confront the Federation. As long as the strength of the two sides is very balanced, there will be confrontation and war will hardly happen. "

Wu Shiming sighed, and said, "It seems that I can't escape the heavy responsibility of being the head of the Tang Sect."

Zang Xin couldn't help laughing, "What time is it now, and I still want to evade responsibility."

"Hey, who is evading responsibility? I'm just 21 years old. I'm a 21-year-old guy in charge of such a big sect." Wu Shiming said with some resentment.

Zang Xin smiled and changed the subject, "You are very young, and sending you to the two empires this time is also a test for you.

But to be honest, it is indeed a bit difficult. Even if you have the support of the Tang Sect, you are too young. How can you convince the two empires to trust you?
I don't know how many problems we have to face. This requires your charisma and strength. I believe in you.

Just by your face, the ladies of the two empires will speak for you!Maybe, you Tianya Five Heavenly Kings will go on an envoy to the two empires together, and it will be settled directly. "

"Deputy sect master, don't tease me either! I have no reputation in the Heaven Dou Empire." Wu Shiming smiled wryly.

"It's not bad that you have changed your status as the sect master so quickly. However, when you said that you Tianya Five Heavenly Kings are not well-known in the Tiandou Empire!

The records of your Tianya Five Heavenly Kings are sold like crazy in Tiandou Empire, and your poster is even a treasure that girls in Tiandou Empire are fighting for. " Zang Xin laughed.

After saying this, Zang Xin cupped his fists and bowed to Wu Shiming, saying, "My subordinate Zang Xin, the deputy head of Douluo Hall, pays his respects to the head of Tang Sect."

The three of Wu Shiming stood up, and Wu Shiming raised Zang Xin's hands with his right hand, and said with a smile, "The deputy sect master quickly stood up."

Zang Xin laughed and scolded, "Boy, I've been standing all the time! If people who don't know hear this, they will think I knelt down for you!"


When Wu Shiming became the head of the Tang Sect, it was natural that he would have to show some prestige before leaving, so he went to the cafeteria, accompanied by Zang Xin.

At the same time Wu Shiming accepted his disciple's respectful salute, his soul guide communicator rang, and he said quickly, "There is no need to be too polite." After everyone saluted, he walked to the corner and connected the communicator, "Zhengyu , what's the matter!"

"I'm coming to Heaven Dou City! There will be an auction here soon, I'm going, are you coming?" Lezheng Yu laughed.

"Okay, remember to wait for me at the door." Wu Shiming said with a smile.

"it is good."

Wu Shiming brought Tang Wulin and Tong Yu to the auction in Tiandou City.

(End of this chapter)

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