The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 170 Brother and Sister Chapter Talk, Test the Frost Jade

Chapter 170 Brother and sister talk, test the ice jade (1)
"Ahem...cousin, let's seize the Shengtian Jiangshan first. At that time, we don't care about the red bamboo fragrance. Even if the cousin wants to kill all the people who don't like it, that's okay. The power of life and death of the people in the world is not Is it all in your hands?" He Lianbei persuaded.

Helian Fengyang snorted coldly in her heart, I am afraid that the lives of all the people in the world are in your hands, right?At that time, how can I, Helian Fengyang, have the part to speak?

"Cousin, don't treat your younger sister as a three-year-old child. If you gain power, I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of these little things about your younger sister. My ugly words are at the front. If you don't kill Hong Zhuxiang first, I won't Cooperate." The Empress Dowager said resolutely.

He Lianbei really wanted to slap this woman to death, he was really mad at him, isn't she just a woman?When is killing not the same?You have to give him one at this critical time.

However, he had to admit that after he took over the power, he really never thought about helping Helian Fengyang seriously. Now that Helian Fengyang proposed it, he had to pay attention to it!

With his skill, I am afraid that there is no match in the world. Killing Hongzhuxiang is just a piece of cake, but Hongzhuxiang is still in the territory of the Southwest King, and it will take a lot of time.

"Isn't it just a woman? I just killed you for you!" He Lianbei gritted his teeth.

"My cousin must still remember that my sister said a long time ago that she wanted to personally stab Hong Zhuxiang in the chest a few times. Brother Wang has the ability to reach the sky, so he must make my wish come true." I have to say, after twenty The lord of the harem for several years, Helian Fengyang held the empress dowager's position firmly, which meant clearly, you let me get what I want, and I will let you get what you want.

He Lianbei's eyes darkened, and the corners of his mouth curled up with an imperceptible ruthlessness. When he was in power, he would end up with this unsightly woman sooner or later.

"Then when will you announce that Murong Rui is dead?" He Lianbei's tone was no longer so kind, and he asked coldly.

"The moment I saw Hongzhuxiang!" The Queen Mother was uncompromising, only by killing Hongzhuxiang could she fulfill her wish, otherwise, even if she died, she would not be reconciled.

Helianbei's face was a little gloomy, and he remained silent without saying a word.

Helian Fengyang didn't dare to provoke him too much, so she could only say softly: "Why are you so anxious, cousin? Now the court ministers have already begun to feel uneasy. If this continues, their uneasiness will only increase, not decrease. As long as the cousin Brother caught Hong Zhuxiang and asked me to avenge Xiang'er, so I will obey Brother Wang!"

The moment He Lianbei stepped out of Fengyang Palace, his whole complexion changed, cloudy and dark, He Lianbei returned to the post house and waved for the hidden guards.

"My lord, this subordinate is here." A black-clothed dark guard landed silently.

"Secretly send a message to Bingyu to lure Red Bamboo Fragrance to Shengjing." He Lianbei's tone was not kind, so let's do this for now, if he can't wait, then take other measures, and hope that Helian Fengyang will not challenge him limit.

Red Zhuxiang was running in the bamboo forest near Heishui Cliff, and she vaguely felt a familiar atmosphere. Heishui Cliff was in the southwest of Shengtian, with a vast jungle and many bamboos. She knew that Aunt Yu must be nearby.

"My lord, are we going to follow Miss Xiang'er all the time? It's almost Chinese New Year, let's go back to Nanyue Kingdom." Yun Lin asked in a low voice.

Yun Lin's tone was a bit resentful, they had been following behind all night, and Hong Zhuxiang ignored them, at least he was acting too much, he couldn't believe that Hong Zhuxiang didn't notice them.

"Yunlin, what are you talking about? Xiang'er is the princess of Nanyue Kingdom. From now on, you must treat her with the same respect as you treat me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being angry." Yun Feihong's face turned cold. Lin has a problem with Xiang'er, if she doesn't reprimand her, what will happen in the future?
Yun Lin was shocked, how many years had it been since the eldest prince reprimanded him like this, it seems that the status of this Princess Hongzhuxiang in his heart is really extraordinary.

"This subordinate knows his mistake." Seeing that his young master was angry, Yun Lin didn't dare to be impatient any more.

The conversation between the two was naturally heard clearly by Hong Zhuxiang. With the improvement of martial arts, her hearing gradually became sharper.

Hong Zhuxiang knew that Yun Feihong had been following her since she left Heishuiya. shines through the gap.

Hong Zhuxiang stopped suddenly, and turned her head slowly. She was dressed in red, stunning and flamboyant, her fair face against the bright sunshine, just standing opposite Yun Feihong, her lips were red and her teeth were white, she was astonished as a heavenly being.

Yun Feihong didn't have time to hide the surprise on his face, he raised his eyes to meet her big bright eyes, he didn't expect Xiang'er to stop at this moment, wasn't she in a hurry to find Aunt Yu?
Time seemed to fly back more than ten years ago, the lovely pink sister who dragged her, entangled him, and relied on him, now that she had grown up, her pair of bright eyes were no longer something that a brother like him could see clearly at a glance, and his thoughts could not be understood at a glance. It's not something his brother can guess at a glance.

The two stood face to face on the path in the forest, Yun Feihong smiled softly, his smile was brighter than the sunshine of the twelfth lunar month, a ray of sunshine, ten steps away, ten years of expectation, and a lifetime of family affection.

The beautiful sunshine sprinkled layers of brilliance, covering this warm and peaceful picture with golden light, and the two of them seemed to walk out of the painting, wearing brilliance and unparalleled beauty.

"Brother, have you been booked by your younger sister for this year's New Year's Eve? After following me so persistently, it seems that my brother will definitely spend this year's New Year's Eve with me." Hong Zhuxiang smiled calmly, like a spring breeze, Like a stream of water, densely sliding over the tip of the heart, rippling in circles.

Hearing such indifferent yet witty words, Yun Feihong's heart was shocked, surprise filled his handsome face, he looked at the smiling woman with deep eyes, his heart was surging.

"Brother is the dream girl in the hearts of Nanyue country women. The price is too high, and my sister can't afford it!" The calm smile became mischievous, and the arc of the corner of Hong Zhuxiang's mouth was also slowly expanding, extending infinitely.

"Since it's my younger sister who made the reservation, it's better to make it cheaper. My younger sister can make a price at will?" The signature smile unfolded, and Yun Feihong smiled like a spring breeze.

The secluded bamboo forest, the long path, the two smiling faces are like two sunflowers, blooming in winter, when Yunlin looks at the red bamboo fragrance from a distance, and looks at Yun Feihong up close, his eyeballs will fall out of shock.

Sure enough, they are brother and sister, smiling so brightly at the same time!

"Then how much silver taels does my younger sister have to pay my brother? 20 taels? Or 40? Brother Feilong accidentally planted 40 taels of silver in the Red Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion for nothing. Let him take it back." Hong Zhuxiang said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

Thinking of Yun Feilong, Hong Zhuxiang felt a little apologetic in her heart, not to mention that she invested money in vain, and was tied up by that domineering man and thrown into a mass grave for no reason. , and this person actually became her brother.

(End of this chapter)

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