The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 253 Do You Think You Are The Only One Who Loves Xiang'er

Chapter 253 Do You Think You Are The Only One Who Loves Xiang'er
"Young Master, be careful." The white-clothed guard turned pale with shock.

Xue Zhongchen didn't look back, looked at his own palm, nodded in satisfaction, raised his sleeves, and waved a palm at the crowd behind him. Before they had time to see a ghostly figure passing by, they closed their eyes without exception.

The white-clothed guard watched the people around him die one by one, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. In only two months, he did not expect that the young master had changed so much, and his temperament became very unstable.

Under the moonlight, he was dressed in blue clothes and moved against the wind, his evildoer's face was full of gloom, and within ten feet of his body was full of coldness. He is the prince of the snowy waves and blue sea, and he can't tolerate Xuanyuan Tianzhan forever being taller than him. To save Jing'er, he has to support the world of snow waves and blue sea, even if the price of backlash is extremely high, he doesn't care.Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Hongzhuxiang, your good days are over!
It was the nth time that Xuanyuan Wangyue was blocked outside the Prince Regent's Mansion, and he was extremely depressed. Every time he tried his best to break in, he was mercilessly beaten out by Yinwei. This was not the case before.

"I want to see my cousin, why are you stopping me over and over again?" He hadn't seen Xiang'er since that competition, and now he wanted to ask her for advice on many curious things!Why is it so difficult to enter this door?
"My lord, my lord is really not here!" Zheng Bo said this sentence almost numbly, he said it countless times in a day, and the one who came the most frequently was Prime Minister Che, but the strange thing was that Leng Yishuang But never came.

Xuanyuan Wangyue couldn't beat the Yinwei, so he had to leave regretfully. He opened the back door and was thrown out by the Yinwei. It must be his cousin who ordered him not to enter, speechless...

At the gate of Zhan Xiangxuan, Wu Ying swung his sword across and stopped Yun Feihong. Yun Feihong didn't know where he had offended his brother Zhan. Since he came, he never gave him a good face.If it weren't for Xiang'er's face, he might have been driven to the envoy's post a long time ago, right? !

Yun Lin felt so uncomfortable. When did his eldest prince suffer such grievances? When he arrived at Prince Zhan's place, he was not allowed to enter this place or to go there. He could also feel the Yinwei staring at him, and there was no privacy at all.

"Wu Ying, are you sure you can stop me?" Yun Feihong smiled.The man was waving a jade fan with a graceful demeanor, and the cloud-white brocade robe made his figure even more slender. The smile at the corner of his mouth remained unchanged for thousands of years, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Then the eldest prince, let's try!" Wuying stood firm, and if he couldn't stop it, he would stop it. The prince's order was an imperial decree in his heart. He absolutely couldn't let Yun Feihong in. The prince said that he would give Yun Feihong some punishment. .

Yunlin had the urge to draw his sword out, Wuying, what kind of tone is this?How could he treat the eldest prince like this?The eldest prince is the favorite son of the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom, and he might be the future emperor of Nanyue Kingdom. Isn't Wuying afraid that the eldest prince will become the enemy of Hanhai Kingdom in the future?

Wuying really didn't think about it that much. His lord would think about such a complicated matter. He just needs to fulfill his responsibilities. From all indications, his lord doesn't want to see Yun Feihong. If you don't want to see him, of course he has to stop it!

"Let's go." Yun Feihong waved his hand towards Yunlin, but he couldn't detect any aura inside, and Xiang'er was no longer in Zhanxiangxuan.

"My lord..." Yunlin was unwilling, what kind of attitude is Wuying? !He didn't understand why his young master swallowed his anger as soon as he met Xuanyuan Tianzhan. With the same noble status, could it be that Nanyue Kingdom is afraid of Hanhai Kingdom?
"If you don't want to follow me, I will ignore you from now on and give you a freedom?" Yun Feihong's tone was light, vaguely disappointed, Yun Lin was really getting more and more impetuous.

It was only then that Yunlin realized that he had gone too far, and knelt down with a "plop" in fright, his voice trembling slightly: "Young master, I was wrong, please don't drive me away, young master!"

Yun Feihong also has his difficulties, now that he is in Hanhai Country, he should bear with it a bit, and when that black-bellied vinegar jar wants to marry Xiang'er, he will know that his brother-in-law is not so easy to bully.

What Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't expect was that on the way to Nanyue Kingdom to seek marriage, there would be two obstacles in the way, all of them fierce and powerful, desperately squeezing him!Revenge him naked!

Yun Feihong guessed right, Hongzhuxiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already left the house, and went shopping with Wujing and Mingyue. As soon as Hongzhuxiang went to the street, she felt a sense of freedom again. Xuanyuan City was really prosperous. There are many high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, shops, teahouses, and hotels are all high-end!Worthy of being an imperial capital!
"Wu Zing, lead the way to the biggest restaurant in Xuanyuan City." Hong Zhuxiang looked around and suddenly said to Wu Zing.

Wu Zing staggered and almost fell to the ground, why didn't the princess ask the prince's opinion?The most prosperous restaurant in Xuanyuan City is owned by Nalan Ruofei, can you take the princess there?

"Wu Zing, I want you to lead the way to the biggest restaurant in Xuanyuan City. What do you think your lord is doing? Does your lord have a map on his face? Or is it that you can't find the way?" Hong Zhuxiang smiled leisurely.She just didn't want to ask Ah Zhan's opinion, so she let Wujing lead the way directly. Next time, she should bring Wuying out, and Wuying will use it conveniently!

"Uh... princess, it's almost here." Wu Zing was about to cry to death, he really wanted to say that he couldn't find the way, but he couldn't lie to the master, since the prince didn't say anything, he probably didn't object, right?Wu Ting thinks so!

It's a pity that Wu Zong was put into confinement as soon as he went back. The reason was: he couldn't figure out what the prince meant, and he wasn't considerate in his work!
No trace, no tears, my God!Do you want to do this?

"Princess, this is Feixiang Tower." A few people stood in front of the restaurant, and the words "Feixiang Pavilion" were written on the big golden plaque extremely recklessly, unrestrained and unrestrained, eclectic!
However, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened when he saw the characters on the golden plaque. The characters "Fei" and "Xiang" were actually written together, as if they were holding hands, very intimate.And the name made him feel very uncomfortable!
"Fei" is taken from Nalan Ruofei's name, and "Xiang" is taken from Xiang'er's name. The meaning of Feixianglou is naturally obvious. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened, and his heart was suddenly overwhelmed, bitter and bitter, what a good one Nalan Ruofei still misses Xiang'er.

"Feixianglou! What a good name, it is worthy of being my boyfriend, and treats me well!" When Hong Zhuxiang looked at these words, she was also a little surprised. This should be the font carefully designed by Ruofei, right?But Ah Zhan will be jealous!

The male bestie that Hong Zhuxiang talked about made Xuanyuan Tianzhan feel better. Xiang'er just hit it off with Nalan Ruofei and didn't like Nalan Ruofei at all. Xuanyuan Tianzhan was the only one in Xiang'er's heart. It doesn't help if you don't give up.

Didn't Nalan Ruofei quit automatically when he was in Yuanzhou?Which one are you singing now?Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly became irritable, and instantly felt that he had another rival in love!
(End of this chapter)

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