The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 132 This is Ling Lao’s Birthday

Chapter 132 This is Ling Lao’s Birthday (1)
Everyone was surprised again, what kind of woman is this?The style of acting is completely unexpected!
"Girl, how did you see through it?" Compared to his granddaughter, Ling Lao seemed to prefer talking to Hongzhuxiang, even if Hongzhuxiang was disrespectful from time to time, he didn't care.

"Why should I tell you? As long as my grievances are cleared, you can handle your own affairs." Hong Zhuxiang said as a matter of course.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Hongzhuxiang amusedly, Xiang'er was really a person who didn't play cards according to common sense, and Lao Ling didn't give any face at all, he was even tougher than him.

When he thought that Xiang'er encountered such a thing, not only did he not need his help, but instead easily dismantled Ling Feng's plot, his heart was filled with pride, as smart as Xiang'er, how could Xuanyuan Tianzhan not Love?

Hong Zhuxiang accepted the admiring gazes from her surroundings, and she was in a good mood. She just likes this, high-profile, naughty, acting without looking at anyone's face, and doing whatever she wants.

Murong Rui looked at Hong Zhuxiang's expression, and couldn't help smiling, she knew Xiang'er, she was tough on the outside, but she had a kindness in her heart that others couldn't match.

"Girl, you really don't give the old man face!" Ling Lao shook his head helplessly, completely treating Hongzhuxiang as his granddaughter.

"If you can guarantee that I can walk sideways in Maple Leaf Valley, I'll tell you!" Hong Zhuxiang smiled charmingly and offered a huge condition.

"Okay!" Unexpectedly, Ling Lao agreed immediately.This means that Hongzhuxiang can do whatever she wants in Maple Leaf Valley without any restrictions. Perhaps the descendants of the Ling family don't have this kind of treatment, right?
In fact, Red Bamboo Fragrance is just teasing Ling Lao, and has no real intention of running rampant in Maple Leaf Valley.

"Girl, can we talk now?" Elder Ling asked with a smile.

"When I was in Wuyuelou, Ling Feng poisoned me twice. The poison she administered was very strange. You can control the onset time of the poison according to the dosage. The first time I was poisoned was two days later. It just happened, but the second poisoning happened immediately."

"This kind of poison can make people lose their minds, have the urge to kill, and don't know what they are doing at all. The second lady must have been poisoned by this kind of poison, and then happened to meet me. The poison controlled her mind, causing her to think He wanted to kill me, but I found out in time and gave her a slap."

"Ling Feng had calculated this timing, so he gave the second lady a deadly poison in advance. After receiving my palm, the second lady died suddenly, so it looked like she was killed by me. In fact , I just came into contact with it, and the toxicity just happened.”

"As for why I know that Ling Luo is Ling Feng, it's because, although Ling Luo has the demeanor of a great lady, her personality should not be the delicate one. Since Ling Luo dared to embroider her name on the corner of her clothes, it shows that she is A more cheerful woman, but this is completely different from her attitude."

"The moment Ah Zhan saw Ling Luo, he also noticed the change in Ling Luo. He was also a little puzzled at the time. Later, Ling Luo's various flaws became more and more. I gradually discovered that her tone and The eyes are very similar to Ling Feng, you know, even if a person disguises himself as another person, his movements and behaviors cannot be exactly the same."

Patriarch Ling was startled, he thought that Ling Luo would show a weak and shy side when he saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan, now that he thinks about it, a person's personality is really not that easy to change.

"Also, Xiaohuan looked at Ling Luo with fear in his eyes, which means that Xiaohuan must have been threatened by Ling Luo, but Xiaohuan didn't know that Ling Luo was Ling Feng. When I stabbed the second lady's wrist with a silver hairpin just now , Ling Luo winked at Xiaohuan, implying that Xiaohuan framed me, but in this way, she also exposed herself. If there are people in Maple Leaf Valley who hate me and want to kill me, then there is only one person, that is Ling Feng. When she was poisoning me, I almost killed her, but in the face of Ling Lao, I finally didn't do it."

"As for Ling Luo, I have never met her before. Even if she hated me as soon as we met, it was too late to plan everything in such a short period of time, so this is a long-planned conspiracy! I Knowing that Ling Feng had poisonous needles hidden in her body, so she pinched her neck just now. When she was in a hurry, she wanted to poison me to control my consciousness. Although she also had lingering fears, she had to try. Unfortunately, After the first two times, I already guessed her actions and exposed her silver needle conspiracy in public."

"As soon as the silver needle was shot, I was even more sure that she was Ling Feng! Because Ling Feng poisoned her, she stabbed her wrist. The last two times she stabbed my wrist, and the second lady's wound was also on my wrist."

"Old Ling, have I made it clear enough?" After Hong Zhuxiang finished speaking, she realized that many people around her were stunned, and Ah Zhan was looking at her dotingly, his eyes full of admiration.

Everyone thought that Hong Zhuxiang was just smart and lucky, but they didn't expect that she would analyze every step so thoroughly and think carefully about every doubt.Such a woman, even a seven-foot man, is probably beyond the reach!
Murong Rui's eyes shone even brighter. He had known for a long time that one day, Xiang'er would be all-starred and radiant. How much he wanted to stand by her side, how much he wanted to be close to her!

Patriarch Ling finally understood where this woman's self-confidence came from!
Ling Lao's gaze became deeper, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was not looking for an ordinary woman after all!

"Girl, it would be great if you were my granddaughter!"

"Cut, who cares?" Hongzhuxiang gave Ling Lao a sneering look, and then played a joke with Mingyue heartlessly.

Someone faintly heard a sentence: Mingyue, what do you think will happen if Ling Lao's beard is plucked off?
The beauties were closest to the red bamboo fragrance, so they naturally heard her words, and they all looked up at the sky, waiting for the crow to fly by!One moment a goddess descends from the sky, the next moment she transforms into a super mischievous troublemaker.

Three days later, Boss Ling's birthday finally came. On this day, the door was full of guests, and the house was full of high-ranking friends. Lao Ling was full of smiles and sat upright. On his lower right, sat Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Hongzhuxiang. The clothes were shining brightly, and the shawl of the flaming fox, against her delicate and small face, was shockingly beautiful.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan took Hong Zhuxiang's little hand, and made no secret of his love for her. He looked at the woman with soft eyes and a smile, and everyone suddenly felt dazed.
Red Bamboo Xiang likes to be lively, and she is in a good mood because of Ling Lao's hospitality.All the women stared at the woman in red beside Xuanyuan Tianzhan, with different expressions on their faces. They were all sitting in the women's seat. Why can this woman sit in such a prestigious position?
"Sister Luo, the person sitting in that position should be you, not Hongzhuxiang, why didn't you tell grandpa?" Ling Jiao pointed in the direction of Hongzhuxiang, her face full of dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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