The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 446 Heading to Sky Sea City

Chapter 446 Heading to Sky Sea City

Back at Shrek Academy, Wu Shiming and Tang Wulin tried their best to forge three-word combat armors for everyone. Many people needed to forge three-word combat armors and make them, so they stayed in Shrek Academy for three full months.

Wu Shiming and the others all got on the soul guide train to Tianhai City. When they got off the train, Wu Shiming and the others looked at Tang Wulin in surprise.

"Soul Train Killer didn't show his power twice in a row!"

Everyone came out of disguise, a group of handsome men and beautiful women came out, it was too eye-catching, Sima Jinchi, A Ruheng and Xu Lizhi's original appearances were also outstanding.

One is a tough uncle, one is tall and bald, and the other is a chubby fat man, it's hard not to attract attention.

In order not to attract attention, and it happened to be the start season of the academy, they put on the uniforms of Tianhai Academy.

After layers of inspections, he finally walked out of the soul guide train station.

Wu Shiming was going to persuade the Dou Ling Empire to cooperate with the Star Luo Empire. Compared with the Star Luo Empire, the Dou Ling Empire was weaker and needed more support from the Tang Sect.It would be more appropriate to go to Dou Ling Empire first.

"Hello. Which department are you from?" Wu Shiming was leading his companions outside when suddenly a crisp voice sounded.A figure also blocked his way.

Everyone stopped, and when Wu Shiming turned around, he saw a smiling face.It was a girl who looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing the same Tianhai Academy uniform as them.The girl is very beautiful, with big eyes and curved eyebrows, she looks full of youthful vigor.

Although Wu Shiming put on makeup, he only changed his outline a bit, and his appearance became much colder, but he was still a handsome, cold and handsome young man, and his extravagance still attracted many people's attention Eye attention.

The eyes of Wu Shiming and the others became a little strange. The uniforms of Tianhai College were only used by them to hide their identities.Unexpectedly, he actually ran into a student of Tianhai Academy here.

"We don't know the way." Wu Shiming's voice was cold, his expression was indifferent, and he seemed to reject people thousands of miles away.Put on a look of ignoring me and annoyed.The main reason is that I don't want to get entangled with this girl.

It also fits his cool boy image very well.

Seeing his cool look, the girl blinked, "Senior, don't be so cold! Please, I'm a freshman, I hope you can take me to the academy."

"Sorry, I don't have time, you can figure out a way for yourself." After saying this, Wu Shiming turned around and left.The others naturally followed behind him and filed past.

The girl stood there, pursed her red lips, stomped her feet, and said, "Who is this! Am I so unpopular? But, his cold look is really cool! Anyway, he From the Soul Master Academy, we will see you sooner or later, hum."

At this time, Xie Xie came over and said in a low voice, "Brother, for some reason, Tianhai City has suddenly strengthened the inspection, especially for various transportation hubs, the security inspection has been greatly enhanced. A new soul power detection device has been added. All soul masters whose cultivation level exceeds the third ring must go through a detailed identity check."

Wu Shiming frowned slightly, there were very few soul masters who could avoid such things as the soul power detection device, even Title Douluo could hardly avoid it.

Wu Shiming suddenly thought of the little beauty just now, so he turned and walked over.

The girl from Tianhai Academy was stomping on the spot, ready to go out, but suddenly saw Wu Shiming who turned around.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the academy." Wu Shiming came to her and said calmly.

Looking at his cold and handsome appearance, the girl couldn't help but blushed a little, and her heart beat uncontrollably.

"Ah, senior, my name is Lina. What's your name?"

Lina naturally bent Wu Shiming's left arm and said with a smile.

"My name is Long Cangmin." With a helpless look on Wu Shiming's face, he said with some embarrassment, "Then let's go. Bring your ID card. The security check in Tianhai City is very strict these days, and strict inspection is required. Proof of identity, especially for us soul masters."

"Bring it, bring it." Lina quickly took out the ID card from her bag, "The academy sent me the school uniform, admission procedures, and ID card. It also reminded me that the security check at Tianhai City is now Strict, you have to bring everything. So I was ready. But I was a little scared when I went out alone for the first time. Fortunately, you are willing to help me, senior. You are so kind."

Wu Shiming shrugged his shoulders, grinned, and said, "Let's go!" The two seemed to be walking as a couple, passing by everyone, and made a gesture of following with their right hands.

There was a mecha squadron patrolling near the train station, and there were more than thirty federal soldiers at the exit.On the side of the soul power detector, there is a mecha and ten soldiers. Once suspicious personnel are found, they will immediately conduct interrogation and verify their identities.

(End of this chapter)

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