The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 101 The Arrival of Ling Feng

Chapter 101 The Arrival of Ling Feng (2)
The slightly callused big hand caressed her small face, from the tip of the brow to the lips, inch by inch, slowly across her delicate skin, the snow-like face, so quiet at this moment, he still remembered, A moment ago, she was teasing him mischievously, why is she so quiet now?
Xiao Tianzhan's heart was very chaotic and irritable, as if there was an invisible hand, deeply grasping his heart, and lifting it up high, that unsteady feeling made him collapse.Xiang'er, wake up soon, okay?

"Lord, miss Ling Feng, please see me." Wuying whispered, and unconsciously glanced at Hong Zhuxiang. The wife is still sleeping, and there should be nothing wrong.

"I don't see you." Xiao Tianzhan didn't even think about it, he only had eyes for the woman in front of him, he only hoped that his Xiang'er would wake up soon, and he didn't want to hear anything else.

Seeing that his master didn't listen at all, Wuying had no choice but to explain again: "The host is Miss Ling Feng from Maple Leaf Valley."

Xiao Tianzhan glanced at Wuying coldly, that gaze was almost three points sharper than the sword's edge, Wuying was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, trembling all over, and went out the door tremblingly.

How long has it been since the landlord got so angry?Ma'am, you'd better wake up quickly, Wuying still thinks you are more gentle now.

"Brother Wuying, can you please explain clearly? Say that I am Ling Feng from Maple Leaf Valley." Ling Feng's pitiful appearance made even a heartless person like Wuying feel pity.Wuying sighed, is it true that he has been out for too long and has suffered from the shortcomings of human nature?
Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of Qin Mingyue, what happened to that woman?Although she often bullied him in the name of his wife, he still missed her inexplicably at this time. Since his wife and Mingyue appeared, he seemed to be no longer so cold-blooded and ruthless.

"Brother Wuying, did you hear that?" Ling Feng's soft voice sounded again.

"Miss Ling Feng, I've already made it very clear to the host. If the host said no, you should wait." Wu Ying has already said it very euphemistically. Now the host only has his wife in his eyes, how can he listen to other people's words?

"Brother Wuying, this is impossible? Why did Brother Tianzhan not see me? You must have not made it clear, please help me explain it to Brother Tianzhan, please?" Tears are about to fall.

Seeing the woman's appearance, Wuying also began to feel irritable. His wife has not woken up yet, and the landlord is in a bad mood. He has already made it very clear just now that the landlord has no intention of seeing this woman, but why is this woman? Don't believe it?It's really uncomfortable to keep barking at Brother Tianzhan one after another. Did she call the landlord's name casually?If it wasn't for her grandfather's sake, he would have thrown her out a long time ago.Women are really the most troublesome, and they are getting more and more energetic. Thinking of this, Wu Ying also turned cold and ignored the woman in front of him.

Just at this time, Xiao Tianzhan's words came from the room: "Wu Ying, go and pour some hot water for washing your face, and get an unused handkerchief."

"Yes, the landlord." Wuying received the order, as if amnesty, and hurried to fetch hot water.

Ling Feng was overjoyed, it was brother Tian Zhan's voice, the voice she thought about day and night.This time, as soon as she heard that something happened in Wuyue Tower, she knew that he would definitely come back. Now hearing his voice, she felt even happier.

"Brother Tianzhan, I'm Ling Feng." Seeing Wuying leaving, Ling Feng immediately walked into the house, but unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door, two dark guards descended from the sky and blocked him like two door gods. in front of her.

Ling Feng originally wanted to make a move, but since they were all under Brother Tianzhan, he didn't want to leave a bad impression on him, so he had to hold back.Just wait until one day she becomes their landlord's wife, and then she will take care of them.

Wuying brought hot water and opened the door to go in, but a yellow shadow was faster than him, and Ling Feng entered the room first when he opened the door.She felt that Brother Tianzhan must not know it was her, otherwise how could he not see her?They have lived in the same place for more than two years. Although it was ten years ago, Brother Tianzhan left Maple Leaf Valley later, but he still takes time to visit his grandfather every year, and they can still meet each other.

"Where's the hot water?" Xiao Tianzhan asked indifferently.

Wuying quickly came back to his senses, brought the hot water over, his hands were trembling.He was terrified, he didn't expect this woman to know martial arts, so he let her slip in without paying attention.

Without raising his head, Xiao Tianzhan picked up the handkerchief beside the basin and washed it, then wrung it dry, and gently wiped the woman's little hand, like caressing, the whole process was extremely gentle.

Ling Feng's eyes widened in shock. She didn't expect that there was a woman lying in Brother Tian Zhan's room. It seemed that the woman was in a coma, and something bad must have happened.However, Brother Tianzhan was actually wiping her hands, why?Why can this woman who has never seen before be taken care of by Brother Tianzhan?

Is it because of this woman that brother Tianzhan didn't see him?But, the point is, this woman is too beautiful, right?The strong jealousy of being a woman soared in an instant, and she endured and endured, not ruining her beautiful image in front of Brother Tian Zhan.

"Brother Tianzhan." Ling Feng called out weakly.

"Wait for me in the main hall." Xiao Tianzhan said calmly.

Ling Feng was overjoyed, it turned out that Brother Tian Zhan knew it was her!But why didn't he see her just now?In fact, just now Xiao Tianzhan was a little annoyed because of the matter of Hong Zhuxiang, but after thinking about it later, it is better to meet him, after all, Ling Feng's grandfather once taught him the art of war and even saved him.

"Miss Ling Feng, let's go." Wu Ying dragged him out of the room.Ling Feng was very upset, a small subordinate dared to be so rude to her, she had to deal with him properly in the future.

After about half an hour, Xiao Tianzhan finally appeared in the main hall. He was dressed in white, handsome, and his handsome face was even more beautiful than the gods in the sky.Xiao Tianzhan glanced at where Ling Feng was, with a calm expression, and went straight to sit on the first seat.

"What's your business?" Xiao Tianzhan cut to the chase.

"I miss you, so I wanted to come and see you." As soon as Ling Feng finished speaking, her whole face burned up and turned red. In addition, she was wearing a goose yellow emerald smoked sweater with a tight waist. With the beam tied, the Yaorao's figure is perfectly presented, making it even more lovely and pitiful.Especially those big sparkling eyes seem to be able to ignite the flame of desire in an instant.

Unfortunately, Xiao Tianzhan didn't even look at it, and frowned deeply. His gloomy face showed that he was very unhappy, and his amber eyes were full of coldness.

"If you have nothing to do, I have other things to do." A voice without any warmth.

"Brother Tianzhan, grandpa's [-]th birthday, I hope you go to Maple Leaf Valley to celebrate his old man's birthday." Seeing that Xiao Tianzhan was about to get up and leave, Ling Feng spoke quickly.In fact, grandpa didn't ask her to invite Xiao Tianzhan, but if she could bring brother Tianzhan back to Maple Leaf Valley to celebrate his birthday, grandpa would be very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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