The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 256 Three playboys and one drama

Chapter 256 Three Dudes and One Drama (1)
Hong Zhuxiang followed her words and hugged the man's waist tightly, feeling all kinds of feelings in her heart, he is a man who stands up to the sky and bears everything for her, but he is also a human body, he will also be tired, he will also be injured, so It hurts so much for him.

"Ah Zhan, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have eaten carelessly, and I shouldn't have listened to you!" Hong Zhuxiang blamed herself.

"Fool, I don't blame you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan closed his eyes, felt the soft body in his arms, and was very satisfied. He took the pulse of Hongzhuxiang with his big hand, and he was a little disappointed. Xiang'er's body was not that bad It's getting better, after a long time, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide it!
"Ah Zhan, I want to know what's wrong with my body?" Hong Zhuxiang couldn't wait, she couldn't wait to know her physical condition, Azhan was too nervous about her, which made her very uneasy!
The man sighed softly, and Xiang'er finally asked. He knew that this day would come, and he had thought of countless excuses, but at this moment, he couldn't say a word!
"A Zhan, just tell me, will I die?" Hong Zhuxiang is not afraid of death. Before meeting A Zhan, she struggled with darkness and death every day. Death has long been fearless, but she was afraid of losing her life. Leave Ah Zhan alone, afraid that he will bear the pain of losing his lover alone!They haven't been together for long, she can't bear it!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan breathed a sigh of relief, Xiang'er's life was not in danger, and he could answer her this question with certainty.

"Xiang'er's life is not in danger, don't let wild thoughts go, we still have a lot of babies, and we will be together happily!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan covered his eyes and said expectantly.

"Who is going to have a baby with you? I still want to live a free life for a few more years!" Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but rolled her eyes. Woolen cloth!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was taken aback for a moment, and calmly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Xiang'er is not in a hurry to have a child, he will have enough time to recuperate Xiang'er's body!
"Xiang'er, I was injured for my husband..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly said sadly.

"Ah Zhan, does your chest still hurt?" Hong Zhuxiang felt sorry for the man. With such a serious injury, Ah Zhan must be in pain!
"The chest doesn't hurt, the mouth hurts!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan played a hooligan, Hong Zhuxiang was speechless, but looking at his sad eyes, it was really unbearable to refuse.

"Then I'll give you a soft mouth?" Hong Zhuxiang asked funny.

"Kiss, kiss..." The man moved his mouth closer, his sexy and elastic thin lips were slightly raised, and Hong Zhuxiang's heart tightened when he saw it!
Before she had time to think about it, her lips became hot, and she was thrown onto the bed by the man, wasn't he injured?After vomiting so much blood and still having the energy to do this, he really convinced him!

Hearing the ambiguous voice from the room, Nalan Ruofei smiled, and suddenly became enlightened... He is Xiang'er's boyfriend, forever!

Hongzhuxiang stayed in Hanhai Kingdom for more than two months, most of the time in the Prince Regent's Mansion, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan sent people to guard the gate very tightly, which made her life a lot more monotonous!
Hongzhuxiang thought about her life for the past two months in disbelief, and she felt like being treated like a flower in a greenhouse, which made her frown.

Who is she?Curious and flamboyant, unrestrained and unrestrained, likes to be high-profile, ostentatious, and the red bamboo fragrance that shows off its might, how can she be the flower in the greenhouse?

Even if the greenhouse was cultivated by Xuanyuan Tianzhan, she would not do it. Hong Zhuxiang made up her mind, she wants to go out!

"Wuying, is there any fun place in Xuanyuan City?" Hong Zhuxiang called Wuying and Mingyue from outside the door, and decided to discuss with them about going out for fun.

"Ah..." Wuying Guai roared, complaining endlessly, and with his toes, he could imagine what the princess wanted to do!

"What are you making such a fuss about? Could it be that your lord gave you a death order saying that you are not allowed to take me out without permission?" Hong Zhuxiang guessed, the biggest possibility is this.

"No, it's just that the prince said that the envoys from the surrounding small countries have come to pay homage to the Hanhai Kingdom. Although Xuanyuan City is extremely guarded, it will be more difficult to manage if there are too many foreigners. The city will be more chaotic than usual. The prince said that it is not suitable for the princess. Go out." Wuying didn't dare to speak ill of her lord casually!

When Hongzhuxiang heard that the foreign envoys were coming, she immediately looked curious. Not to mention, she really wanted to see what the people around Hanhai Kingdom looked like, but she wanted to find an excuse for herself to go out for a stroll.

"Let's go, let's go out for a walk." With a wave of Hong Zhuxiang's sleeves, Zhang Yang's red dress went out first.

Wuying had no choice but to secretly signal to the person in the dark, and the person rushed to the palace immediately. A quarter of an hour later, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, who was receiving foreign envoys in the palace, knew the news that his little girl was going out , his face darkened, and he pushed everything to Che Zili!
It's good that Hong Zhuxiang doesn't go out, but when she goes out, it's full of excitement, as if someone has been waiting for her!
"Yo... finally going out! I thought you would never come out again?" Leng Yishuang said sourly. She used to be able to enter the Prince Regent's Palace occasionally, but now her cousin is directly laying down for the people in the Palace. He gave an order, saying that she was not allowed to go in.

Therefore, the purpose of her coming today is actually to reconcile with Hongzhuxiang, but when she saw Hongzhuxiang, she couldn't help the resentment in her heart, and her tone couldn't soften.

Hong Zhuxiang seemed to have not seen Leng Yishuang, and swaggered past her, Wuying and Mingyue followed behind their master, secretly admiring his calmness.

"Hey...well, I'm here to reconcile with you!" Leng Yishuang said hastily, seeing that Hong Zhuxiang ignored her.

Hong Zhuxiang seemed to have heard a big joke, she stopped in her tracks, looked at Wuying to the left, and Mingyue to the right, and saw that both of them were nodding to her, then turned to look at Leng Yishuang, raised her eyebrows Said: "Is this your attitude?"

Leng Yishuang also realized that her attitude was not very good, she tried her best to put a smile on her face, and said in a low tone: "I was too self-willed before, now I apologize to you! I'm sorry!"

She knew that she could no longer fight against Hong Zhuxiang, not only would it not do any good if she continued like this, but she would not even be able to see her cousin, which made her unable to hold her head up in front of those women.

It was not long before Hong Zhuxiang realized that in the eyes of many women who were born in royal and noble families, the most important thing was not their beloved, but marrying a man with a prominent status, such as Xuanyuan Tianzhan, would not only make them feel honored , it will greatly satisfy their vanity, and it will also bring honor to the family. This is the reason why they want to marry into the Prince Regent's Mansion even if they squeeze their heads.

Hong Zhuxiang looked at Leng Yishuang amusedly, in fact, this woman has no scheming, instead she is pure and simple, she is the kind of person who can't hide her thoughts, maybe it's because she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child that she has the big look she has now. Miss temper!
(End of this chapter)

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