The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 152 Conspiracy shattered, Maple Leaf Valley victory

Chapter 152 Conspiracy shattered, Maple Leaf Valley victory
Hong Zhuxiang had to admit that Ling Feng had learned a lot of tricks after not seeing her for more than ten days!But, will this law enforcement elder be fooled?
"Do you think the cave master really cares about you? You are a stinky and shameless woman. Everyone knows what you did in Maple Leaf Valley! The reason why the cave master kept you is because of the century-old foundation of the Ling family. Don’t you remember? Not long ago, you drew a detailed map of the Ling family for the cave master.”

The law enforcement elder thought that most people on Heishui Cliff knew the real purpose of the Cave Master, so it didn't matter if they told Ling Feng, so there was no taboo.

"This Ling Feng is so stupid that he even drew a map of the Ling family for Long Ruhuo. Now Yun Feihong and the others will have to spend some more time!"

Hong Zhuxiang felt that Ling Feng was completely hopeless, what else was left of this woman other than flamboyant and domineering?Can't use your brain?

"Xiang'er, not all women are as smart as you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Hong Zhuxiang amusedly, why should Xiang'er be so impatient!
Uh... Ah Zhan is complimenting her!Not to mention, everyone likes to wear this tall hat, and her Red Bamboo Fragrance is no exception.

"Yeah, I drew a map of the Ling family for the Cave Master, so that the Cave Master can help me avenge me, what's wrong? Besides, why doesn't the Cave Master dislike me? Don't talk nonsense!" Ling Feng disagreed. Understand, what does the law enforcement elder mean by saying that?
The smile in the eyes of the law enforcement elder was even bigger, it was really just a yellow-haired girl who threatened him, how interesting!
"Don't you know? The Cave Master likes Frost Jade, a woman who is ten times more beautiful than you!" The law enforcement elder viciously stimulated Ling Feng's nerves, as if he wanted to see through her at a glance!
Her feet slipped, and Hong Zhuxiang fell backwards. Xuanyuan Tianzhan pulled her back from her waist, and stabilized the tile that was about to slide!

Ice Jade?Could it be that she is Aunt Yu? !The brain exploded with a bang, and all the blood on Hong Zhuxiang's body froze!Now it seems that what Long Ruhuo likes is Frost Jade, and Frost Jade is Aunt Yu!
"Xiang'er, are you okay?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the woman distressedly, hugged her into his arms, and patted her on the back!
"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Hong Zhuxiang grinned, as if nothing had happened!

"Fool, you don't have to hold on in front of me!" Looking at the glistening tears in her eyes, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart ached inexplicably, he would rather have all the pain on him, he would rather bear all the pain for her!

"How is it possible? You said that the cave master destroyed the Ling family? Don't talk so sweetly here!" Ling Feng was about to go crazy. Although her grandfather drove her out, she never thought of killing the Ling family!Is what the law enforcement elder said true?
Inside the house, the two quarreled mockingly. On the roof, Hongzhuxiang put away her emotions and listened carefully to the situation inside!
Suddenly, the signal from Heishuiya resounded all over the night sky!Hong Zhuxiang knew that this was a signal for help, and it was coming from the southeast direction, and the source was Maple Leaf Valley!

Maple Valley.

The originally dark and quiet courtyard of the Ling family was suddenly brightly lit, and the people in the courtyard were panicked and anxious by the sudden light!
"Prince Nanyue Kingdom, when did you take care of the Maple Leaf Valley?" The Hall Master of Heishuiya was a little confused. Didn't the news say that all the masters had evacuated Maple Leaf Valley?What happened to those men in black around here?All of them are top masters!

Although he had already sent out a signal, at most he just passed on the situation, and he couldn't wait for Heishuiya's rescuers. Besides, the cave master has always been unfathomable, and it is still unknown whether he will save them!
"Hahahaha... Feihong has nothing else to do, just join in the fun!" With hearty laughter and a calm face, Yun Feihong was luxurious and extraordinary, as if a god descended, standing firm.

"Brother, why don't you talk to him, just kill him!" The second hall master is a hot-tempered person, and he can't see Yun Feihong's calm and relaxed look.

"Second brother, don't act recklessly!" Compared to the impulsiveness of the second hall master, the hall master seemed calmer and calmer. Judging from the current situation, the Ling family had already laid an ambush, waiting for them to come forward and throw themselves into the trap.

"Masters of the Four Great Halls of Heishui Cliff, do you put down your weapons and surrender yourself? Or wait for the Wuyue Tower masters behind me to compete with you? But, after the contest, the nature of this will be different!" Anyway, everyone Everyone who entered Maple Leaf Valley was surrounded, Yun Feihong didn't mind closing the door and beating the dog, and weng Zhong caught the turtle.

"The eldest prince is really brave, he can even mobilize people from Wuyue Tower! However, brothers have come from afar, so they can't return empty-handed, right?!"

The hall master's palms were full of sweat. He thought he could easily take down the Ling family and make a fortune from Maple Leaf Valley, but he never expected to meet such a master as Yun Feihong!
"Perhaps, the hall master can take the corpses of these people back!" Yun Feihong was still smiling. It was hard to imagine that he was a mature and steady man who had gone through the world with his unchanging image of a modest son.

"Yun Feihong, don't be arrogant, today I will let you know how powerful Heishuiya martial arts is!" Shangyun Feihong became timid? !

"Go!" Regardless of 21, the second hall master brought his own people and flew in the direction of Yun Feihong!The hall master had no choice but to start a fight. Judging from this, it was impossible for Yun Feihong to let them go!

Because they underestimated the strength of the Ling family, they were ambushed again, and it was very difficult to fight. After a while, more than half of the people in Heishuiya were killed or injured, and the situation turned sharply downward!

Yun Feihong didn't make a move at all, and watched the whole situation calmly. Yun Lin and Wu Zing stood beside Yun Feihong, one on the left and one on the right, looking like two gate gods!

The second hall master wanted to fix Yun Feihong wholeheartedly, but he couldn't even get close to him, and he was even more anxious. As soon as he had an evil thought, he made an evil move, and his skill increased instantly!
Many people in Heishuiya also began to use evil skills. For a while, the green air in the courtyard was transpiring, and it was extremely gloomy, and a strange atmosphere shrouded the night sky.

"Junior Brother Yu, come with me!" Lin Fang pulled Yu Mu to hide behind a rockery, hiding in secret, planning to wait for an opportunity to escape!

"Oh!" Yu Mu is an honest person, but listen to what Lin Fang says!
"Although the people in Heishuiya know evil skills, they haven't got the real key to evil skills. If they use too much evil skills, they will go off like demons!" Lin Fang knew a lot about Heishuiya, big and small. Long Ruhuo didn't teach them the real evil skills at all. Anyway, the people in Heishuiya have no chance of winning, so they might as well save their own lives.

"Brother Lin, what are we going to do in the future? Do we want to go back to Heishuiya?" Yu Mu began to worry about his future life. What would he do if he left Heishuiya and had no one to rely on? !
(End of this chapter)

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