The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 258 Knowing the previous life, the prince is jealous and playing a rogue

Chapter 258 Knowing the previous life, the prince is jealous and playing a rogue (1)
"I never hit women, don't challenge my limit!" Nalan Ruofei said while flashing, the room was filled with laughter!
After playing in Feixiang Tower for a day, Hong Zhuxiang happily returned to the Prince Regent's Mansion. In the courtyard, a man in a black brocade robe stood with his hands behind his back. matter!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan shuddered as the fragrance of alpine snow lotus came from behind him, and the knot between his brows was swept away.

"Ah Zhan, what's wrong?" Hong Zhuxiang hugged him and asked with concern.Ah Zhan's back is so stiff, something must have happened!
"Xiang'er, can you dance?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked suddenly instead of answering Hong Zhuxiang.

"Ah Zhan wants to see me dance?" Ever since that incident happened in her previous life, she has never danced or sung. Those memories have been sealed up by her, and she doesn't want to touch them!
Hong Zhuxiang didn't know why Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked this question suddenly, but she vaguely felt that maybe she should tell him everything, as smart as Ah Zhan, how could she not notice her strangeness?Instead of putting a layer of film between the two of them, it's better to talk openly...

The wind in April is very gentle, gently blowing over the face of the red bamboo fragrance, like a man's touch, making her have an indescribable nostalgia...

"If I say that I can't dance, it seems unreasonable. I built the Hongzhuxiangge, the world-famous song and dance workshop, with my own hands. The dances danced by everyone in it are all adapted by me. Therefore, That's why it has attracted so many princes and nobles with their eyes above their heads!" Hong Zhuxiang said softly.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body moved, he knew that Xiang'er was opening her heart to him.

"If I can dance, but since I was five years old, I have never played the piano or danced, not because I can't, but because I don't want to touch! The reason why I can sing and dance It is also because the forces behind Xiangge need expenses, and this is the fastest way to make money!" The memories in Hong Zhuxiang's mind slowly flooded out, and gradually, she realized that some things had long been blurred, No matter how clear it was before, now that she has Ah Zhan, her heart has already been filled with him, how can she still have room to care about the entanglements of her previous life?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his eyes. He remembered that during the Shengjing palace banquet, Xiang'er entered the palace to help Murong Rui and said she would perform a dance, but Mingyue danced in the end!Not long ago, when Xuanyuan Yifeng wanted to compete in piano skills, Xiang'er said that she had opened a singing and dancing studio, and competing in piano skills would only make Xuanyuan Yifeng lose worse. Presumably Xiang'er was just unwilling to compete in the piano competition, but if At that time Xuanyuan Yifeng insisted on playing the piano, what would Xianger do?

The man's doubts were slowly resolved by the red bamboo fragrance, and the woman seemed to be telling an ancient and distant thing, and this thing made Xuanyuan Tianzhan feel panicked.

"Ah Zhan, will you be willing to be with me forever?" Hong Zhuxiang tried her best to make her soul time travel not sound so scary and unbelievable, she needed a transition.

"Of course! I will always love Xiang'er and be with Xiang'er forever!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan gently grabbed Hong Zhuxiang's hand holding his waist, turned his head to look into her bright eyes, and said firmly.

"Azhan, I mean life after life, including past life and present life, not only this life, but also the next life, and the next life..."

"Yes! In this life, in the next life, and in the next life, I will always love Ai Xiang'er!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was as firm as an oath!

"So, Ah Zhan believes that there will be a next life?" Hong Zhuxiang was moved, but also a little happy.

"Believe it!" In order to meet Xiang'er in the next life, he would rather believe it, but he believes that he should take good care of it in this life!
"This life is the past life of the next life, and I come from the past life of this life. In fact, I died once and my soul was reborn!" Hong Zhuxiang's words really stirred up a thousand waves. Even Xuanyuan Tianzhan, who was always extremely smart, was stunned!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan trembled suddenly, past life in this life?Died once?Soul rebirth?If such words were spoken from someone else's mouth, he would definitely think that the other party was a lunatic, but now that it was spoken from Xiang'er, he had no reason not to believe it!
Without waiting for Xuanyuan Tianzhan to think about it, Hong Zhuxiang continued: "Azhan, don't you think I always say things that you don't understand? Moreover, I believe you have also discovered that my thinking and character are also similar to those of the girls here. It’s different, that’s because I’m not from this world, I’m from a far away place!”

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart tightened, and he hugged Hong Zhuxiang tightly, his throat was so dry that he couldn't speak a word!
"In the original world, I was an explorer. I was already 30 years old. During a nature adventure, I slipped down a cliff and died! This is my previous life!"

"My soul has traveled to this life and possessed the body of Yun Feixiang, the princess of Nanyue Kingdom, which is my current identity! And the me you see now, my soul has been happy for more than 50 years." Hong Zhuxiang tried her best To explain it clearly, such a thing is too scary after all.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Hong Zhuxiang's face, it was rosy in white, like a flower like jade, how could there be such an old soul?In his heart, Xiang'er is still the only one now, and he will never admit that Xiang'er has lived longer than him!
"Xiang'er, will you leave me again? I'm not sure, even if you want to leave, you have to take me with you, don't leave me alone!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't care about the soul or not, he only cared about whether Xiang'er would Will always be with him!
"Fool, I traveled to this life because I died in my previous life. If I don't die in this life, I won't leave!" Although the magic of time travel cannot be explained, since I have been here for so many years, I should be allowed to have my own existence here!
"Xiang'er won't die! I won't let Xiang'er leave me!" At this moment, Xuanyuan Tianzhan hugged Hong Zhuxiang tightly, acting very naive, like a child, full of uncertainty about the unknown future!

"In the past, I didn't dance because of one person! That person was in a hurry to watch me dance, and he got into a car accident on the road and died of excessive blood loss!" In her previous life, she was the queen of nightclubs, the lead singer of Red Whirlwind, She can dance all kinds of dances, but since the car accident, she never went to nightclubs and rarely went to bars.

At that time, Hongzhuxiang was immersed in sadness and had nowhere to vent, so she had to explore everywhere and finally won a lot of honors, but in the excitement and life-and-death contest, she became more and more empty!
"Xiang'er, who is that person?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes suddenly became deep, and his tone was a little unnatural. He vaguely felt that that person was very important to Xiang'er, otherwise Xiang'er wouldn't give up what he liked because of him !
"The first man who gave me roses!" Hong Zhuxiang looked at the man who couldn't help panting, and felt that his thinking was really strange. Instead of exploring whether he was a ghost, he paid attention to this?Or is Ah Zhan's heart strong enough to accept everything about him?
(End of this chapter)

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