Chapter 474

Looking up to the sky and letting out a dragon chant, Wu Shiming's eyes became extremely bright, and dots of silver light began to appear on every joint of his body. His right hand was raised above his head, and he made a false grabbing motion towards the air, as if he wanted to tear the sky apart As soon as it came down, a clear and domineering voice resounded through the audience, "Long Ouming!"

In the sky, the dome is black, in the middle of the minefield, but the ground is icy and snowy, the minefield exudes silver with some red light, and the ice and snow field exudes blue-white light, the two colors are distinct.

The blackness of the sky was torn apart, and a giant red dragon emerged, looked down at Wu Shiming, and slowly opened its mouth.

In a red film, there is an armor for the upper body, which is silver armor, with dragon shapes carved on both shoulders, and the armor on the chest is exquisitely carved. When he came in front of Wu Shiming, the film broke open, and instantly passed through Wu Shiming's body.

The frozen ground was torn apart, and the cracks gradually expanded. The blue-white dragon rushed out of the ground, came to the opposite of the red dragon, opened its mouth, and the armor of Wu Shiming's lower body appeared in a blue film.

Wearing it on Wu Shiming's body, the two giant dragons called out to each other, forming a half cloak of the same length, one red and one blue, which were integrated and connected to Wu Shiming's back.

Wu Shiming unleashed his battle armor dragon Ou Ming, wearing silver armor on his body, his black hair turned back to blue, his pupils also turned back to one blue and one red, and the dragon totems on his arms emerged, looking so handsome beyond description.

Wu Shiming waved the red and blue cloak, Long Ouming's silver armor was like a work of art carved from silver crystal, full of wonderful texture.

Such a dazzling and eye-catching battle armor is just presented in the eyes of the audience.The audience who had lost confidence in him couldn't help but see their eyes shine again.

Although the two hadn't fought yet, En Ci was already a long-established Ultimate Douluo and Four-word Battle Armor. The audience had already decided that Wu Shiming would definitely lose, but now they had some confidence that Wu Shiming would win.

What a handsome battle armor!Leaving aside the power, the appearance of the battle armor alone is enough to make people drool. Even if it is just a replica version for collection, there are probably countless people flocking to it.

Wu Shiming is going to ask Tangmen to make some ordinary armors according to the appearance of his battle armor and sell them, so he should be able to make a lot of money!
Wu Shiming's set of three-character combat armor is made of soul forging metal, soaked in the blood of dozens of ice- and thunder-attribute fairy grasses, precious materials such as Wannian Xuanbing Crystal, Nine-section Demon Thunder Iron and so on are integrated into the battle armor. The production of top mecha makers from all walks of life, together with the cultivation of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King, is of unimaginable value. Not counting the cultivation of the Ice and Fire Dragon King, and not counting labor costs, the materials used are enough to buy more than a dozen three-character armors. Doukai.

Once it is upgraded to the four-word battle armor, the ultimate power of the battle armor will be truly manifested at that time, and it will be the most powerful battle armor of time.

However, it is still unable to mobilize all the power. The three-word combat armor can have a domain, but the quality of this combat armor is so high that the current Wu Shiming has not awakened the domain attached to the three-word combat armor.

Enci felt the power contained in this battle armor, and opened his mouth in surprise. Although he didn't know how many materials were used, he saw that Wu Shiming's metals were all made of top-level soul-forging metals. It was enough to shock the audience.

Enci was ready for a quick battle, so she released her four-word combat armor, the Peerless Holy Dragon, and soon activated the domain of the four-character combat armor. White dragons flew around, and the oppression of the domain became more and more intense. strong.

Thousand dragons flying, this is the domain attached to the four-character combat armor of Holy Dragon Douluo Enci.Although it was not a real attack by thousands of giant dragons, but after his domain was materialized, every giant dragon had a real impact within the scope of the domain.

There is no doubt that the four-character combat armor is against the three-character combat armor, but Wu Shiming's three-character combat armor is not that simple, but it is still difficult to display its true power. Wu Shiming is going to take this opportunity to face the ultimate battle. Luo's pressure exerted the power of the three-character combat armor.

Qianlong Feiwu appeared under such circumstances.White dragons danced around Wu Shiming's body, and the powerful oppressive force was wave after wave.

Limit Douluo's domain is really super powerful. Wu Shiming felt the huge pressure on his body and suddenly felt frustrated. Why is Limit Douluo's power to activate the four-word combat armor so strong?
Wu Shiming stood up straight, looking at Enci from a distance, his eyes were a little dull, red and blue thick fog erupted from his body, one red and one blue dragon shrunk, hovering around Wu Shiming's left and right arms , the red dragon exuded golden light all over its body, and its powerful aura was extremely domineering.

Wu Shiming rushed out, stretched out his right fist, the blue dragon's head appeared on the fist, the dragon roared, En Ci was in a trance, stretched out a palm, and blocked Wu Shiming's punch.

The ground behind En Ci collapsed, and Dai Tianling stared straight at it. This ground was re-reinforced last night, and it couldn't be broken with a full blow by a Super Douluo who claimed not to be wearing a battle armor.

The fact was also tested by a Super Douluo, and indeed, it collapsed during the confrontation between Wu Shiming and En Ci. What's more, the ground was not directly attacked at all.

(End of this chapter)

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