Chapter 510 Space
But still, a fragment of Yuanen Yehui's sword light slashed over, Wu Shiming twisted his face desperately, blinked subconsciously, and felt a sharp pain.

Wu Shiming couldn't help crying out in pain, it was the sword glow that crossed the left pupil, and the pupil and eyelid were left with blood quickly.

Wu Shiming covered his eyes with his right hand, and the wound on the eye healed, but the place where the pupil was cut turned into a dull gray, lifeless, and completely lost its agility.

Wu Shiming's mood at this time is complicated, complicated, complicated!
However, Wu Shiming decided to use a method to release these emotions.

He, Wu Shiming is about to use his real power, and it's a hearty battle!

Wu Shiming withdrew the Emperor Hantian Soul Sword, clenched his fists with both hands, the fists were pale and dripping with blood, and a fairy piano appeared in front of him.

"Destruction and creation!" Wu Shiming shouted.

A fairy zither, the left side is vibrant green, and the right side is the opposite dull purple!
"Destroy Xuanhuangqin!

The Nine Styles of the Immortal Qin——

Destroy Xuanhuang! "

Wu Shiming flicked the fairy qin with his left hand, and a majestic mountain suddenly appeared, with yellow smoke, mysterious and full of vitality.

The high mountain completely blocked Wu Shiming, and Wu Shiming could only be found by crossing the mountain.

Yuan En Ye Hui stared at the high mountain in front of her vigilantly. At this time, her magic sword was retracted into the scabbard, and the energy consumed to draw the sword was not low.

"Chop You, Cut the Soul!" Yuanen Yehui raised the magic sword with both arms, and Alba's huge phantom appeared. Every time Yuanen Yehui made a movement, Alba followed suit!
The seven circular lines on the front of the magic sword glowed with scarlet light one by one, and some phantoms could be seen in each line, which was the power formed by hundreds of demons self-destructing.

At this time, every time Yuan En Ye Hui moved, the world would tremble. The self-destruction of thousands of demons was too powerful.

The mysterious mountain was like fluff in the wind, vulnerable to a single blow, Yuan En Ye Hui was about to draw his sword, and Wu Shiming's right hand started to move.

Behind the left side of the back is the green skyline, and behind the right side is the purple skyline, reaching an eternal balance. The purple world center contains this black dot, which seems to be a small black dot, but it is actually very small.

Yuanen Yehui and Alba's phantom merged together, and a sword that was tens of meters long struck the heart of the mountain. There was nothing special about the mountain, but the mountain burst instantly. The black dot moved at an astonishingly fast speed. Even Wu Shiming could only see a black afterimage, cutting the space neatly. The black dot passed through the interior of the mountain and landed precisely in Yuanen Yehui's magic sword. The dots formed purple electricity and surrounded the magic sword. The scabbard of the magic sword was rendered by the aura of destruction. The aura of destruction completely suppressed the magic aura. Yuan En Ye Hui instantly let go of the magic sword and put down the magic sword.

Raising his hand, purple and golden blood flowed from the hideous purple wound on his palm. In the outside world, Wu Shiming slapped the Xuanhuang Qin with both hands, and the strings stopped playing!
The mountain shrank, and the entrance of the cave destroyed by Yuanen Yehui was restored, crushing Alba's phantom, and imprisoning Yuanen Yehui in the mountain.

Gao Shan quickly shrank to a square size of two meters in length. Wu Shiming took back the harp, touched the center of the square with his right hand, and a faint blue light flashed across his palm.

The next moment, Wu Shiming was in an environment where black spar stones were neatly paved on the ground, the analysis was green, the dark sky was filled with countless stars, and the sun and the moon did not exist.

Yuanen Yehui appeared on the other side, and Wu Shiming was far away from her. He said lightly, "This is my space, and it won't give you or me any boost. Let's fight it out!"

Wu Shiming's Dihantian Soul Sword entered his hand, and the sword intent was reversed, moving in all directions, Wu Shiming moved forward slowly, the tip of Dihantian Soul Sword slid on the ground, leaving blue traces, and the sound of footsteps seemed extremely depressing.

In the somewhat dark and empty space, the sound of footsteps on the black spar ground made one feel a little terrified.

Every time he took a step, Wu Shiming's aura would surge, and the battle armor began to emerge from the bottom to the top, and the battle armor covered the whole body.

The aura was like abyss like a prison, Yuan En Ye Hui, who was possessed by the demon, did not panic, his long hair danced wildly, the magic sword was in his hand, the purple light of the armor all over his body was slightly bright, and the surroundings were covered with blood purple water mist.

Wu Shiming said, "My domain is really effective!" When he was in the Demon Realm, his domain was completely useless, and it was completely useless.

At this time, what Yuan En Ye Hui was facing was the real power of ice and snow, the power of absolute zero, the real power of Di Han Tian Soul Sword.

"Demon Realm! It's not just you who have domain!" Behind Yuan En Ye Hui, the demon roared, and the pale black-red cloud formed a pair of demon's scarlet eyes.

In the outside world, under Alba's unbelievable gaze, the Demon Realm was blocked in less than an hour before being smashed to pieces. After realizing that the Titans, Giant Apes and the others were ready, and all kinds of equipment were ready, Wu Shiming lifted the Four Saints. seal.

Demons from outside poured out overwhelmingly, but what awaited them would be endless soul guide bombs and the ruthless massacre of several Limit Douluo!

Soon, Alba and Er Ming started a fierce battle.


Erming's fist collided with the demon king Alba's dark magic sword again. The strong magic flames scattered and boiled, and the surrounding space twisted violently. Alba's huge body trembled suddenly. The shock wave from the Titan fist It made him tremble all over.

Er Ming didn't feel well either. The dark energy attached to the Dark Demon Sword was extremely strong, full of corrosiveness and penetration, causing a series of dark auras to erupt from his body.

The two sides separated temporarily, and the flame wings behind Alba suddenly opened, and a door of flame was transformed into a door of flame behind him, and the huge body quickly merged into the door of flame.

Wu Shiming looked at Yuan En Ye Hui in front of him. Yuan En Ye Hui's complexion suddenly turned pale, and his breath suddenly became much weaker.

Wu Shiming asked suspiciously, "Ka Yenuo, what's the situation?"

"This is because she has absorbed the temporary strength of Alba's blood essence, and her physical fitness can last up to an hour, so now she has no strength." Kaye Nuo explained.

(End of this chapter)

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