The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 212 The Facts From the Rival's Mouth

Chapter 212 The Facts From the Rival's Mouth (3)
"My lord, there is urgent news from Loucheng. A soldier is waiting in the living room." Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned at the voice of a guard. Didn't he already explain the matter of Loucheng?And with Xiao Tianyue in charge, how could there be urgent news?
"Ah Zhan, go get busy, I can go back by myself." The little woman became obedient, clinging to him when he was free, and naturally she couldn't make trouble for no reason when he was busy.

"I'll take you back first." Xuanyuan Tianzhan insisted.

The man took the woman back to the room unhurriedly, put her on the bed, and said gently: "Xiang'er, someone has prepared hot water for bathing, and Aunt Qing has prepared dinner, you can eat first. You can also take a shower first, I will be back soon."

"Yes." She will wait for him obediently.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan put a kiss on her lips, and then got up to leave. Hong Zhuxiang looked at his leaving back, but only saw a black gold embroidered brocade robe and a long figure under the setting sun. She suddenly felt that he was Somewhat far away, it seems that everything just now was just a dream.

Although she often dreams, she usually doesn't have such beautiful dreams. Hong Zhuxiang shook her head fiercely and cursed "shit dreams".
"Princess, you can't go in." As soon as the prince left, Leng Yishuang couldn't wait to trouble the princess. This woman is really annoying.At this time, Mingyue and Wuying were on the same front, and the woman Leng Yishuang couldn't spoil the mood of the princess.

"This is the order of the empress. Seeing this order is like seeing the empress. Do you dare to disobey?" Looking at the layout and patrolling of the yard, you can see how well my cousin has protected this woman. Her best chance, once her cousin comes back, she may never find a chance to talk to Hong Zhuxiang alone again.

"The subordinates only obey the orders of the prince, not the orders of the queen." Wuying was firm, but Mingyue admired this man a little from the bottom of her heart. He was so bold that he dared not listen to the orders of the queen!

"You, a little guard, dare to provoke the princess and ignore the order of the empress, do you want to die?" She just wanted to come to Hongzhuxiang when her cousin was away, but Wuying dared to stop her , If you delay the time, it will be troublesome when my cousin comes back in a while.

"My subordinate, the commander of the Golden Armor Guard, will not listen to anyone except the orders of the emperor and the prince." Wu Ying also showed his gold medal, sticking to his duties.

"You..." Leng Yishuang was so angry that her nose was crooked. This brat actually used the identity of the commander of the Golden Armored Guards to suppress her. Now he is in Wuyue Tower, not in the palace. Without the support of his aunt, he is afraid that he will suffer if he forcibly breaks in. .

As a result, Leng Yishuang wandered anxiously at the door, unable to make up his mind for a while.

Hong Zhuxiang is eating the food served by Aunt Qing deliciously, and sometimes she has a word with Aunt Qing. For this eclectic woman, Aunt Qing likes her very much. The most important thing is that she can win the heart of the prince. , this is better than anything!
Aunt Qing heard the sound at the door, her eyebrows and eyes flashed with worry, but Hong Zhuxiang had a relaxed expression on her face, nothing unusual, Ah Zhan really protected her well, this woman who wanted to bully her couldn't even enter the door, it seems She had a much better life in the future.

But, she can't hide under A Zhan's wings forever, can she?Could it be that her red bamboo fragrance can't deal with ancient women?Let's see what Leng Yishuang wants to do!
"Miss Leng, what do you want?" Hong Zhuxiang wiped her hands, walked lazily to the door, folded her arms across her chest, and looked at Leng Yishuang with a half-smile .

"Hong Zhuxiang, don't think that you can do whatever you want because your cousin dotes on you. You should know that your cousin is the only bloodline in the Hanhai Kingdom. Naturally, your cousin's concubine has to be chosen from thousands of choices, not only to satisfy the emperor and empress." , and the satisfaction of civil and military officials is also required, a woman with a stubborn temper like you will not be able to enter the Prince Regent's Palace at all."

Leng Yishuang was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, and when he saw Hongzhuxiang, he couldn't help but hit her, but Hongzhuxiang didn't have the slightest intention of retreating in spite of the difficulties, but looked at her proudly.

A woman like Leng Yishuang, not to mention Ah Zhan, I am afraid that any man of status would also look down on her. She has an arrogant personality, speaks without thinking, and is obviously disgusted by her, and she still looks down on her again and again. Posting it once, is it to make yourself a cheap commodity?
"Then I'll tell you, I've secured the entrance to the Prince Regent's Mansion of Hanhai Kingdom, and I've also secured your beloved prince. Are you satisfied?" Who wouldn't say such overbearing words?Who is more irritating, Leng Yishuang also lacks some morality.

" really don't give up until you reach the Yellow River." Leng Yishuang trembled with anger, almost speechless.

"I think you're talking about yourself, right? If you have nothing to do, get out of here. It's not a lady's way to quarrel with others all day long. If you continue like this, be careful that you won't get married."

Hong Zhuxiang looked at Leng Yi's blushing face, and felt that this woman was quite cute, but those poisonous eyes were full of disgusting light, which was too obvious, and would only suffer for herself.

"Cousin doesn't love you at all!" Leng Yishuang decided to show his last hole card, maybe let Hong Zhuxiang know this fact, she will take the initiative to leave cousin, in that case, she will have a chance to become his concubine .

"None of your business!" She can feel whether Ah Zhan loves her or not, it's not her Leng Yishuang who has the final say.Can a woman's jealousy really drive people crazy?She can say that.

"The reason why my cousin is with you is because you have different blood on your body, and my cousin needs to use your blood to save another woman." Leng Yishuang suddenly felt a feeling of panic, and my cousin knew that Will definitely punish her.

But now that I have said it, let’s talk about it. Anyway, it is a fact. Even if my cousin is angry, he can’t erase this fact. Any woman who hears such a fact will feel ashamed and hopeless to the end. She doesn’t believe in red. Bamboo fragrance can bear it.

"Miss Leng, you can go, don't disturb the princess's rest here." Wuying's face changed, and he waved someone to forcibly pull Leng Yishuang away.

"Joke, I have different blood flowing on my body? Then tell me, what's the difference in the blood on my body?" Hong Zhuxiang's face darkened. She gave Leng Yishuang a chance, but she didn't want her to make trouble for no reason!
Mingyue was a little confused, what exactly was Leng Yishuang talking about?It doesn't make sense that the prince loves the master just because the master has different blood on his body?Moreover, how did the prince know that the master had different blood flowing on his body?

"Presumptuous, you dare to attack this princess, Hong Zhuxiang, do you dare to try?" Leng Yishuang struggled and shouted while being held up by two guards.

(End of this chapter)

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