The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 163 Challenging His Authority

Chapter 163 Challenging His Authority (2)
Feeling Xuanyuan Tianzhan's slight trembling, Hong Zhuxiang noticed the strange expressions of the people around her. She closed her bright eyes and forcefully wiped away the sadness in her heart. There was enough darkness. She no longer needed it. What she needed was sunshine and warmth. , is to share happiness with the people around her and enjoy life. Even if the world is full of intrigues and intrigues, she still wants to have fun while suffering and live a wonderful life.

Opening her eyes again, the woman curled her lips into a smile, raised her stunning face, and looked heartless. The red silk dress made her look bright and enchanting.

"Ah Zhan, you're so tall, come down a little bit." Hong Zhuxiang's slender and white hand suddenly touched Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face, and the lingering voice was bewitched for thousands of years, unparalleled in evil and charm, astonishing the world.

Wu Zing's eyelids twitched violently. He used to always feel that Wu Ying was not calm enough, but now, he suddenly felt that it wasn't that Wu Ying was not calm enough, but that he didn't know enough about the princess. God, he couldn't be calm at this moment!The princess actually held the prince's face like this, treating them as air!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was taken aback for a moment, but still slowly bent down, her amber eyes just met the bright eyes of Hongzhuxiang with a smile, her eyes were clear and clear, so clean that there was no trace of impurities, like clear springs, like pearls, like white jade... All the pure and beautiful things in the world.

Above the silent Heishui Cliff, suddenly there was a sound of "Bo", Hong Zhuxiang stood on her tiptoes and kissed the man's sexy and provocative lips. She originally only wanted to kiss the man's face, but his lips were full of tears. The temptation made her involuntarily shift her target.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was disturbed by this unexpected kiss, he looked at the smiling woman in front of him leisurely, and forgot to react for a moment.

Yun Feihong looked at Hong Zhuxiang with a deep smile, it was indeed her sister, and what she did was earth-shattering, Yun Lin felt that the corners of his mouth were going stiff, even if he was killed, he would not believe that this was Nanyue Kingdom Princess!

Time froze, the cold insects stopped screaming, but the waterfall at Heishuiya flowed wantonly, converging into a river of love. The intimate atmosphere spread little by little. Long Yuyan looked at the pair of bi people from a distance with deep eyes.

She is no longer the little Ding Dong she was back then, she is no longer the ignorant junior sister, she has grown up, she is so beautiful and stunning, a complicated and powerful man lives in her heart, this man is actually Xuanyuan Tian Cham.

If he didn't know what happened to Heishuiya, he wouldn't have seen her!

He didn't come to save Heishuiya, he just wanted to watch it fall. Although he couldn't destroy Heishuiya himself, he could watch it fall.

He, Long Yuyan, is an exception to the whole Heishuiya. He doesn't know when, for him, Heishuiya is just a cage, a cage that wants to be destroyed all the time!

What he didn't expect was that it was her, she was the one who subverted Heishuiya!
Across a long ravine, Long Yuyan could still know from those unique eyes that she, dressed in red, was the little junior sister whom he had been thinking about day and night.

Now, she is called Hongzhuxiang, causing troubles in the Jianghu, Hongzhuxiang who has been entangled with Murong Rui and Xuanyuan Tianzhan!Long Yuyan watched all this with a blank face. The corpses piled up around her were bloody and shocking. But she, in front of more than 2000 people, took the initiative to kiss that man, and that man enjoyed it a lot!
Is all this a blessing or a curse?

Is her poison still tormenting her deeply?

In her memory, does he still have this senior brother?
Back then, she was ten years old and he was eighteen. Now, she is seventeen and slim. She will die after winter. In her life, he has missed many years!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan poured his internal energy into his fingertips, flicked his index finger, and a very small sound came out, and the people from Wuyuelou and Jinjiawei immediately turned around automatically, turning their backs to their lord.

"Uh, uh... Ah Zhan..." This man is being aggressive again, this wolf!Hong Zhuxiang waved her little hand, expressing dissatisfaction with Xuanyuan Tianzhan's domineering behavior, but her little hand became weaker and weaker.

Taking all this into his eyes, Long Ruhuo withdrew the big palm that had already been struck, and a stream of blood gushed out of his mouth. Just now he used seven points of strength, which was enough to push the man away from the woman from a distance.

When he saw her resisting, he felt a little joy. Perhaps, she didn't want to stay by Xuanyuan Tianzhan's side, but in a blink of an eye, she fell limply into the man's arms, which made the palm wind that Long Yuyan was about to sway I took it back.

At this moment, Long Yuyan also didn't understand herself. She would rather suffer backlash than hurt the person she loves!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't let her go until Hongzhuxiang couldn't breathe, and said with a low smile, "Xiang'er, are you satisfied now?"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan has long been addicted to kissing, if he didn't feel a slight vibration in the surrounding air, he would not let go of the red bamboo fragrance, maybe it was just a gust of wind.

"Satisfied? Satisfied with your size!" Seeing Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiling so triumphantly, Hongzhuxiang felt strange. In fact, she liked Azhan's kisses very much, but she didn't like him always being forceful!

"I still don't know who started the war?!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan continued to laugh, but his bright eyes kept scanning the surroundings. If there is someone who can hide in the dark and even he can't find it, then what is the skill of this person? It must be deep to a certain extent.

"I didn't come to rape you. You bent down yourself. You bent down not to want me to kiss you, but what you wanted to do?" Hong Zhuxiang played helplessly, pouted her mouth, very cute.

"Cough...cough cough..." Yun Feihong coughed.

"Ahem...cough cough..." Yunlin coughed.Except for the two, the rest are from Xuanyuan Tianzhan. As hidden guards, Chasing Soul and Huihun and others have long been hidden in the dark. Those who stay in place are so embarrassing.

Wu Zing's face was flushed, the prince had already given the order, so he dared not speak out!God, he wants to laugh, he wants to laugh up to the sky, is there anyone more unreasonable than the princess?Obviously she made the prince lower down!
"Xiang'er, do you want to come again?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said with a wicked smile, his voice was twice as loud as before.Immediately, he felt that fiery gaze again, but there was no vibration in the air, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was slightly surprised that that person was separated from them by a mountain, on another cliff.

"Yeah, I want to do it again." Hong Zhuxiang said ruffiantly, and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan with raised eyebrows, showing dissatisfaction.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan snorted helplessly, Xiang'er was really different, if it was an ordinary woman, she would have fled long ago, you know, although the surrounding guards couldn't see, they could still hear her.

Seeing Hongzhuxiang's provocative appearance, not to mention Yunlin, even Yunfeihong couldn't help but be amazed, proud, I have never seen such a high-profile woman, with her head held high and her chest upright, with a look of fearlessness look.

(End of this chapter)

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