The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 139 Years of Faith, 1 Wang Qiushui

Chapter 139 Ten Years of Faith, One Wang Qiushui (1)
On the icy and beautiful face, the mischievousness disappeared, the laziness retreated, and what was left was only the pride of looking down on all living beings. In the strong wind, the bewitching light was like fire, enchanting the city and enchanting the world.

Everyone seemed to have seen the queen from another world, who was reborn in the world in a stunning way. The glorious sky was set at the beginning of the day, and the sun fell to the ground, rolling up layers of turbulent waves, flying clothes, and everything lost its color.

This is Red Bamboo Fragrance, looking down on all living beings with a natural arrogance!

Murong Qing'er finally understood why Big Brother Murong always refused to look at her more. It turned out that where there was red bamboo fragrance, she was just a foil!Even if she is as humble as dust, she can't get his love!

Turning around suddenly, and leaving with that stern man, perhaps, she should strengthen herself to complete her father's great cause and guard the Southwest Kingdom forever.

Ling Luo finally understood why Brother Tian Zhan was devoted to protecting each other and Murong Rui was gentle and gentle. It turned out that she is so outstanding!However, she already has Brother Tian Zhan, and she can no longer have Murong Rui!

Che Zimei finally knows why Prince Zhan is willing to give up the daughter of the princes and nobles of the Hanhai Kingdom, chasing after thousands of rivers and mountains. It turns out that she deserves to be treated like this!

Ling Jiao fell heavily to the ground, with a hostile look on her face and hatred in her eyes.

Red bamboo fragrance, all red bamboo fragrance!Ever since she came to Maple Leaf Valley, sister Ling Feng lost the favor of her grandfather and was kicked out of the house with a hundred slaps. Now her life and death are uncertain.

Prince Zhan's gaze never left Red Bamboo Fragrance from beginning to end, so she couldn't even get close to Prince Zhan.

She hated red bamboo fragrance, hated it to the bottom of her heart!
"Grandpa, it's all this woman. She made our Ling family run wild, causing disasters." Ling Jiao's groundless accusation attracted dissatisfied eyes from around. They didn't do anything, all the troubles were caused by them automatically.

"Presumptuous!" Old Ling was so angry that his voice trembled, this useless granddaughter!
"I don't want to stay in Maple Leaf Valley anymore!" Hong Zhuxiang became even more angry. She came to Maple Leaf Valley to play, and she was framed by someone inexplicably on the first day, and now she actually said that she made the Ling family mess up. It's really unreasonable to jump around like chickens and dogs.

"Since Xiang'er wants to leave, my husband will take you away." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's voice was cold, even if Ling Lao stepped forward, he would never be able to resist Xiang'er's words.Xiang'er is leaving, he will escort her!
"Lengfeng, let's go too." Murong Rui's voice was also dull, if Xiang'er didn't come, how could he come to Maple Leaf Valley?Old Ling doesn't have that much face either!

"Yun Lin, let's go too." Yun Feihong felt sorry for his sister even more, and stood by Hong Zhuxiang's side without hesitation!
A bunch of beautiful men will leave in a big way. They are distinguished guests. If they all leave, this old Ling's birthday banquet will not be very interesting.

If this matter spreads, the entire Maple Leaf Valley will be criticized by others, and it will also affect the reputation of the Ling family. I am afraid that the face of the city lord of Red Maple City will not be able to hide it. This Maple Leaf Valley is the most famous in the entire Red Maple City. place!

"Girl, do you really want to leave?"

Listening to Ling Lao's question, Hong Zhuxiang didn't speak, she really wanted to leave, but Ling Lao treated her very well, she didn't want to lose face to Ling Lao at his birthday banquet!
"Sister Xiang'er calm down. Ling Jiao has been spoiled since she was a child, and her words are arrogant and arrogant. Today is grandpa's [-]th birthday. Please, sister Xiang'er, for the sake of grandpa, don't be as knowledgeable as her." Although Ling Luo looked calm on the surface However, she was very anxious in her heart, once Hong Zhuxiang left, Murong Rui would also follow her, and she would have no chance at that time.

"Girl, my birthday banquet is not over yet, so I don't rush to leave now. Someone, pull Ling Jiao down, and imprison her for half a year!" Elder Ling didn't want Hong Zhuxiang to leave so early, so he immediately sent someone to arrest her. Ling Jiao pulled it down.

"Grandpa, don't! Jiaojiao doesn't dare anymore, grandpa let me go!" Ling Jiao teared her throat, thinking of half a year of confinement, she felt moldy all over her body, especially now that it was late autumn and the whole winter She will spend time in the ancestral hall, what a terrible thing!
"Take it down!" Words spoken are like water poured out, Mr. Ling will never change his words, and Ling Jiao should face his ancestors and reflect on his own mistakes for what he has done.

Hong Zhuxiang's face was pale, and she didn't express her opinion. Wasn't Ling Feng also imprisoned in the ancestral hall?Even if they escaped, it can be seen that the ancestral hall of the Ling family is also tricky.

"Girl, don't worry, I will send someone to watch her carefully this time, and I won't let her escape like Ling Feng again." As if he had seen through Hong Zhuxiang's mind, Ling Lao added.

"For Ling Lao's sake, I will stay for two more days." Hong Zhuxiang didn't want to make Ling Lao's birthday banquet so embarrassing, after all, Ling Lao was really kind to her.

However, after a lot of tossing, she was not in a good mood, and immediately threw herself into Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arms, feeling the fragrance that made her feel at ease and comfortable.

Caressing Red Bamboo Fragrance's hair with his big hands, Xuanyuan Tianzhan hugged her deeper into his arms, his tall body covered her petite body, and he scanned the surroundings with menacing eyes. Exuding icy chills!
Wuying shrank his neck, he can guarantee that if anyone upsets the princess again, the prince will kill him with one palm!

Murong Rui covered the look in his eyes, Xiang'er's mood was obviously spoiled by Ling Jiao, but seeing her like a small bird, his heart was hurting, he couldn't breathe from the pain, he even had some doubts, his own The purpose of coming here from Shengjing, is he to see their love?
"Xiang'er, are you hungry? The banquet is about to start, let's go have a drink!" Murong Rui's voice made people feel like a spring breeze. Compared with Xuanyuan Tianzhan's incomparable coldness, everyone seemed to prefer their Shengtian the emperor.

"Okay, let's have a big drink, and we won't return if we don't get drunk!" Hong Zhuxiang saw the delicious food on the table, and immediately jumped out of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arms.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened, and he looked at Murong Rui unkindly, this man still doesn't give up?In other words, he never gave up!With Murong Rui's understanding of Xiang'er, he must know what can attract Xiang'er the most, but Xiang'er should indeed be a little hungry!
Although there is a women's culinary competition at this birthday banquet, it is actually just a formality. Almost all the dishes cooked by these young ladies are eaten by young men, and it is impossible to truly meet the needs of the banquet. Therefore, the Ling family naturally A sumptuous banquet is also prepared.

Although many women did not get prizes, they were able to cook a meal for their beloved man, which was considered a way of expressing their heart. The men were naturally very happy to receive this true love!Some men immediately presented tokens of love, privately determined for life, and the men who fell in love even made the oath of "not marrying if you are not a queen".

(End of this chapter)

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