Chapter 584 Soul List
"Uh, my lord, well, can I say that I'm not a villain?" The little devil said weakly.

"I said you are, you are! I think you are very smart, follow me for a while, what's your name?" Wu Shiming said. "Also, tell me where you came from and where you are going? Tell me your purpose!"

"Uh! My name is Hundan, and I am going to the capital of King Alba from the King of Mantra.

Purpose, this, this..." Hun Dan hesitated.

"What shameless purpose is there? Tell me quickly, or I won't be polite!" Wu Shiming frowned and slapped him.

Soon, Hu Dan, whose face was swollen into half a pig's head, was about to cry. He touched his own face, and the swelling seemed to not go away for a while, and he felt like crying.

I'm not handsome anymore, I'm more handsome than my face!Hun Shan tried to stare at Wu Shiming, the clown, with his eyes.

"You are really wise and powerful. You have discerning eyes and know the bead. You are like the wind. When you appear, you are domineering. As soon as I see you, I wish to surrender. I admire you very much. I really feel angry!" ground, said fearfully.

"Heh! Feeling upset, you are quite courageous!" Wu Shiming laughed.

"My heart is not angry, haha! Lord Mojun, I use this word very well! I haven't read a book, but it's because I saw you that I can speak eloquently. My literary talent is comparable to that of a great writer!" Hun Dan didn't know that he was wrong. Then, he pretended to be complacent and smiled.

"Quickly tell me your purpose. I'm going to the King's Capital of Alba. If it's interesting, maybe I can help you!" Wu Shiming laughed.

"This, this, okay! My woman was arrested by the high-level officials of the Alba Demon Cult, and I want to save my woman!" Soul Dan said truthfully, the flying demons mainly inhabit the Kingdom of Alba, and most of the flying demons live in the kingdom of Alba. The demon king is in the Alba Kingdom, maybe he is the high-ranking leader of the Alba Demon Cult. If he accidentally leaks his words, he will be finished, but now the situation is stronger than others, and there is still a chance of survival!
"Alba Demon Sect?" Wu Shiming closed his eyes slightly, and thought for a while, the organization established by Alba Demon Lord has many masters.

"There are quite a few masters in the Devil's Cult, and at least the top ones are far from something you can fight against. You're here to deliver food!" Wu Shiming said.

"Master Demon Monarch, you probably don't know! In fact, this is the Demon Cult! It's all fucking undercover agents. It is said to be the organization of Alba Demon Lord, but it is actually a meeting place for undercover agents of all major forces to cultivate their undercover strength.

The leader of Albapi, he died, and later a beautiful woman named Yuanen Yehui succeeded the position of leader, but it is still a mess! "Huandan complained, "I have an elder brother, who is still a middle-level cadre, and he came to cooperate with me from the inside out to save my woman. "

"I'm afraid your nickname is not Ke Bei! Detective Ke Bei?" Wu Shiming said a little speechlessly.

"Ke Bei? I don't know him. I'm a big man when I'm young. I don't want to change my name or surname. I'm called Hun Dan!" Hun Dan pretended to be righteous.

"I've said it all, we're all about keeping the world from being destroyed, holding on to the sin of love and truth, the most charismatic, charming villain ever.

Don't put on airs in front of me!let's go!I'll take you there once to help you get out. Along the way, you can just chat with this devil to relieve boredom! "Wu Shiming said.

"Okay!" Hun Dan said with a dry laugh.

Along the way, when bored, Wu Shiming chatted with Hun Dan, and Hun Dan asked, "Little one, may I ask your name?"

"Flying Demon Emperor Kunman, have you heard of it?" Wu Shiming asked.

"Flying Demon Emperor Kunman! My idol, I have always admired you since I was a child. I always heard my mother talk about you, and she has always admired and yearned for you. I finally saw your old man today. It's gone!"

Wu Shiming secretly gave him a thumbs up, his skin is so thick!

Wu Shiming asked indifferently: "How did your mother tell you about me?"

Hun Dan said seriously: "She said that you are wise and martial, with extraordinary manners. When I saw you today, you are indeed extraordinary!"

Wu Shiming caressed the appearance of the current Flying Demon Lord, the sparse purple hair on the top of his head, touched his one eye, stroked the big yellow teeth exposed crookedly with his fingers, and rubbed his scaly face. It's horrible.

How should I put it, although this person is a bit shameless, when he speaks, he is quite to the point!

Along the way, this Hudan chattered constantly, which was quite relieved. They drove all night, and after walking for six days and six nights, they finally arrived at the King City of Alba.

After covering up, Wu Shiming and Hun Dan entered a hotel for dinner, while inquiring about major events in Alba King City, such as rectifying the dispute over the leader of the Alba Demon Cult. The purpose is obvious, that is Yuanen Yehui, a great beauty who turned out to be born out of nowhere Want to establish the position of leader.

The noodles in Wu Shiming's mouth suddenly smell fragrant, Yuanen Yehui, I'm here to find you, I hope you, who haven't seen you here for half a year, can surprise me!
"Big kinky, I know you are very interested, but I feel that my woman is still imprisoned in the Demon Cult. During the competition, the back must be empty. Let's save her!" Hun Dan said with difficulty, He was afraid that he would disobey Wu Shiming and be killed by Wu Shiming.

"Well! Let's do this! I'll send my men to help you, plus your internal support, to help you save your woman. It should be no problem." Wu Shiming pondered.

"Subordinate? Excuse me, my lord, what is the strength of your subordinate?" Hun Dan asked.

"Its name is Bad Bad Rabbit, after my training, if you seize the opportunity, even Contra can be defeated by it!
Remember the key points, seize the opportunity, it can release its power! "Wu Shiming said, he still wants to watch Yuanen Yehui's battle! If there is a change and Yuanen Yehui encounters an accident, he will regret it to death!"
(End of this chapter)

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