The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 216 Temptation, fiasco

Chapter 216 Temptation, fiasco (2)
"Xiang'er, the current situation is unstable, and everywhere is in turmoil. Before I return to Hanhai Kingdom, I don't feel at ease." In fact, even after returning to Hanhai Kingdom, he is not at ease. Xue Zhongchen must have sensed the fragrance. With the existence of Xiang'er, he will do whatever it takes to attack Xiang'er.

Hong Zhuxiang also faintly discovered something, she has practiced Xiaoyao Tianxia to almost seven or eight levels, and compared to before, she is much more discerning now.Recently, she has been feeling that someone is following her secretly, but she has never noticed anything unusual. Maybe Ah Zhan has discovered something, which is why she is so nervous.

"Ah Zhan, I will always be obediently by your side." She can no longer make him worry, and she will also feel sorry for him. Ever since Leng Yishuang tested her blood beads, Ah Zhan's mood seems to be affected. If it is affected, I am afraid that something will happen to her.

"Good..." the man said in a low voice, but his sharp eyes did not relax his vigilance at all. He had clearly noticed something strange just now, but before he had time to investigate carefully, the man hid himself.

"Master, look, there is actually a men's pavilion here, named Yinanyuan." Mingyue's words instantly attracted everyone's attention to a tall plaque.

The words "Yinanyuan" made Hongzhuxiang feel a pain in her heart, thinking of the beautiful man who was tortured to death by Feng Wuhen before he could say a word to her.

Yi Nan Court?How come they have the same name?Could it be that this place also belongs to Xueyuan?No, Xue Yuan is already dead, how could she open Yinanyuan in Zhumen City?Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened, Zhumen City didn't have a men's pavilion a few days ago, how could a men's style pavilion pop up suddenly today?

Although she knew that Xue Yuan was no longer alive, Hong Zhuxiang still involuntarily walked towards the entrance of Yinanyuan. The font on the signboard was exactly the same as that of the Nanfengguan in Yuanzhou. She had a strange feeling. Want to go in and have a look.

Mingyue secretly cried out that it is not good, Prince Zhan is still here, why does the master want to enter the men's style hall in a woman's attire?Even if you are curious, you shouldn't just go in in front of Lord Zhan?At the beginning, Mingyue was disbanding the singing and dancing studio in Shengjing, and she didn't know that her master had already visited the Men's Style Hall.

Wuying was also stunned, he and the prince had both been to the Men's Style Pavilion in Yuanzhou, and now there is exactly the same Yi Nanyuan here, it's really unbelievable.

"Xiang'er, I won't be happy for my husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan quickly grabbed Hongzhuxiang's waist, turned her body to face him, and turned her back to Yinanyuan, looking deeply at her. She had feigned anger in her eyes.

Hong Zhuxiang regained consciousness in an instant.

"Uh... I'm just curious, I want to see if the Yi Nan Court here is the same as the one in Yuanzhou, now that I think about it, the Men's House should be pretty much the same, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, hehe... "Oh my God, how could she wear women's clothing to the men's shop in front of Ah Zhan?It's really crazy, Hong Zhuxiang calmed down now, the feeling of involuntary wanting to go in just now disappeared a lot.

Xue Zhongchen looked at this scene from afar, with a strange smile on his lips. The white-clothed guard beside him looked at his young master in puzzlement. Just now, the young master looked helpless, so why did he suddenly smile?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the woman with a smile, but there was an ominous premonition in his heart. Is the person from Xuelangbihai going to make a move so soon?It seemed that he had to take more measures to protect Xiang'er's safety.

The sudden appearance of Yinanyuan was obviously done by someone with a heart!
After that, around Hongzhuxiang and another sleeping woman, two powerful men are brewing a fierce battle that will break out at any time.

"Xiang'er, let's go straight back to Loucheng." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said.

"Okay!" The woman agreed straight away, as long as she was with him, it would be the same wherever she went.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan knew in his heart that although Hanhai Kingdom and the Xuelangbihai outside the sea area have lived in peace for more than 100 years, it is no longer possible to calm down now. is the best choice.

The waves are turbulent, the iron bones are clanging, the sky and the moon are changing, and the stars are shifting. The balance of this world will eventually be broken, and Hanhai Kingdom and Xuelangbihai will also face changes in the situation.

On the wide avenue leading to Hanhai Guolou City, a carriage was driving at high speed. The driver looked serious and did not dare to be negligent. In the carriage, a man and a woman hugged each other tightly, and their black and red clothes were entangled. Together, what a loving couple.

Wu Zing drove the carriage without looking sideways. The prince and the princess have always been strolling in the courtyard, not surprised by favor or shame, but now their speed has exceeded the limit. Wu Ying and Ming Yue followed behind, faintly feeling the strange atmosphere around them.

"Ah Zhan, tell me what happened? Why are you in such a hurry?" Although it was very quiet outside, but with the current Mercedes, if she couldn't notice anything, I'm afraid she would be a fool.

The man smiled and said nothing, leaned over and kissed the woman's red lips, tossing and lingering, the wind outside the car window whizzed by, kicking up dust all over the place, the carriage rolled over the potholed road, making the sound of rubble colliding with each other .

Mingyue sensed the movement behind her, turned her head and saw a group of masked men in black suddenly appeared behind them, chasing them in their direction. In broad daylight, someone was chasing and killing them on the official road, what audacity!
"Mingyue, don't look back, just go forward." Wuying reminded, in an unidentifiable tone, then slapped his horse's ass and chased the carriage away.

Mingyue looked at Wuying strangely, and followed him.The army in golden armor descended from the sky and stopped all the men in black on the road. They raised their knives and fell, fighting fiercely. Blood sprang out and their heads fell to the ground.

"My lord, our people have encountered a golden armored guard!" The guard next to the man in blue exclaimed suddenly.

Now that they are at the junction of Shengtian and Hanhai Kingdom, it is not surprising that there are people from Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but the skills of these golden armored guards have improved a lot compared to the ones he saw a year ago.

Xue Zhongchen's face remained unchanged, his eyes followed the non-stop carriage from beginning to end, he had to admit that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had the capital of arrogance, maybe he knew his plan a long time ago, even if he quickly Xuanyuan Tianzhan was able to deal with the attack calmly and freely. It was really not easy to snatch that woman away from him.

"Ah Zhan..." Hong Zhuxiang pushed the man's chest angrily, she was talking to him about business, how could he catch fire at any time, and she was not afraid of the carriage throwing her out!

Huh?How did the carriage slow down?Damn, she kissed so much that she couldn't hear what was going on outside.

"Xiang' not restless even after a kiss." Xuanyuan Tianzhan seemed to have not kissed enough, and refused to let go of the woman.

The outside gradually quieted down, and the carriage began to drive steadily. From the appearance of the sneak attacking men in black to the time when their heads fell to the ground, Xuanyuan Tianzhan pursed his lips in satisfaction. Jin Jiawei had trained well recently.

(End of this chapter)

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