The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 466 Soul Battle

Chapter 466 Soul Battle

Wu Shiming and Dai Yun'er returned to the Xingluo Tangmen headquarters, and when they came to the cafeteria, Tang Wulin found them and said with a smile, "Brother, now you are completely famous in the Xingluo Empire.

Star Luo Empire officials are preparing to print your posters for sale. "

"What's going on?" Wu Shiming asked suspiciously.

It's like this, after Dragon God Dance defeated Huang Zhengyang, she jumped out of the Shenlong Mecha, because of her extremely handsome appearance and strong strength, she was only in her 20s.For a moment, Wu Shiming quickly created a whirlwind in the girl world.

Later, Long Shenwu said that he was the one from Tianya Simei, played Wu Shiming's song, and sang several songs while lip-syncing with the soul-guiding microphone.

As a result, countless topics about how perfect the master of the Tang Sect spread quickly, and some masked posters on the street about the Judgment of the Five Gods with Wu Shiming's photo were quickly torn off.

The official is going to make a poster of Mai Wu Shi Ming's faceless photos, and sell Wu Shi Ming's poster.

It is believed that among the interviewees received by Tangmen, the proportion of women will increase rapidly.

"Dragon God Wu really likes to show off." Wu Shiming shook his head, quite speechless.

the next day.

When the vehicle carrying Wu Shiming was moving towards the gymnasium, the flow of people on the street became significantly larger, especially when their vehicle appeared, many people immediately surrounded it, as if they wanted to take a closer look , Look at his true face as the head of the Tang Sect.

Among them, the number of women is obviously in the majority, and there are some holding banners with his name on them.

Wu Shiming also saw some strange banners, such as: The Tang Sect belongs to Xingluo, and the head of the Tang Sect stays behind.

Wu Shiming didn't know why he suddenly remembered the phrase "The whole world belongs to the Republic of Korea."

Gymnasium, rostrum, "Teacher, what do you think Wu Shiming's chances are for today's competition?" Dai Tianling asked Enci.

He also asked the same question yesterday, and Enci's answer was [-]%, but the final winner was Wu Shiming, who really slapped this Limit Douluo on the face, embarrassing him.

Enci smiled indifferently, "Today? In my opinion, he only has a [-]% chance at most. His opponent's soul strength is really not weak."

If Wu Shiming heard it, he would release the Dihantian Soul Sword and say, "Old Taoist, look at the sword."

Wu Shiming also came to the audience and was about to play.

"The battle of the five gods, the second battle, the battle of souls. Next, I will briefly introduce the rules of the battle of souls."

"The rules of the battle of souls are as follows. The soul masters of the two sides only fight with the souls released by themselves. They can boost the souls to a certain extent, but they cannot directly participate in the battle. In the battle, you can only use boosting skills, but you cannot use any attack and defense skills to assist the souls in the battle. All souls on one side lose, and the game is over."

"The Tang Sect sect master Wu Shiming is fighting against Ge Yang, the head tower of the Star Luo Chuan Spirit Pagoda headquarters."

"At the same time, we invite our Tang Sect Master. I believe that today's duel of the five gods' battle of souls will definitely be another battle between dragons and tigers. Let us look forward to it together."

Wu Shiming and Zhang Geyang stepped onto the competition stage and watched them stand still, "Master Tang and Tower Master Zhang please prepare. After ten seconds, you can release the soul."

"Ten, nine, ..., three, two, one."

As the countdown ended, the soul rings on both sides rose.

Wu Shiming started from his feet, and eight spirit rings appeared one by one.And Zhang Geyang on the opposite side naturally has nine soul rings.

The soul rings on Wu Shiming's body can definitely be described as strange. Three black soul rings appeared one after another, then four red soul rings, and then blue soul rings.

When Zhang Geyang saw the blue soul ring appearing on his body, he was also taken aback. As the deputy tower master of the Spirit Pagoda, he didn't even know what the blue soul ring was!

What the hell is the blue soul ring?

Zhang Geyang, who was opposite Wu Shiming, had relatively normal spirit rings, five black and four red, nine spirit rings.

A burst of black light emanated from Wu Shiming's body, and Gaia came out, with red eyes, black skin, and some decorations emerging from behind, so handsome.

"Ha!" Gaia stomped his right foot on the ground, emitting a golden air wave from his body. The ground around him collapsed, and a circle of air wave appeared around him. The scarlet light in his red eyes flashed away.

What the hell is this?Never seen it!
Zhang Geyang felt that he was no longer the tower master of the Spirit Pagoda. He had studied the soul so deeply that he knew nothing about the soul.

Zhang Geyang's giant beast is about ten meters long and four meters high.The body is extremely strong, with blue hair growing all over the body, with the head of a lion, the body of a baboon, and the sharp claws of a tiger. It looks like it has the characteristics of multiple beasts at the same time.The whole body was burning with faint blue flames, and the icy eyes were staring at Gaia.

"Roar——" A roar broke out, and the giant beast jumped out at an extremely fast speed. The moment it jumped out, its body suddenly became transparent, but the faint blue flame on its body burned more and more intensely.

(End of this chapter)

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