The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 145 My Lord, You Are the One Who Is Vinegar

Chapter 145 My Lord, You Are the One Who Is Vinegar (1)
"Huh?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't realize it all at once, Xiang'er is a woman, how could she have such an idea?
"I said castrate them both!" Hong Zhuxiang's expression remained unchanged, Mingyue had been with her for so many years, and had never been so humiliated, she would not let these two men go easily.

"Chasing the soul, I leave it to you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said in a low voice.

The chasing soul who was hidden in the dark couldn't help sighing. When the princess spoke, he had already guessed that this kind of "glorious" task would mostly fall on his head. The prince is noble and elegant, so he definitely wouldn't do such a thing of!

"Spare me, hero, spare me, woman, please..." When the two of them heard that the woman in red was about to cut off their baby, they were shocked. How could this be done? !

A black shadow flashed out quickly, the long sword directly pierced the man's life, the blade turned, blood flowed, Chasing Soul finished all this neatly, and looked at Hong Zhuxiang with a strange expression, such an idea, I am afraid that only Only the princess dares to mention it? !

Minggen was stabbed, and the two wretched men passed out from the pain.

Seeing that Zhuihun finished dealing with the two men, Hong Zhuxiang looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Xuanyuan Tianzhan turned to Wujing, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

"My lord, it's hard to say!" Wu Zing glanced at Hongzhuxiang, and then looked at his lord in puzzlement. Do you really want to tell the princess about this?
"Say it straight!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already thought it through, Xiang'er would know about this matter sooner or later, the only way now is to confess and tell Xiang'er the truth.

Seeing that his lord's attitude was firm, Wu Zing had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Mingyue was injured by Wu Ying, Wu Ying didn't take antidote, and she recovered as another ruthless Wu Ying, and now she is fighting with the eldest prince of Nanyue Kingdom. Fight!"

When Xuanyuan Tianzhan heard that Yun Feihong made a move, he felt relieved a lot. He patted Hong Zhuxiang's back lightly, but felt her trembling body.Hong Zhuxiang felt her brain slow down a beat, thinking that she had heard wrong.

"What did you say?"

"Princess, Mingyue was indeed hurt by Wuying." Wu Zing was terrified. It seemed that Wangfei didn't believe that Wuying would do such a thing. In fact, if he didn't know the inside story, he wouldn't believe it either.

"You mean that Yue was injured by Wuying? Wujing, what are you kidding?" Wuying has been with her for more than half a year, and Hong Zhuxiang is still very clear about what kind of person he is. Injured by Wuying!how is this possible?

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, I want you to tell me!" Hong Zhuxiang suddenly turned her head to look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, her eyes as dark as night were full of questions. Seeing the pain of the woman she loves, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart seemed to be lingering. Generally, there are blood marks on the palm.

"Xiang'er, calm down, Wuying tonight is abnormal, he is a completely different person!" Holding the woman's trembling body tightly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't know how to comfort her, the fact is so cruel , It is unacceptable, no matter it is Wuying or Mingyue, none of them want to see this scene!
Hearing what Xuanyuan Tianzhan said, Hong Zhuxiang was sure that Wuying really hurt Mingyue!Hong Zhuxiang felt like roaring all over her body, beating Xuanyuan Tianzhan's chest desperately, tears streaming down her face.

"Do you know that Mingyue's life is very bitter?"

"Do you know that Mingyue likes Wuying?"

"If Wuying hurt her and something like this happened tonight, how will they get along in the future? How will they face each other?"

"How can God be so cruel?" Hong Zhuxiang cried confusedly, feeling as if all the strength in her body had been drained, and finally fell limp in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arms.

It wasn't until she was tired from crying that Hong Zhuxiang gradually calmed down. Suddenly, what Xuanyuan Tianzhan said just now flashed in her mind. He said that Wuying was abnormal, and he was a completely different person!

Hongzhuxiang calmed down quickly, thinking about this matter, although Wuying never said that he liked Mingyue, she could still see Wuying's affection for Mingyue, no matter from which angle she thought about it, this matter made her It's unbelievable!
What is Wuying? Another Wuying?Are there two shadowless?Could Wuying suffer from schizophrenia? !God, no way!
After sorting out her thoughts, Hong Zhuxiang finally said, "Azhan, what happened to Wuying?"

The east is gradually turning white, and a ray of sunlight squeezes through the clouds, pouring out thousands of brilliance. Overnight, the leaves of the maple trees fall a lot, and the leaves turn red. It is really a beautiful scenery!
Perhaps, life is like this, constantly breaking through the shackles of fate, constantly injecting the vicissitudes of the world, experiencing wind and rain, shedding tears of youth, and finally transforming perfectly and becoming a butterfly.

Things have already happened, no matter how many emotions and complaints, it will not help the matter. God may be unfair, but Hong Zhuxiang always believes that human life is not determined by God!

Seeing the woman slowly returning to calm, Xuanyuan Tianzhan finally let go of the stone in his heart. He knew that Xiang'er was not such a fragile person. Maybe she would cry and make trouble, but her heart was always as strong as the iceberg red snow lotus Normally, despite the violent wind and rain, it cannot be shaken.

"Xiang'er, let's go back and talk about it first!" Picking up the red bamboo incense, Xuanyuan Tianzhan flew directly back to Ling's courtyard, seeing that Wuying had been subdued by Yun Feihong, he asked Wuzong to make another cup of ginseng tea, Put two pills of returning to the heart and calming the soul in it, and forced Wu Ying to drink it.

Yun Feihong and Wuying entangled all night, seeing Xuanyuan Tianzhan coming back, his eyes flashed with almost invisible stars, suppressing the excitement in his heart, Yun Feihong calmly asked: "Brother Zhan, what happened? "

"Brother Feihong, let's go in and talk." Xuanyuan Tianzhan did not regard Yun Feihong as an outsider, not only because they had been friends for many years, but also because he was Xiang'er's brother. Although they have not disclosed their identities now, he will sooner or later They all want to join forces with Yun Feihong!
There was only a little spark left in the fire in the house, which splashed out from time to time. This was the only temperature in the whole room. After feeding Wu Ying, he drank ginseng tea and ran to the room without a trace, intending to explain the matter clearly with his prince .

Yun Feihong signaled Yunlin to add some charcoal to the fire to ease the low pressure atmosphere. If he hadn't made a move last night, Mingyue would probably have died in Wuying's hands.

"Xiang'er, Wu Ying has a double-faced personality, one side is gentle and casual, and the other side is ruthless. All along, we have seen Wu Ying who is casual and casual. "It's under control. At the same time, his martial arts are also under control, but he has to take pills every once in a while, otherwise he will return to his original shape and become cold-hearted."

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's explanation made Hongzhuxiang feel unacceptable. She spent more than half a year with Wuying, but she never noticed it. Could it be that this is medical schizophrenia? !However, it seems that they are not quite the same!

(End of this chapter)

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