The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 117 Retaliation, Feng Wuhen's fate

Chapter 117 Retaliation, Feng Wuhen's fate (1)
"Xiang'er, I will always be by your side!" Xiao Tianzhan knew that the dark pavilion was the biggest obstacle in Xiang'er's heart, and she had to cross this hurdle in person to completely get rid of those dark memories.Xiang'er will always be the proud snow lotus on the iceberg. Her heart is stronger and more determined than a man.

The entrance of the dark pavilion is a chain bridge on the cliff. It is the same as ten years ago, and has not changed in any way. However, the various organs inside change every year.There have been many people who tried to break into the dark pavilion in vain, but in the end either fell into the abyss under the iron chain, or were caught and tortured to death.

Feng Wuhen stood on the side of the chain bridge, and his voice was evil and teasing: "My good disciple, don't you miss Master and can't wait to come back to see Master?"

"Yeah, come back and take your old man to see the Lord Buddha!" ​​Hong Zhuxiang smiled charmingly, and the sword edge swept across the sky, unsheathed impressively, and forced towards Feng Wuhen with a strong momentum.In the seven years since Hong Zhuxiang left the dark pavilion, every day and every night, the sword moves of the dark pavilion appeared over and over again in her mind. Now her internal strength has doubled, and she just uses Feng Wuhen to practice her hands.

Today, she will make Feng Wuhen pay a heavy price for what he has done in the past few decades!Moreover, she wanted Feng Wuhen to be defeated by his proud Dark Pavilion swordsmanship.

Feng Wuhen was startled, he didn't expect Hong Zhuxiang to attack directly, and then he sneered again, this girl actually wanted to defeat him with the sword skills of the dark pavilion, it is really ignorant!

However, when Feng Wuhen met the sharp sword light, his sneer froze instantly. Where did this girl have such a strong internal force?
While watching the direction of Hongzhuxiang, Xiao Tianzhan gave an order: "Wuying, Wujing, and Mingyue, you all enter the dark pavilion, and according to the originally assigned tasks, no one will be left behind by all the night killers wherever you go." !"

Xiao Tianzhan used his kung fu to continuously inhale the aura of all things in the deep mountains into his palm, and then it turned into a ball of white light in his palm, killing the night killer guarding the iron chain.The people from Wuyue Tower and Xiangge took the opportunity to kill them and confronted the Night Killer head-on.

The people in Wuyuelou are all elites trained by Xiao Tianzhan, and Xiangge's martial arts are specially designed to restrain the Dark Pavilion. Soon, the Night Killer was overwhelmed and showed signs of defeat.

While fighting Hongzhuxiang, Feng Wuhen was a little distracted while watching the battle, but he was a veteran of the rivers and lakes after all, and his shots were very ruthless.Hong Zhuxiang avoided Feng Wuhen's attacks frequently, without any signs of panic, which shocked Feng Wuhen.

Wu Ying and Wu Zing quickly deciphered all the organs of the dark cabinet, and continued to penetrate into the dark cabinet. The two sides fought fiercely and were injured, but the people in the dark cabinet were obviously injured more.

In order to take care of the overall situation, Feng Wuhen no longer entangled with Hongzhuxiang, retreated and disappeared somewhere in the dark pavilion.The corner of Hong Zhuxiang's mouth curled into a sneer, today, no matter where you hide, I will tear you to pieces!

"Ah Zhan, let's go to the dark cell to save Xue Yuan first, and then we'll settle the score with Feng Wuhen!"

"it is good!"

According to the map in their memory, the two quickly found the location of the death row. As soon as they entered the door, they heard a miserable cry for help, but they searched everywhere, but they did not find any trace of Xue Yuan.

"Girl, save me, save us."


"Xue Yuan, where are you, Xue Yuan?" Hong Zhuxiang called Xue Yuan's name while looking for it, but she searched all over the prison, but she didn't hear Xue Yuan's answer.

"Xiang'er, maybe Feng Wuhen has moved Xue Yuan away."


When the two were about to go out, Hong Zhuxiang suddenly saw a man with iron chains on his hands and feet in the corner, staring at her intently. Can't see face.Hong Zhuxiang thought that this person wanted to ask for help, but she didn't care. After a while, the people in Wuyuelou would naturally let those innocent people go out.

Xiao Tianzhan pulled Hong Zhuxiang out of the prison, but Hong Zhuxiang felt weird, always feeling that there was a pair of eyes staring at her silently behind her, which made her very uneasy.

Hong Zhuxiang felt that she had overlooked something, and turned back, she really wanted to take a closer look at that person, she thought his eyes were very familiar.Hong Zhuxiang has a bad feeling, maybe he is Xue Yuan.

When the man saw the woman reappearing at the door, his eyes lit up, but he immediately turned his head away. However, with just this one glance, Hong Zhuxiang recognized him, he was Xue Yuan!
Hong Zhuxiang trotted over, grabbed the man's shoulder excitedly, and asked angrily, "Why didn't you agree when I called you? Why didn't you speak? Why didn't you stop me?"


After asking several questions in succession, Hong Zhuxiang found that the man refused to look at her.

Xiao Tianzhan saw the clue at a glance, raised Xue Yuan's chin, and said in a low voice: "Xiang'er, part of his tongue was cut off, so he can't speak."

"What?" Hong Zhuxiang fiercely met Xiao Tianzhan's eyes, but received his affirmative gaze!
Hong Zhuxiang gently pulled Xue Yuan's face, and brushed away the hair on his face. The original snow-white face was already covered with blood. She held his face, her whole hand trembling. On his mouth, the corners of his mouth were already stained with blood.

"Xue Yuan, I'm late." Hong Zhuxiang's heart seemed to be stabbed by a thousand knives, and it was broken to the point of blood dripping, unable to breathe.

Feeling the trembling of the woman's fingertips, Xue Yuan tilted his head unconsciously. After all the tortures, he had never shed a tear, but when he saw her suffering for him, the corner of his eye hurt, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye. Slid down suddenly.

The moment she turned to leave the prison, he was both disappointed and happy, but he didn't expect that she turned back and recognized him at a glance.

Ten years ago, when he jumped off the cliff, he thought, if he was not dead, he would go to her and tell her that he had always liked her.

Ten years later, when he met her again, he hadn't had time to say anything, but he couldn't speak again.Perhaps, this is God's will, and God's will made him never be able to say that sentence in this life!
Hong Zhuxiang slashed open the iron chains that trapped Xue Yuan with a knife, but found that the iron chains were indestructible. Xiao Tianzhan was about to strike, but found that the woman poured her inner strength, swung the knife desperately, and cut off the iron chains with all her strength. .

Hong Zhuxiang supported Xue Yuan to sit on the ground, raised her hand to gently wipe off the blood on his face, and poured all the tears into her heart, Xiao Tianzhan couldn't bear to see the woman in pain, so she injected her true energy into Xue Yuan's body, temporarily Protect the heart.

It was the first time for Hong Zhuxiang to feel this kind of boundless pain, the real pain on the skin.Feng Wuhen knew her too well, and what she cared most about were the people around her, and they hadn't changed since she was a child, so he tortured her in this way, making her feel the pain in her heart.

Hongzhuxiang's eyes are red, her face is cold, and her strong belief in revenge is raging in her mind. Feng Wuhen, I, Hongzhuxiang, will surely let you fall into the abyss of eternal doom!
(End of this chapter)

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