The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 175 Revealing the Secret, Her Choice

Chapter 175 Revealing the Secret, Her Choice (2)
As soon as the ice jade left, Hong Zhuxiang's eyes suddenly opened, the dark pupils gleamed brightly in the cold night, and the ocean was full of water, which was about to swallow ships that were going against the sky. Ice jade, compared to acting, you can compare Have you ever tasted my red bamboo fragrance?
Hong Zhuxiang put on her clothes, looked at the roof faintly, as if thinking about something, a black shadow flew in, although the dark room was not lit by candles, but Hong Zhuxiang knew that the person who came was Yun Feihong, and there was nothing on him. Any incense, what a prudent man.

"Sister, has Han Bingyu been here?" Yun Feihong asked vaguely.In fact, he just saw Frost Jade go out!
"Yeah." Hong Zhuxiang didn't mind Yun Feihong knowingly asked, and nodded slightly. Perhaps, the two of them could only pass the long night by chatting aimlessly. Waiting has always been a kind of torment.

Time crawls like a snail...

Time crawls like ants...

Time crawls like a turtle...

In short, time crawls, crawls, crawls...

"Xiang'er, Murong Rui and Brother Zhan, they both like you equally, what do you think? Now that Murong Rui and Brother Zhan are not here, brother wants to know what you think?" Yun Feihong asked suddenly.

"Brother, you really gossip." Hong Zhuxiang gave Yun Feihong a blank look, but unfortunately, in the dark night, Yun Feihong couldn't see it.

"Brother, this is a lifelong matter of caring about my sister!" Yun Feihong corrected.

"Brother, who do you think in your heart, who do I love?" Thinking of the domineering man's face, Hong Zhuxiang felt that her heart was full of love. He, perhaps, could have a big surprise for him.

Yun Feihong smiled lightly, what a clever answer, it really is the ice-snow smart Xiang'er, what he thinks in his heart is her love, the deep brother-sister love is self-evident.

As an older brother, he naturally knows who his sister loves!

"Zhouhun should be back soon, right?" Hong Zhuxiang murmured.As soon as the words were finished, there was a very small sound outside the bamboo window, and when he listened carefully, the corner of Hong Zhuxiang's mouth twitched into a simple smile.

"Princess, can my subordinates come in?" Zhuihun asked cautiously against the bamboo window.

"Come in." Hong Zhuxiang walked to the window and motioned for the two to come in.

With a leap, Zhuihun and Huihun jumped in from the window. The two are a pair of partners, and they almost act together. Against the moonlight, the red bamboo fragrance can be vaguely felt, and the two are a pair of concubines. Yi, a peerless hero.If it wasn't for the emergency, with Hong Zhuxiang's character, she would have to tease them well.

"What did you find?" Hong Zhuxiang asked calmly.In her heart, she has already imagined many possibilities, and she only needs a thread to connect these things easily.

"We followed Han Bingyu all the time. She first went to a place in the bamboo forest. There, we heard the prince and queen mother from her mouth. This prince should be the king of Beixiang. Han Bingyu received the task of the king of Beixiang and said It is the queen mother who wants to kill the princess with her own hands, and Han Bingyu is ready to bring the princess back to Shengjing." Chasing Soul's tone was very serious, the prince trusted their royal guards so much, he would never allow anyone to hurt the princess!
"I killed the prince Murong Xiang with my own hands in front of the queen mother. It is reasonable for her to seek revenge from me, but it is so easy to kill me?" Hong Zhuxiang had already guessed that the ice jade was for King Beixiang. She was doing business, but she didn't expect that she was going to kill herself.

"Princess, we also discovered an amazing secret. Han Bingyu has a younger sister. Her younger sister's husband is Yun Tianxiang, and her younger sister's daughter is Xiang'er. According to their conversation, the subordinates speculate that the Xianger they mentioned It should refer to Wangfei, and Han Bingyu's younger sister is Wangfei and the First Prince's mother concubine, Empress Bingfei."

Zhuihun knew a thing or two about the identity of his own princess, but he never expected that the mother of the princess would fall into the hands of Han Bingyu, and was almost burned to death by Han Bingyu.

Yun Feihong suppressed the shock in his heart, and his nerves were highly concentrated. Xiang'er had already guessed that Han Bingyu and his concubine Han Bingxue were probably sisters. Now it seems that Xiang'er really guessed it!

"What about the mother concubine?" Yun Feihong asked hoarsely.

"Eldest prince, Han Bingyu imprisoned the ice concubine in the underground secret room in the bamboo forest. She took pleasure in torturing the ice concubine. The most unexpected thing is that Han Bingyu threw a fire into the secret room tonight, trying to burn her to death." I lost my biological sister." Hui Hun took the words and said.

When Huihun spoke, her voice became obviously agitated. If the concubine hadn't said not to startle the snake, she would have killed that woman Han Bingyu.

Yun Feihong's face was like dark clouds covering the sky, so gloomy that it seemed to press down the entire sky. If it wasn't for the dark room and it was difficult to see clearly, everyone would have thought they had seen a ghost.

"Where is Concubine Mother now? Didn't you save her?" Hong Zhuxiang asked suspiciously.

"Princess, don't worry, Concubine Bing is fine, we also intend to save her, but a white-haired old man is extremely skilled, and rescued Concubine Bing before us." Zhuihun comforted.

"Xiang'er, I knew that the concubine mother was not dead. Although I can't see the concubine mother for the time being, I am grateful to know that she is still alive." Yun Feihong became excited when he heard that the old man with white hair had rescued the concubine mother. I thought that the concubine mother was burned to death by the ice jade. You must know that the concubine mother was burned once 12 years ago. If it happens again, God is really cruel.

"Hmm... Concubine mother is still alive." Hong Zhuxiang had mixed feelings in her heart. If she guessed correctly, Aunt Yu who had been with her for three years was her concubine Han Bingxue. As for Han Bingyu, Hongzhuxiang She will pay the price in blood.

"By the way, Zhuihun, have you seen the appearance of the white-haired old man?"

"It was too dark, my subordinates didn't see it clearly, but taking advantage of the moonlight, my subordinates vaguely felt that he must have the appearance of a boy with white hair, and that he was nimble and agile, quite similar to the real Miaoshou." Zhuihun based on what he saw and what he saw. Listen, the more I think about it, the more I feel that that person is a real Miaoshou.

"If Master Miaoshou is really the master, the mother and concubine will be fine, but now I can't be sure if he is the real Miaoshou!" After detoxifying her last time, the real Miaoshou disappeared inexplicably, and now he doesn't know where. He has always disappeared without a trace, and his behavior is weird. It is really possible that it is him.

"Princess, when the white-haired old man was leaving, he told us not to worry about Han Bingxue. According to my subordinates, he is probably a real master." picture.

"Xiang'er, at least it proves that Concubine Mu is still alive. Regardless of whether it was Daoist Master Miaoshou who rescued Concubine Mu, in short, Concubine Mu has been rescued now, which means that we still have a chance to see her!" At this moment, Yun Feihong was calm. down.

(End of this chapter)

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