The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 111 Absolute tolerance

Chapter 111 Absolute tolerance (2)
"Xiang'er, are you okay?" Xiao Tianzhan turned a deaf ear to Ling Feng's words, Huihun had already told him what had happened on the way here, so he naturally knew why Xiang'er grabbed Ling Feng's throat.

Hong Zhuxiang turned to look at the man, smiled and said, "Ah Zhan, I'm fine! I want to kill this woman!"

Xiao Tianzhan felt relieved when he saw that Hong Zhuxiang was fine, and said dotingly: "Xiang'er doesn't like it, just kill it!"

Hong Zhuxiang's hands exerted force, and she really had the intent to kill, but as soon as she exerted force, a numb feeling came from her wrist again, this woman actually stabbed her with a silver needle, and the silver needle was obviously poisonous!
Ling Feng didn't expect Xiao Tianzhan to be so unfeeling, she thought that when he saw Hong Zhuxiang hurt her, he would rescue her, and then everything would come naturally.

However, she never expected that Xiao Tianzhan's love for Hong Zhuxiang had reached the point of complete tolerance, even if she killed someone casually, he would be willing to take care of her aftermath.She is not reconciled, really reconciled, but the top priority, what she has to do is to get away from this woman quickly, otherwise, it will be too late when the red bamboo fragrance is poisoned.

Ling Feng added medicine to delay the onset of poison on the silver needle last time, but this time he did not add it. The toxin on Hong Zhuxiang's body will take effect soon, and she will attack Xiao Tianzhan at that time. Since Xiao Tianzhan is ruthless, then she will Let them both kill each other.

Hong Zhuxiang realized that she had been poisoned, and stepped up her efforts to get rid of Ling Feng quickly. Ling Feng also used martial arts and exhausted all his strength to resist.

"Brother Tianzhan, I was ordered by my grandfather to invite you to Maple Leaf Valley. If something happens to me, it will be fine, but how will you explain to Grandpa?" Affectionate, he will never save himself, and at this moment, he can only move out of his grandfather's identity.

"I will explain clearly to Ling Lao!"

Ling Feng's heart sank, it seemed that Xiao Tianzhan didn't even buy his grandfather's account.Just when Ling Feng was in despair, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly let go of Ling Feng's throat. Although she was poisoned, she still had a trace of consciousness. Ling Feng's grandfather should have a good relationship with A Zhan. After all, Ling Feng is Ling Feng. Old granddaughter, killing is always bad, she can't add trouble to Ah Zhan for no reason.

When Ling Feng got his freedom, he immediately exited the dangerous area, panting heavily while stroking his chest, if it was any later, this woman would have to strangle her to death!Hmph, Red Bamboo Fragrance will be poisonous soon, and will treat everyone as an enemy at that time. He wants to see if this man can bear the madness of his beloved woman?

Ling Feng thought that she was clever and flawless, but unfortunately, she underestimated the trust between the two, and even underestimated Xiao Tianzhan's medical skills and strength, or in other words, she didn't know Xiao Tianzhan at all.

Under the residual consciousness, Hong Zhuxiang quickly analyzed what happened in Fenglin. She remembered that she went to check on Rui's injury, and then she couldn't remember what happened next. Ling Feng said that she killed Rui, although she also Feel weird, but it's good to be sure.

"Azhan, where is Rui?"

"Xiang'er, Murong Rui is fine! He was injured, but I have already used my true energy to protect his heart veins, and I have given him some medicine. He will recover after a period of recuperation. Don't worry." Xiao Tianzhan knew that Hong What Zhuxiang was worried about, she patiently explained.

Hearing what Xiao Tianzhan said, Hong Zhuxiang felt relieved, but something in her body was constantly attacking her nerves, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Ah Zhan, Ling Feng poisoned me just now, it must be her fault last time!"

Xiao Tianzhan was startled, hugged the woman distressedly, felt her pulse, the toxin in his body had already spread with the blood.A pair of hawk eyes were filled with anger, and the chill suddenly appeared. Xiao Tianzhan directly raised his hand, slamming his palm towards Ling Feng. Ling Feng felt a powerful force coming, and then his body was bounced away, hit a stone wall, and his bones were broken. the sound of.

"Brother Tianzhan, she slandered me. She was the one who wanted to kill me. How could you not distinguish between right and wrong and attack me so cruelly? What did I do wrong?" Ling Feng cried with tears in his eyes, but his eyes were full of tears. In addition to jealousy and hatred, the blood at the corner of his mouth looked particularly ferocious, and his chest hurt so badly that he couldn't breathe.

Xiao Tianzhan's palm directly deepened Ling Feng's hatred for Hongzhuxiang. All of this was caused by this woman. Without her, brother Tianzhan would not treat her like he is now!
Xiao Tianzhan was expressionless, and said coldly: "You know what you do yourself!"

"Brother Tianzhan, trust me. I didn't do anything. I watched you all go out, so I followed you out secretly. I was afraid that you might need help with something. Later, I found out that sister Xiang'er came from Fenglin. I ran out, I wanted to see how she was doing, if she was injured? But I didn't expect that she would kill me!" Ling Feng cried like pear blossoms with rain, with a very pitiful look.

Huihun hides in the dark, really wants to go straight up and slap this woman, but she will tell nonsense with her eyes open, Zhuihun pulls Huihun back, and tells her to pay attention to her identity and not to be impulsive.

"That's enough. If it wasn't for Ling Lao's sake, you would have died long ago! Chasing the soul, tied her up, and sent someone back to Maple Leaf Valley, and said that I, Xiao Tianzhan, did it. I will give Ling an explanation!" Since Xiang'er let go of Ling Feng, he must not want to cause trouble for him, although he doesn't care about these things, but he can't ruin Xiang'er's heart.

"Yes, my lord!"

Ling Feng was startled, Xiao Tianzhan is the prince?Which country's prince is he? "Brother Tianzhan, you can't treat me like this. Anyway, we have known each other for so long, you can't be so ruthless!" Ling Feng struggled desperately, trying to impress Xiao Tianzhan with his previous friendship.Unfortunately, Xiao Tianzhan was unmoved, Chasing Soul came out from the dark place, knocked Ling Feng unconscious with a palm, then called the hidden guards from the dark place, tied up Ling Feng and carried Ling Feng away.

"Ah Zhan, tap my acupoints." Hong Zhuxiang said to Xiao Tianzhan before the last bit of consciousness lost.

Xiao Tianzhan felt a pain in his heart. Xiang'er's current situation is not suitable for acupuncture. Doing so may lead to stagnation of qi and blood and blockage of blood vessels. This kind of poison needs to be vented and released, and it will be automatically relieved after an hour.What's more, Xiang'er's body hasn't recovered yet, and there is no benefit in tapping the acupuncture points.

Xiao Tianzhan did not follow Hong Zhuxiang's method, but let her go, made her crazy, and made her toss.Hong Zhuxiang was completely unconscious at this moment, looking at the man in front of her, she felt that this man had malicious intentions, so she quickly waved her hand.

Xiao Tianzhan looked at the woman tenderly, and transformed and dispersed her power. The woman seemed to be irritated, and accelerated her attack, but in the end, all the power was pinched by the man in the palm of his hand, melting into a little bit of love.

Wuying rushed over after dealing with Murong Rui's affairs, and when he approached, he saw such a beautiful picture: the landlord of his house catered to his wife, the two advanced and retreated, as if they were competing in martial arts, the lady looked calm, Constantly attacking, the body seems to have inexhaustible strength, the host is smiling, with soft eyes, looking at his wife affectionately.

(End of this chapter)

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