The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 214 The Husband and Wife Concentric

Chapter 214 The Husband and Wife Concentric (2)
Seeing the little woman's quiet face, Xuanyuan Tianzhan waved his hand, and the rest of the room retreated. He didn't know how to speak for a while. Although Xiang'er didn't pursue it, he must give Xiang'er an explanation for what happened today. Well, Xiang'er understands him so well, how can he let Xiang'er bear the unhappiness in his heart alone.

However, this matter is not only complicated, but also involves a lot, what should he say?He didn't want her little head to know so many things at all.

"Xiang'er, do you believe me?" The man suddenly hugged her body, buried his head in her hair, and smelled the fragrance of her hair.

"Even if people in the whole world don't believe in you, I will believe in you!" The firm tone was filled with unquestionable trust, and Hong Zhuxiang's words made the man relax. What more can a husband ask for than a wife like this!

"Xiang'er, do you love me?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his head and looked into her eyes seriously, not letting go of the slightest bit in them. However, all he could see was a pair of clean and clear eyes. Sigh.

"Love!" Love to the point of physical and mental interaction, love to the point of giving everything, love to the point where no one else can enter her heart except him, even if there is someone who treats her well like Murong Rui, she can't see it at all , she only had him in her heart—Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"That's enough, don't think about it in the future, just stay by my side." A bead of sweat leaked from his forehead, and the red bamboo fragrance gently brushed it away for him. The man had something on his mind, so he probably couldn't say it, but she also Can't bear to watch him suffer alone.

Tonight, she will tell him that no matter what, she is willing to bear it with him, even if she can't help, but she can share his pressure and face it with him, she is not a baby in swaddling, more Not a flower in the greenhouse, she is his wife, her lover, she has the heart and the ability to share his worries for him!
Hongzhuxiang gave the man a lot of his favorite dishes until he was full, the faint sadness on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's brows appeared and disappeared, although he just let Xiang'er stay by his side. But curious and intelligent as Xiang'er, how could she not explore?But how would he speak?If possible, he would never say it for the rest of his life.

With Xiang'er's personality, I'm afraid she would not be willing to stay by his side obediently, hiding in his protective layer.

"Ah Zhan, let's go take a bath!" Hongzhuxiang took the man's big hand and walked to the back of the screen. mist.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood motionless by the pool, his deep eyes interpreted the little woman who had already started to undress him, her movements were not jerky, but her little hands were trembling slightly, especially when touching his body, He could clearly feel her trembling.

"The clothes of the ancients are really troublesome." Hong Zhuxiang looked up at him with a smile, the sincerity in his eyes made the man's body stiff. At this moment, Xuanyuan Tianzhan also wanted to treat Xiang'er so sincerely, but he also had his own thoughts. It would be bad for Xiang'er to know about the matter, but he can guarantee that once Xiang'er asks about it, he will not hide anything.

"Ah Zhan's body is really beautiful."

It was only then that Xuanyuan Tianzhan realized that there was only a pair of "underpants" left on his whole body, and Xiang'er's clothes were still intact on his body. The man's ears turned red immediately, and the gloom just now was replaced by emotion.

"Xiang'er stared at Wei Fu bemusedly, is it because Wei Fu is good-looking?" A charming smile curled up on the corner of her mouth, and the evildoer was reborn.

"What do you think? It's not good-looking, and I don't want to look at it." Hong Zhuxiang confessed, looking at him from top to bottom, not letting go of any place. She needs to understand his body thoroughly. thorough!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan was speechless for a while, and just leaned close to her to let her feel herself, Hong Zhuxiang trembled all over, and grabbed the man's fidgeting hand with his backhand.

"Xiang'er, you tempted me."

Hong Zhuxiang suddenly exerted force on her hand and pushed the man into the pool. Xuanyuan Tianzhan refused to follow her, pulled her body and hugged her tightly when she fell, and the two fell into the pool together. Create a picture of bathing in spring.

The woman's drenched clothes can't hide anything at all, this delicate appearance is more seductive than wearing nothing at all, after some lingering, the man is already burning with desire, at this moment, the vision is strongly impacted again, He could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart.

"Xiang'er..." He called her in a low voice, bewildered her consciousness, and slowly took off her soaked clothes...

The water was rippling, rolling up fierce waves, the man was like a small fish, recklessly shuttling through the water, the woman finally couldn't bear it, clinging to the man, with his dark waves surging, they flew lightly together.

Hongzhuxiang was a little annoyed. Every time she got into his hands, she didn't even have the consciousness to resist. She couldn't refuse what he wanted. When did she become so interested in this man's body?
At this time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan spoke on his own, and while speaking, he lingered on the woman's skin with his slender fingertips, feeling affectionate.

"Xiang'er, you do have blood that is different from ordinary people, but this is not the reason why I fell in love with you, nor the reason why I am with you! This is just the reason why I first appeared in Xiangge, I didn't want to say it, but it's like when you take a bath, like when you are in love, like our present moment, the two hearts should be tightly attached together, I don't want you to have any grudges in your heart, let alone Let there be no barrier between us."

This sentence touched the bottom of Hong Zhuxiang's heart, this is exactly what she wanted to make him realize tonight, and now it seems that he already knew it.

After Xuanyuan Tianzhan finished speaking, he became emotional again, leaning over the woman's body, as if he wanted to let the woman feel the intimacy of the connection between the two at this moment, Hong Zhuxiang's heart is soft, she can feel his mood, feel to his intentions.

"Three years ago, Xiangge slowly rose from the rivers and lakes. Even though it was hidden deeply, Wuyuelou still discovered its existence. You know, I will wipe out all the dark forces. Later, Wuyuelou investigated The Fragrance Pavilion is yours, and since the Fragrance Pavilion and the Dark Pavilion are enemies, I did not move the Fragrance Pavilion, but watched it grow slowly."

Hong Zhuxiang was a little surprised. It turned out that her disguise was only a kind of default transparency in front of men. He had discovered Xiangge long ago and watched its growth. What a genius!
"Two years later, that is, a year ago, a man from Xuelang Bihai found me, gave me a blood test bead, and asked me to help him find someone who could turn the blood test bead from green to red. He said this Human blood can save a woman." Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't say who the woman was, in fact, he knew her.

"But I didn't agree to him. I just accepted the bead and carried it with me. Later, the blood test bead appeared in Shengjing. Although there was only a slight red sensation, I knew that there were people near Shengjing The person whose blood test beads turned red, and after Yin Weiyi investigated, I found out that this person is you. I just thought it was very strange at the time, so I planned to go to the song and dance studio to have a look. That was the first time I went to Xiangge. Didn't see you."

(End of this chapter)

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