The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 223 The Heart Is the Most Unpredictable

Chapter 223 The Heart Is the Most Unpredictable (1)
Xue Yuan coughed in embarrassment, and then said: "Brother Ruofei, don't come here without any problems." Listening to Hong Zhuxiang calling him Ruofei, no matter what his surname is, there should be no mistake in calling him this way, this person recognizes Xueyuan, but he doesn't Knowing their relationship, it seems that they must return to Xuelangbihai as soon as possible.

"Don't... don't come here without any problems." Nalan Ruofei's doubts magnified infinitely, this expression, this way of speaking, doesn't quite resemble Xue Yuan's style!

"Okay, I know you have a lot of doubts, so let's put it in your stomach first. Tell me, why did you come to Hanhai Country? Did you miss me, so you came to me?" Hong Zhuxiang teased.

The back of the little brother who was pouring tea froze, it was Wuying pretending, the princess was really speechless and endless, you know, these words will reach the ears of the prince, but the appearance of Nalan Ruofei is a real surprise. It's really surprising that Nalan Ruofei has a very good relationship with the princess. As soon as he appears, he can take care of the princess in a fair and honest manner.It's just that, Mr. Nalan, pay attention to the distance between you and the princess, put your shoulders together, the prince can eat people!

Nalan Ruofei took his eyes back from Xue Yuan with difficulty, and his gaze stayed on Hong Zhuxiang again. Although he looked like a dandy, his mind turned faster than anyone else. This atmosphere was obviously very abnormal.

"That's right, I came here specifically to find Xiang'er. Will Xuanyuan Tianzhan allow you to be with other men? It's really strange." Nalan Ruofei also laughed.

Nalan Ruofei returned to Shengjing from Yuanzhou. Some big and small things happened in the family. When he was free, he thought about Xiang'er. A few days ago, he suddenly heard that the regent of Hanhai Kingdom brought the princess back to the country I just want to come to Hanhai Country to have a look, and develop my own business here by the way.

"Ah Zhan..." Hong Zhuxiang felt cordial when she saw Nalan Ruofei, but she was interrupted by Xue Yuan's cold voice before she finished speaking.

"Xiang'er, let's hurry back to the snow waves and blue sea. If it's too late, Jing'er's life will be in danger." If Nalan Ruofei and Hong Zhuxiang are allowed to continue talking, they will inevitably reveal their flaws because they talk too much , Xuanyuan City is not far in front, as long as you pass through Xuanyuan City, you can reach the snow waves and blue sea in less than two days.

Hong Zhuxiang's face darkened, did Xue Yuan really think she was so good-tempered?One has to be restricted in speaking, is this really the same Xue Yuan who treated her so well back then?A trace of coldness flashed in her bright eyes, and Hong Zhuxiang got on her horse unhappily, as if she was going to leave.

"Xiang'er, did I make you angry? If what I just said is wrong, I apologize to you." Xue Yuan grabbed the horse's rein, fearing that the woman would leave in a fit of anger.

"No, didn't you say that we should hurry up? Then we don't need to rest, let's all go!" Hong Zhuxiang said in a cold tone, and then glanced at Nalan Ruofei again, and said, "Ruofei, come on, Let's race horses, and the next city will be the end point, whoever is faster will win, and the loser will invite the winner to drink."

"Okay!" Seeing that Hong Zhuxiang wanted to leave, Nalan Ruofei got on the horse early. Judging by Xiang'er's character, she felt resentful in her heart. If it wasn't for the fact that Xue Yuan had saved Xiang'er, I'm afraid Xiang'er can't bear it long ago.

Xue Yuan froze in place, her expression was not very good, this woman is really domineering, exactly the same as Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but she couldn't provoke her at this time, she felt really aggrieved.

"What? You don't want to hurry?" Hong Zhuxiang raised her eyebrows, not caring that Xue Yuan's hand was still holding the rein, she swung the long whip vigorously, Xue Yuan's hand hurt, and a clearly visible welt was red and swollen, red Zhuxiang's legs clamped the horse's belly, the horse let out a long neigh, and galloped up, Xue Yuan couldn't hold back, staggeringly let go of the rein.

Xue Yuan was furious and shocked at the same time, it turned out that this woman's inner strength is so strong, fortunately he didn't offend her too thoroughly, what kind of virtue and ability is Xuanyuan Tianzhan to get such a woman as his concubine!

Intense jealousy instantly arose in the man's heart, why did Xuanyuan Tianzhan take all the benefits?Jing'er likes him, and his father often praises him. Almost everyone regards him as a god. Why?Why exactly?
The man's bewitching eyes stared at the red smear as he swung the whip away, and then looked at the thick welt marks on his hand. Is this woman warning him?Hmph... what's so great about martial arts, he has a lot of tricks, and when the snow waves and blue seas come, he will make this woman kneel down and beg him!

"Young Master, are you alright?" The guard in white asked worriedly. No one thought that this woman would dare to whip their young master with a horse. The young master is a distinguished prince of the sea area of ​​Xuelang Bihai.

"Hurry up and catch up." Xue Zhongchen roared angrily, and chased after him with a whip.

As soon as the few people left, Wu Ying tore off the sticky beard and couldn't help laughing, he knew that the princess was not so easy to bully, this damned Xue Zhongchen even wanted to take the princess to get out of Xuanyuan City. It's impossible to go back to the snowy waves and blue sea, the prince has already set up a net to wait for him!

Xue Zhongchen prepared horses for everyone in order to hurry on the road. The horse Hong Zhuxiang rode was also a good horse. With a bitter face, all of Xiang'er's anger turned into dust, and it all flew on him, hey...who made Xiang'er ride faster than him on horseback!
"Xiang'er, wait for me!" Nalan Ruofei said in a pitiful voice.

"Hurry up, I'm already waiting for you, or do you think you can follow me?" Hong Zhuxiang turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Nalan Ruofei, and speeded up again. If you don't hurry up, how can you talk alone? what time?

Nalan Ruofei was extremely clever, so he naturally understood, and immediately accelerated his forward speed.

The group was quickly left far behind, everyone looked ahead worriedly, for fear that Hongzhuxiang would run away, Xue Zhongchen's hand hurt from eating Hongzhuxiang's whip, and his riding speed was too slow. Slowing down, he watched the figures of the two getting smaller and smaller until they finally disappeared from sight.

"Xiang'er, why does Xue Yuan take you so closely?" Nalan Ruofei is such a sensitive person, he became suspicious when he saw Xue Yuan.

"To use my blood to save the woman he likes." Hong Zhuxiang's tone was unrecognizable, but there was a strange look hidden in his eyelids.

Nalan Ruofei was so startled that he almost fell off his horse, this is absolutely impossible!The person Xue Yuan likes is Xiang'er, how could she use Xiang'er's blood to save other women?
"Xiang'er, that Xueyuan is fake!" Nalan Ruofei said directly.If he was not sure just now, he is 100% sure now.

Hong Zhuxiang didn't speak, and gave another whip to the horse's buttocks, as if he was whipping someone he hated.The air fluctuated violently because of her anger, the whip swept across the place, and the leaves all fell, creating a poignant beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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