The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 479 Hades Douluo Halosa

Chapter 479 Hades Douluo Halosa

At night, Dai Tianling threw a banquet in honor of civil and military officials and Wu Shiming's group.

After drinking for three rounds, just when Wu Shiming thought that today's banquet was coming to an end, Dai Yun'er, who had been sitting across from him, stood up with his eyes always on him.

In fact, Wu Shiming could feel her gaze all the time. Her eyes were hot, as if there was a real temperature burning on him, which made Wu Shiming feel an indescribable feeling. Therefore, when Dai Yuner As soon as he moved, he felt it immediately.Subconsciously cast his gaze on her.

"Second brother, I also offer you a toast, congratulations on your victory in the battle of the five gods." Dai Yun'er walked over with two glasses of wine, handed one to Wu Shiming, and took the other in her hand.

Today, she is dressed in palace attire, her long hair is combed meticulously, her slender neck is white and tender, and her dignified and beautiful appearance seems to be a different person.

Wu Shiming gave a fond smile and said, "Thank you, Yun'er."

After she drank the wine in the glass, Dai Yun'er didn't say anything more, just bowed slightly to Wu Shiming, performed a standard court etiquette, and then returned to her position gracefully.

Wu Shiming smiled slightly, and also drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Since ancient times, the love is difficult to break, and the meaning is difficult to complete.

Soon, the banquet was over.

Wu Shiming walked out of the palace gate, and the cool night breeze was blowing on his face, making him feel unspeakably comfortable.

"Wu Lin, do you want to eat Tianluofu?" Wu Shiming asked with a smile.

"Tian Luo Fu?" Tang Wulin shook his head again and again, "Tian Luo Fu, I don't like it very much."

"Okay! Xiaoyan, do you eat cones? Vanilla, strawberry, etc. ten snowball cones." Wu Shiming asked with a smile.

"No, please don't talk to me, Sister Xinglan and Sister Yehui!" Xu Xiaoyan grabbed the arms of the two of them and moved away from Wu Shiming.

Wu Shiming shook his head, raised his head and a faint smile appeared on his face, Wu Shiming looked at the starry sky, his eyes shone like stars.

"Brother, I want to drink green tea, um, Longjing green tea." Xie Xie said with a smile.

"I want to drink 'Lei Bi' and eat 'Kang Shuaifu'." Lezheng Yu laughed.

Chatting comfortably like this, Hu Jie and Tong Yu followed behind, and Long Shenwu and Sima Jinchi entered the Thor space.

There were two cars in front, and at a distance of 300 meters from them, "Boom!" A mass of red light almost instantly enveloped the car in front, and the violent explosion sound mixed with the red light ball soared into the sky.

A large number of surrounding buildings collapsed in the violent explosion, and the terrifying shock wave almost shattered the glass of all the houses within a few hundred meters.

For a moment, the roar seemed to wake up the entire city, and the piercing siren sounded.The sky turned gray at some point, reflecting red light, the gray spread and covered downwards, and all the sounds seemed to disappear under the gray cover.

The violent explosion sound could not be transmitted further. Under the gray rendering, the whole world turned gray, the ground shook, the soil rolled, and crooked figures began to emerge from the ground. Swaying away in all directions.

There were countless skeletons, zombies, and some strange creatures. Their whole bodies were covered in gray, but in less than a minute, it seemed that the bustling Star Luo City had turned into a dead zone. generally.

A man appeared, with a gray armor and cloak on his body, the armor was crystal clear, refracting a strange light, his appearance was extremely handsome and beautiful.His long black hair was scattered behind his head, but his face was snow-white without any trace of blood, which made his handsome face look a little strange.

In his right hand, he holds a slender cross sword, which is the same as the armor on his body. The cross sword itself is also gray and transparent, and there is a faint layer of gray mist looming on it. His armor has no helmet, but there is a A piece of gray crystal, that crystal is diamond-shaped, with countless facets refracting light on it, lightly slashing the gray rapier in his hand, splitting the fireball in front of him in two, Junxiu frowned slightly, and sighed softly, "Come out!" .Reborn in the underworld."

Clusters of gray flames spread out from his body in an instant, and all the strange creatures were suddenly covered with flames, and the whole gray world was filled with a strange atmosphere in an instant.

"You're still alive, Hades Douluo Ha Luosa." Smiling Douluo's deep voice sounded, blocking the attack.

Halosa said indifferently: "A junior like you deserves to mention my name?"

"Halosa, I'm an idiot." Wu Shiming couldn't help cursing when he heard Halosa's name. There are countless villages slaughtered by this animal, and more than a dozen cities have been destroyed. No exaggeration.

"Brother, who is he!" Xie Xie asked suspiciously.

"He is Hades Douluo Ha Luosa, this guy was abandoned by his parents since he was a child, he automatically awakened his martial soul at the age of six, and killed hundreds of people in the orphanage at the age of six.

After being killed by someone, he was resurrected again. Through killing, the evil soul master cultivated very quickly through evil cultivation. The 19-year-old Titled Douluo and the 25-year-old Super Douluo were defeated and fled by the then master of the Sea God Pavilion, Bei Lao.

After Limit Douluo, he came to Shrek to avenge his revenge. Long Yeyue and Senior Bei killed his body together. Sure enough, he is still fine!

I feel that if his surname is Tang, he can become a god. "Wu Shiming explained.

Everyone knew this, and looked at Hades Douluo Ha Luosa with fear on their faces, not paying attention to Wu Shiming's last words at all.

(End of this chapter)

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