Chapter 73 What Wuchangkong Said
The seven players representing the Tianhai Alliance had all lay down on the stage, while those representing the Shrek Academy still maintained their original formation, with the youngest Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan at the back of the team.Ye Xinglan seemed to have never made a move from the beginning to the end.And Xu Lizhi seemed to be stuffing something into his mouth, it seemed to be the dried fish that Tang Wulin had given him earlier.

The audience was silent, and for a while, the stadium with a capacity of 8 people was completely silent.

The young man who represented the leader of Shrek Academy bowed slightly to pay tribute, and then led his team members to turn around and leave the stage.

Fighting across ages, failed to persist for 1 minute?It was almost like a massacre.Even the players of the Tianhai Alliance didn't show their abilities at all.

Shrek Academy's attack was really too fast, and it was like a violent storm. That instant eruption was like a giant dragon suddenly awakened on the competition stage, devouring the opponent in an extremely short period of time.

"Gudu!" A voice of swallowing saliva came from beside him.

Tang Wulin turned his head and saw Xie Xie's eyes widened. "Is this the strength of Shrek Academy? Are they really human?"

Tang Wulin sighed softly, "It looks like it is. Moreover, it seems that they don't have much more soul rings than us, but their cooperation and explosive power are really terrifying. No wonder Teacher Wu has been They all emphasized our cooperation. Their strength is too strong."

"Their cooperation seems to be nothing, but it seems to have a superimposed effect. Otherwise, no matter how strong the leader is, it is impossible to defeat the seven opponents with one person's explosion. There must be some secret in it. It seems that they not only have souls, but also pure soul rings. That is to say, they are obtained from hunting soul beasts. They even have soul bones." Xu Xiaoyan's rare expression appeared a little dignified.With family background, she and Xie Xie are at least better than Tang Wulin at this stage in terms of knowledge.

"That's all." Gu Yue said lightly, Tang Wulin looked at her in surprise, and what he saw was the pride in her eyes.

Is that all?So what is strong?

"When we reach their age, we will definitely be stronger than them." Gu Yue seemed to be narrating something that was bound to happen.

"Hehe, being better than them is nothing special." Wu Changming said with a smile.

"Chang Ming is right, being better than them is nothing special." The cold voice sounded and attracted the attention of the four of them at the same time. At some point, Wu Changkong had come to them.

"Those just now are just students from the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy." Wu Changkong said coldly.

Outer courtyard?

Everyone in the world knows that Shrek Academy is divided into an outer court and an inner court, and the inner court is the real elite of Shrek.Were these outstanding teenagers just now only from the outer courtyard?

This time, even Gu Yue showed shock in his eyes.

Wuchangkong said indifferently: "The outstanding students from the outer court need to be further investigated whether they can enter the inner court. The entry threshold for Shrek Academy's inner court is 16 years old, and they have not yet reached the age. So they must not be the inner court. The most worthy of your attention are those two young team members. To be able to represent Shrek Academy at this age, their talents must be extraordinary, even the internal court disciples who have been appointed by default. It will also be..."

Having said that, he paused, "Your strongest competitor in the future."

When Wuchangkong said this, Tang Wulin and the others were shocked. The strongest competitor?What does it mean?
"Mr. Wu, why do we compete with them?" Xu Xiaoyan asked in surprise.

Wuchangkong glanced at her and said, "Because, my goal in training you is to hope that one day you can enter the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy and fulfill my unfulfilled wish."

Tang Wulin said: "Teacher Wu, didn't you enter the inner courtyard?"

There was a trace of bitterness at the corner of Wuchangkong's mouth, "I went in before, but I didn't graduate."

Dragon Ice?This name suddenly appeared in Tang Wulin's mind. Was Teacher Wu unable to graduate from the inner courtyard because of this deceased person?

(End of this chapter)

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