The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 448 Relationships

Chapter 448 Relationships
At this moment, layers of huge waves were set off in the sea like a tsunami, and the core in the distance could be clearly seen. In the middle of the sea, amidst the violent roar, terrifying energy fluctuations continued to explode in the air.

There are countless fragments in the air that are breaking again in the faintly visible dark purple light, and there is a huge vortex with a diameter of more than a kilometer in the sea, and the dark purple light is faintly visible.

"A black-class battleship docked in the harbor was directly bombarded into pieces by the ninth-level custom-installed soul guide shells. In the distance, two purple-class frigates were overturned by huge waves. Fortunately, the battleships docked are not counted. too dense.

However, someone actually attacked the federal fleet, and they still attacked with nine-level custom-installed soul guide shells. "Xu Xiaoyan said in shock.

Time, the sea water rushes, like the doomsday, hitting the coast, and a strong energy storm bursts out in the middle of the sea.In sight, everything is like the end of the world, roaring waves, terrifying energy storm.

Xu Xiaoyan felt a burst of fear, but she was in a strong embrace right now.

Wu Shiming hugged Xu Xiaoyan tightly and walked away from here.

On the surface of the sea, under the impact of the waves, among the swaying battleships, all the battleships propped up their protective shields, and for a while, the protective shields were dazzling.

Wu Shiming saw many mechas coming, he should have come to check on himself and others, so he quickly shouted, "Run." Hugging Xu Xiaoyan, he released Thor's wings, and the six wings stretched out and flew out .

Xu Lizhi carried Liu Yuxin on his back, Tang Wulin hugged Xu Yuhao, and quickly fled here.

Having a good relationship, was disturbed, and had to escape from here.

Not long after returning to the ship, Zang Xin also came, and brought back a piece of news that made everyone think deeply. According to the current military investigation, it was the secret troops from the Star Luo Empire that launched the attack.

But it is also possible that it was directed and acted by the Federation itself, and it was an excuse for the Federation to launch a war against Xingluo.

Wu Shiming still remembers that in order to compete for Portugal's colonies in East Asia, the United States first blew up an American warship and framed it for Portugal. Colonial territories.

Zang Xin said in a deep voice: "At present, the effective information I have obtained is that the battleship was undergoing maintenance at that time, and there were only basic maintenance personnel on the battleship. Therefore, the loss of personnel was relatively small, and more than 200 people died in battle."

Tang Wulin guessed, "Could it be that the military directed and performed it themselves?"

Then Wu Shiming shook his head, "Probably not. The price is too high. This black-class battleship is indeed controlled by the Eagle Faction. The high cost of a battleship is definitely not something that the Eagle Faction is willing to bear. Therefore, the attacker There must be someone else, and the only one who can launch an attack with the ninth-level fixed-installed soul guide shells is the evil soul master of the Holy Spirit Sect."

"Evil soul master, evil soul master, evil soul master." Wu Shiming repeated three sentences in a row, "Could it be that woman pretending to be tender?"

"Is that the guy you said is super strong?" Xu Xiaoyan asked.

"That's right, once it explodes, the military will definitely test the soul power everywhere, so the other party is likely to be a high-level soul master and can escape the test.

Before that, the woman hid in the past, and it was very likely that she was that guy! "Wu Shiming's tone was a little uncertain at first, but his tone became more and more certain.

Tang Wulin thought for a while and said, "Let's wait and see what happens. If this matter is deliberately causing conflicts and making the war start as soon as possible, then there must be someone behind to fuel the flames.

For a moment, the basement fell into silence.

Yuan En Ye Hui asked, "Your Majesty, will this matter affect our going to the Dou Ling Empire?"

Zang Xin nodded, "It will definitely be affected. The sea area is completely blocked. Although our ship can go out to sea if it wants to, the possibility of being discovered is greatly increased. I'm afraid we will have to wait."

Suddenly, Zang Xin saw Wu Shiming, remembered Wu Shiming's identity, and said with a smile, "Master, you don't know yet! It is your grandma named Chen Yihan, and Chen Yihan is the aunt of Chen Xinjie, the chief conductor who sits here.

Chen Xinjie was also raised by your grandfather, maybe you can explain your relationship clearly, maybe you can go away! "

"Wait, if you want to talk about the relationship, go to Xue Er!" Wu Shiming suddenly remembered and said.

"Once, when I was chatting with all the blood gods, Xue Er told me in an unfathomable way that he was related to me. He said he was Chen Xinjie's younger brother." Wu Shiming laughed and said, "Now, I Got it, let Xue Er ask Chen Xingjie for a favor!"

Zang Xin asked suspiciously, "Chen Xinjie has a younger brother?"

Wu Shiming nodded and said, "Yes, I'll call him."

"Hello? Is it Blood Two?" Wu Shiming asked.

"It's the head of the Tang Sect!" Xue Er teased. "What's the matter! Sect Master?"

Wu Shiming smiled and said, "We were going to the Dou Ling Continent, but we ran into some trouble with your brother, please go and ask for mercy!"

Blood Two is silent!

"Blood Two, this is about the survival of mankind!" Wu Shiming urged.

"Okay! I will definitely help you solve this matter." Blood Two affirmed.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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