Chapter 251
"Who cares! Your wife and I have talents..."

In the end, no one dared to challenge Hongzhuxiang anymore. The number one talented woman in Hanhai Kingdom was defeated, let alone the other women. .

In this competition, the red bamboo fragrance became famous all over the world and shocked the world. Murong Rui smiled and listened to the news from Hanhai Kingdom, and felt a little relieved.The emperor of Nanyue Kingdom was even more excited, thinking about his daughter all the time, Han Bingxue finally got the news of Hongzhuxiang, and made up his mind to leave Wuwang Mountain and come to Hanhai Kingdom. Ouyang Ren was worried and followed suit Come on, it is said that you are traveling around the world, and you are going to visit Hanhai Country.

Long Yuyan flew through the path to the junction of Nanyue Kingdom and Shengtian, but missed Ouyang Ren who was going to Hanhai Kingdom in the opposite direction. The man was in a hurry and searched for Ouyang Ren's footprints.

He Lianbei's vitality was seriously injured, and he returned to the north to organize his troops. Hearing people talking about red bamboo fragrance, he felt mixed emotions. She is Bing'er's daughter, but he is Helianbei's enemy. What should he do? manage?
Time flies, it is April in a blink of an eye, and the warm sun is shining all over the world. On this day, Xuanyuan Tianzhan prepared a grand surprise, and the room is full of romance. At this moment, Hongzhuxiang is still complaining. Let her eat spicy food, saying that she is getting angry, and she should eat lightly. She is very depressed and doesn't want to care about others.

"Mingyue, do you think Ah Zhan is sick? Why is he always reading medical books lately?" Hong Zhuxiang blinked bright eyes, the dark pupils were as bright as morning stars.

Wuying staggered and almost hit the pillars of the corridor. Why is it that the princess's words are always so surprising?Is the prince sick after reading medical books?Can't the princess think that the prince is because he has nothing to do recently?If this sentence reaches the ears of the prince, the prince will be disgraced again!

"Master, now is not the time to think about this. Mingyue heard a piece of good news outside just now. Do you want to know?" Qin Mingyue was in a good mood and was finally able to be by her master's side again. Although Prince Zhan didn't like her Always pestering the master, but still listening to the master's words, she was released very quickly and continued to be by the master's side. Having such a protective master is really a blessing in her previous life.

"Oh? What good news?" Hong Zhuxiang's eyes lit up when she heard the good news. Ah Zhan shut out all the visitors who harassed her.

"Mingyue won't tell the master." Qin Mingyue said mysteriously. She knew that her master was bored recently, so she intentionally created such an atmosphere, but this is really good news, because the prince is preparing a surprise for the master, and cannot be in advance Let the master know.

"Okay, Mingyue, I'm getting more and more courageous, and dare to tease your master, see if I don't deal with you!" Hong Zhuxiang scratched Qin Mingyue's waist as she said, and the two of them chased and dodged. It's fun, until I'm tired...

Qin Mingyue had the urge to cry, and the familiar feeling rushed out, and she was moved. Even though the Xiangge was gone, the relationship between her and the master was still the same. Even though the world had changed, the relationship between her and the master had never changed. unchanged.

Hearing the laughter coming from inside, Wuying sighed unconsciously, how much I missed the time when I was playing with Mingyue, how I wished that time could go back to the past, now there is a gully between them, and no one can get close to the other , Is this what people say there is no fate?
In the evening, the west is covered with a red glow, the sky is full of red light, piercing layers of white clouds, and in the courtyard of Zhanxiangxuan, Hongzhuxiang stands with her hands behind her back. Although it is almost dusk, the sunset is infinitely beautiful, she is very happy, she What I experience is not the loneliness at dusk, but the beautiful sunset.

At some point, Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood outside the door, dressed in white, as elegant as a jade prince, as beautiful as a banished fairy, with a gentle smile on his face, in front of Xianger, he was a gentle Azhan, not domineering Regent.

Red Bamboo Fragrance closed her eyes, feeling the refreshing fragrance that came with the wind. It was the smell that belonged exclusively to A Zhan. It was the smell that reassured her. He hugged her, locked her tightly, his warm breath was next to his ears, and his firm chest was behind his back.

The taste of this man has already penetrated into the bone marrow!

An affectionate kiss fell on the neck without warning, hot and humid lips lingered, Hongzhuxiang's skin became hot, her little face was flushed, her heart beat faster, her body trembled uncontrollably, feeling his love, Feel his warm world.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's kiss was restrained and suppressed, which made people feel distressed. His breathing gradually became heavy and disordered. His patience for many days was already challenging his bottom line. Tonight, love her!

"Xiang'er, I'll take you to a place." The gentle voice made Hong Zhuxiang tremble all over. She kept her back to the man and didn't see his expression. It turned out that he was wearing white clothes today, and he was only her A Zhan.

I still remember last year, when the spring breeze was blowing in February, he was sailing on a boat on the lake. The man who was so handsome as a fairy, although he concealed his arrogance, still exuded the aura of a king, but he looked into her eyes , but it is strangely gentle...

"Hmm..." The woman's voice was full of expectation, mixed with surprise. Ah Zhan's desire has not been that strong recently, and she thought he was tired of her, but it turned out that he was just preparing a surprise for her.

With a big hand, Xuanyuan Tianzhan hugged Hong Zhuxiang horizontally, and her petite body was nestled in his arms, which made him feel distressed, and made him want to do everything for her!
Hong Zhuxiang once again felt the man's outstanding lightness kungfu, and she had never seen through Ah Zhan's martial arts. How powerful such a man must be!And how much loneliness should be endured, the king is at the peak, how can the road under his feet be so easy?Overcoming thorns and thorns, who will accompany him?

Ah Zhan, I, Red Bamboo Fragrance, live and die with me in this life!

After flying for a while with Qinggong, Xuanyuan Tianzhan jumped to the ground, hugged Hongzhuxiang and walked forward slowly, looking around with beautiful eyes, Hongzhuxiang was a little surprised, this is the suburbs, not the city?Ah Zhan actually hugged her all the way out of the city from the Prince Regent's Mansion in the city, and was moved in his heart.

As the night deepened, the bright moonlight cast a little brilliance, and the spring breeze in the suburbs made people extremely refreshing and comfortable. After walking forward for a while, Xuanyuan Tianzhan stopped, and a quiet courtyard appeared in front of him. The lights are twinkling, and the fragrance of pear blossoms can be faintly heard...

Hongzhuxiang was full of joy, secretly looking forward to, what kind of beautiful picture is there?

"Xiang'er, we're here." Xuanyuan Tianzhan kicked the door lightly, and then swung his sleeves to create a gust of wind to close the door. The courtyard is not decorated with candlelight, but large night pearls, colorful and strange lights. In the courtyard, bright Like the daytime, the pear blossoms all over the courtyard are as white as snow, and the moonlight is shining, full of brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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