Chapter 237 Blood Oath (1)
"The poison has been cured." Master Miaoshou spat out a few words simply, and it was very difficult to speak.

"What about the residual poison from before?" He checked Xiang'er's pulse, the poison under the dust in the snow was not to be feared, what he was worried about was the poison from Xiang'er in the secret cabinet before.

"I'm incompetent as a teacher." Just now he took Xiang girl's pulse, which was beyond his ability. He didn't have any hope in the first place, so he left without saying goodbye after the medicinal bath to force the poison, saying that he was looking for more herbs. In fact, he just didn't want to tell Zhan'er this fact so early.

Now, seeing the scene of them loving each other, his heart aches. If possible, why doesn't he want to save his apprentice and daughter-in-law, what a wonderful girl she is!
"So, Xiang'er's life is still in danger?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened, this was the news he didn't want to hear the most, Master was powerless, and no one in the world could cure Xiang'er's poison.

"No life-threatening." It's just more painful than letting people die.

"It's not life-threatening, so what's the problem?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was puzzled.

"Difficult pregnancy." When Master Miaoshou said these two words, he closed his eyes in pain. If Zhan'er had brothers, maybe it would be better, but he is the only blood of the royal family of Hanhai Kingdom. The body was damaged, and the hope between the two suddenly became slim.

Zhan'er's future path, as a master, has no right to stop him. Although he wholeheartedly hopes that this apprentice with a heart for the world can make a difference, it is so sad that no one will inherit the world after he has conquered it!Forget it, he's old, Zhan'er is a smart person, whether he will take a concubine in the future, or live alone like his father, he can't control so much.

"It's impossible." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's footsteps were unsteady, trembling all over, he had never felt so sad and powerless at this moment.

"I have tried my best as a teacher. If you want to have children, you can only have children with other women." Master Miaoshou said, what a cruel fact!
"Didn't Master say that it is difficult to conceive? He didn't say it was impossible. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's gaze was so firm that even his master could not be shaken.

Master Miaoshou sighed softly, "difficult" is just a wording, how could it not be said?
"There is a slight possibility, but the chance is very slim. According to the number of times you have intercourse, Xiang girl's stomach should have responded long ago, but now there is no movement. What do you think is going on?" He really couldn't bear it. , But this is the truth, even if he doesn't say it, Zhan'er will figure it out, it's better to let him wake up.

"Old man, don't talk nonsense if your medical skills are not good, it won't happen, Xiang'er will be fine." Xuanyuan Tianzhan cursed angrily, his strength seemed to have been drained, and he was as weak as ever.

"Ten years of poison have already caused harm to the body. You can choose your own path in the future. This is all for the teacher. You can figure it out!" Master Miaoshou threw down a sentence, turned around and flew out, In a flash, he disappeared.

Late at night in early spring, a man with a cold face stood alone in the high-rise attic. The February wind had already receded a lot of the cold air, but it still made people feel the damp cold air blowing in front of him like this.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood on a tall building, leaning on the railing, but there was a blur in front of him. In the trance lights, he seemed to see the beauty of the past, the laughter of the past.

Tonight, he didn't dare to go back, he didn't dare to let Xiang'er see that he was out of control, if he wanted to hide it from Xiang'er, he had to pass himself first, he was adjusting his state, but with little effect.

Is it because the road he has traveled is too flat, so God wants to give him one here?He Xuanyuan stood up to the sky, turned the clouds and rained, and never believed that he did not believe in the sky, but at this moment, he felt so powerless.

Would they still be as sweet as they are now without children?
When Xuanyuan Tianzhan was in deep struggle and pain, a tall figure suddenly jumped in, standing straight behind Xuanyuan Tianzhan, looking at him with sharp and complicated eyes, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't turn around, but Sensing the man's aura, Long Yuyan was dressed in a simple black robe, and his whole body looked extremely gloomy.

"Who is it?" Wu Zong was shocked. Someone could easily leap into such a high attic, and the hidden guards didn't find him until he landed firmly. What a powerful master this must be!

"Back off!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan turned around suddenly, under the bright moonlight, he could clearly see the handsome face of the man opposite him, who was as handsome as anyone else, and his pair of meteor-like eyes were slightly red, obviously, Long Yuyan already knew things today.

If it was in the past, Xuanyuan Tianzhan would definitely mind that someone secretly eavesdropped on his conversation with his master, but he didn't want to guard against Long Yuyan. A man as bright and aboveboard as he is doesn't need to be guarded!
With a wave of Wu Zing's hand, Yin Wei stepped back and became invisible himself. He had never seen this person before, but he gave off a sense of righteousness and awe. Could it be the prince's old friend?
"What are you going to do?" Long Yuyan said directly, the pain in Meteor's eyes was no less than that of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, he would never allow Junior Sister to suffer any harm, if Xuanyuan Tianzhan could not give Junior Sister happiness, he would take her away .

"What should I do? Xiang'er is my woman, so naturally she will always be with me." The man's cold voice was frozen like wind and frost, and the temperature in the attic instantly dropped a lot.

The faint moonlight and starlight covered two peerless men, both dressed in black, with the same eyebrows and eyes worried about a woman. The two stood quietly, their eyes meeting.

Long Yuyan was stunned for a moment, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan answered him almost without thinking, which is enough to prove that what he said was from the heart.

"Maybe it can be cured!" Long Yuyan said lightly, and with just one glance, he already understood Xuanyuan Tianzhan's intentions.

"Even if it can't be cured, I will not abandon Xiang'er. It is not easy to fall in love with someone, and it is even more difficult to protect someone. Xiang'er's position in my heart is unique and no one can replace her." He will never fall in love with another woman again, he will only be monogamous in this life like his father.

"Your senior brother Ouyang Ren is good at medicine." The only person Long Yuyan can think of is Ouyang Ren. Although the ghost doctor's reputation is not as high as that of a real person, he has profound knowledge in medicine after all.

"Can his medical skills be as high as his master's?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked back.

Long Yuyan was silent, even if the master couldn't help it, what else could the apprentice do?The so-called blue comes from the blue and is better than the blue, that is only a minority, and the age of the master is more than [-] years old than Ouyang Ren, Ouyang Ren's medical attainments are naturally not as high as the master, but no matter what, he has to try give it a try.

"Perhaps senior brother Ouyang really has a solution." Xuanyuan Tianzhan thought for a while, and a glimmer of hope lit up in his eyes. To be precise, he would not give up as long as he had hope. "Senior brother Ouyang specializes in medicine. There will be extraordinary achievements in a certain aspect, but I heard that he has traveled all over the world, and now I don’t know where he is.”

(End of this chapter)

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