The dance of dragon king legend

Chapter 50 The Auction Begins

Chapter 50 The Auction Begins

Tang Wulin looked at the price of the Millennium Dragon Scale Fruit, and his facial muscles twitched slightly.

The starting price is 200 million Federal currency, and the expected transaction price is 300 million to 500 million Federal currency.

so expensive...

I have worked hard for half a year, and I have saved more than 300 million federal coins. Such a thousand-year spiritual fruit needs 300 million to 500 million, which is really expensive!
However, after all, this was the first time he saw the spiritual object he needed at the auction.

It was different from when he was looking for the century-old ice crystal fruit and the century-old red flame fruit. At that time, he didn't fully believe in the seal, but after lifting the first seal, he made great progress. Old Tang also said, wait There will be surprises after he lifts the second seal!

He really wanted to know what this surprise was?

"Brother, do you know the young green vine, the thousand-year-old earth dragon's tendon, and something called the thousand-year-old sea dragon's marrow?" Tang Wulin asked. When he said these names, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. Have no idea what these things are?But you can tell by the name that it is expensive.

The thousand-year-old earth dragon tendon should be the main tendon on the thousand-year-old earth dragon. The other two types have consulted many classics, but they have no clue. Of course, this is because he does not need these things urgently, so he is not in a hurry to find them.

"Oh! I know that the sea dragon is a kind of deep-sea soul beast, which has been extinct on the mainland. The main function of the sea dragon marrow is to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and enhance the power of qi and blood. It is a kind of spiritual thing without side effects. The thousand-year sea dragon marrow You don't need to look far away, Donghai City is one of the main seaside cities on the mainland, there is a great possibility of this kind of spiritual thing there, as for the thousand-year-old green tendon vine, I heard about it when I was in Shrek City, it is actually A kind of plant-type soul beast, there used to be many in the Star Dou Forest, but now the Star Dou Forest has been severely damaged, it should be hard to find, if you want to find this kind of thing, go to the Shrek Academy City, there is hope." Dance Leader Ming nodded and replied. "As for the thousand-year-old dragon tendon, you should be able to find it in big cities, but it must be expensive. This kind of thing can improve the strength of the soul master's muscles and bones, and it also has no side effects, so it is priceless like the thousand-year-old sea dragon marrow. baby."

Hearing Wu Changming's words, Tang Wulin was not surprised but delighted. At least from his elder brother, he knew where he needed things when he lifted the second seal in the future, and he was most likely to find them.

Judging from the current time of lifting the seal, if Tang Wulin can lift the second seal, then he will not have to worry about his life before the age of 20. Tang Wulin is only ten years old now, and he can keep safe for ten years. There is a chance to lift the seal behind.

Of course, Wu Changming could help Tang Wulin find these things, but he didn't do that. It's too easy for a person to get what he wants, so he won't cherish it. Only by relying on himself can he walk more steadily. The cultivation of Tang Wulin's strength is also the training of his heart.

Although the items Tang Wulin mentioned are precious, they are not impossible to buy. His current talent in forging has already become a third-level blacksmith at a young age. It won't be long before he can save enough money to go to Buy these things, and in that case, let him work hard on his own.

"Dear distinguished guests, the auction will begin immediately." A gentle female voice echoed in the hall.

All the lights in the hall were then dimmed, and only the lights on the main stage at the front were still on. The auctioneer in a dark red dress came to the stage and bowed to the bidders in the audience.

How many staff members enter the aisle at any time?They are responsible for assisting the auctioneer to determine the direction and guide number of the bidder. Each of them is responsible for an area. After the auction starts, if someone raises a sign in their area to bid, they will point to that direction, making it easier for the auctioneer. See.

"First of all, on behalf of Tiandou Royal Auction, I welcome all distinguished guests. Next, please present our first lot." The female auctioneer walked to the back of a wooden gilded platform and said with a smile on her face.

A cart was pushed onto the main stage, and at the same time the huge white screen behind the main stage lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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