The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 154 The Peach Blossom Under the Change

Chapter 154 The Peach Blossom Under the Change (2)
"About Frost Jade, what else do you know?" Hong Zhuxiang's tone became more and more stiff, and the temperature around her body became lower and lower. Xuanyuan Tianzhan always stood by Hong Zhuxiang's side, being her most solid backing, Be it physically or mentally!

"Her whereabouts have always been hidden. In addition to knowing that she is always covered in black, I also know one thing about her. Han Bingyu has a strong bamboo fragrance! I grew up in a bamboo forest when I was young, so I am very fond of bamboo Very sensitive to the smell!"

The law enforcement elders have always felt very strange, why does this woman smell like bamboo? !Although she is all black, she can still see her exquisite figure. Why does such an enchanting woman like the smell of bamboo?
Red Bamboo Fragrance is now almost certain that Han Bingyu is Aunt Yu!Aunt Yu's whereabouts are very hidden, she lives in seclusion in the bamboo forest from time to time, and she is not allowed to find her on her own initiative. If there is anything, she will notify herself in a special way!Moreover, Aunt Yu always carried the fragrance of bamboo on her body, and even her clothes were washed with water soaked in bamboo!

"Who is the person behind Han Bingyu and Long Ruhuo? In other words, where did Long Ruhuo's attack on the Ling family get the property?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked coldly.

The law enforcement elder's eyes widened in disbelief. They actually knew so much. Fortunately, he didn't lie. Otherwise, he wouldn't know when he was picked on? !
"It's the King of Beixiang! Except for Long Ruhuo, I'm afraid no one knows about the whole Black Water Cliff. I also secretly sent experts to follow me!" Because of this, Long Ruhuo almost found him. He is reliable enough, if he didn't confess his words, he would have been killed by Long Ruhuo long ago!
Neither Hongzhuxiang nor Xuanyuan Tianzhan thought that the person behind Heishuiya was actually the King Beixiang, who lived far away in the northern part of the Shengtian Dynasty. It was really unbelievable!
Shengjing, the General's Mansion.

"Yinghua, where are you going?" Xue Yang was angry at this daughter's impulsiveness for the first time. No matter what happened before, she was always able to calm down, but now she is getting more and more impetuous.

"Father, Beixiangyang and the queen mother have been working together and have controlled the entire court. The emperor's whereabouts are unknown now. I want to go out and find him!"

Xue Yinghua has already experienced chaos once, and Xue Yinghua doesn't want to experience it again. Although she is now the Princess of Jinghua, in her heart, Murong Rui is not her brother, but the man she loves the most!During Murong Rui's absence in Shengjing, she knew what she wanted even more. No matter what, she must do her best to help him!

"Yinghua, the general's mansion has been surrounded, don't cause trouble anymore, you have to believe in the emperor's ability, King Beixiang is no match for the emperor!" After the prince's rebellion, Xue Yang has seen Murong Rui's courage and ability , he is a man who can stand on his own, besides, there is the prime minister Murong Ran in the palace, the only thing they can do now is to wait for news from the emperor!

Xue Yinghua's head was hot for a while, but now she wakes up, and after thinking about it carefully, she realized that she was too impulsive. The emperor's private visit, and went south to Yuanzhou. Now she doesn't know where she is. Where can she go to find someone? !Daddy is right, she should trust Big Brother Murong, he will definitely turn defeat into victory!
Murong Rui returned secretly, but he didn't go back to the palace immediately, but went directly to Liu Weihai in the Shangshufu!The moment he saw Murong Rui, Liu Weihai only felt his blood boil, he never thought that the emperor would trust him so much at the most critical moment!
Liu Weihai was the servant minister of the Ministry of Rites who had the courage to speak up and take responsibility when he was named the queen. Because he was upright and safe in doing things, he was favored by Murong Rui, and was promoted from the minister of the Ministry of Rites to Master Shangshu!
The King of Beixiang sent people to closely monitor the Palace of the General Protecting the Nation. He thought that when Murong Rui returned to Shengjing, he would go to Xue Yang to discuss the big plan first!Xue Yang holds the military power and is Murong Rui's reliance!

"Your Majesty, after we came out of Maple Leaf Valley, that woman in blue has been following us!" If the Emperor did not find that Che Zimei was following behind, Leng Feng would never believe it, but the Emperor kept silent all the time, what does it mean? ?
Leng Feng really doesn't understand that there are such women in this world!They went to Shangshu's Mansion, and Che Zimei was right outside the gate of Shangshu's Mansion, and when they left, Che Zimei also left, what's the matter?
"En." Murong Rui responded lightly, without further words.

"Do you want to go down and warn her? Tell her not to follow us!" Every time Leng Feng sees Che Zimei, his heart throbs uncontrollably. If Che Zimei continues to follow them, he will go crazy, he is an iron armor Commander Wei, how could you get emotional so easily?Therefore, he can no longer let this woman follow them!

Thinking of this, Leng Feng was a little annoyed, but she was just a special woman, maybe if he frightened her, she would leave and disappear from his sight.

"Alright!" Murong Rui was a little amused, for someone like Leng Feng would be tempted by a woman!It's just that this woman is not an ordinary woman, even if it's useless for Leng Feng to come forward!
A black shadow flashed, and the cold wind was as fast as lightning. With a sound of "whoosh", a resolute and handsome man blocked the beautiful road of the car!

The beautiful eyes of the car did not squint, and the big watery eyes shone with layers of light. She stared at the man in Tsing Yi who was walking forward like a spring breeze, completely ignoring the existence of the cold wind.

"Miss Che Zimei, please don't follow my master!" Leng Feng's voice was like his name, one word, cold, but the wind was blowing intermittently.

"Pfft..." Che Zimei felt that Murong Rui, the guard, was very strange. He blocked her way, with a cold look, but she couldn't even speak clearly!

"Miss Che, what are you laughing at?!" Leng Feng's face darkened to the end, she ignored her and even laughed at herself, which is tolerable or unbearable!

"The Shengtian Dynasty is so big, I want to come and play, is it possible that this young master is qualified to not allow it?!" When the beautiful eyes were raised, the beautiful face instantly magnified in Leng Feng's heart, something deeply rooted, Bury slowly.

Leng Feng choked for a moment, if it was for fun, of course he had no reason to stop it, on the contrary it seemed very abrupt, but is there such a coincidence?For more than ten days, I have been following from Maple Leaf Valley to Shengjing. Where are they, where is Che Zimei?Even if she spends the night in a ruined temple, her shadow is indispensable.

"Young master, your master has disappeared around the corner!" Che Zimei reminded her kindly with a low laugh.

Leng Feng turned his head and saw that the emperor had disappeared, and he didn't care about the beauty of the car, so he immediately chased after him!Seeing the direction where the cold wind disappeared, Che Zimei shrugged, um... this guard is really a little stunned, his emperor seems to be turning to the right, how could he look for it to the left? !

(End of this chapter)

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