Chapter 276 The Biggest Lie (1)
The three men looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan in unison, they didn't believe that Xuanyuan Tianzhan would give them such a big gift!
"What big gift did Ah Zhan prepare?" Hongzhu Xiangguang thought with his toes and knew that the man must be dissatisfied now, let alone any big gift, but he couldn't help but cooperate with him.

"Xiang'er, I have researched a new formation for my husband, named it Miyun Formation, and I just asked the three brothers to help me practice it! Presumably the three will not refuse, right?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled brightly, as if I'm describing a very easy thing.

"I refuse!" Yun Feihong was the first to speak. Based on what he knew about Brother Zhan, he couldn't decipher the formation he set up!
"I also refuse!" The corner of Long Yuyan's mouth twitched. Can he say that he only knows martial arts but not formations?

Murong Rui stood in the same place without saying a word. He also studied the formation, and he could already feel the fluctuation of the surrounding atmosphere. Xuanyuan Tianzhan, a black-hearted man, had already set up the formation when they came in!
"Xiang'er... Let them play here, let's go to bed!" It's getting late now, and tomorrow is the first day of the three days at the end of the month. A good night's sleep will allow you to have the energy to conquer the snowy waves and blue sea tomorrow. !

"Brother Zhan, if you let me out, I will always help you, especially when you go to Nanyue Kingdom to propose a marriage, otherwise..." Otherwise, it will not be so easy for you to marry Xiang'er, Brother Zhan, you Don't forget, he, Yun Feihong, is Xiang'er's real brother!

"If you have any tricks, just use them!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan uttered a word leisurely, not caring... The person who can make things difficult for Xuanyuan Tianzhan has not yet been born!

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, can you defeat me without a formation? Let's compete." As soon as Long Yuyan got close to the edge of the formation, he felt strong resistance. This formation was definitely not a formation that could be cracked violently.

"But I'm sleepy now, big brother, let's discuss it another day...Xiang'er, let's go!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said lazily, his voice was as embarrassing as he wanted!

Under the watchful eyes of the three, the man put his arms around the waist of the little woman, flew directly to the roof, and left in a high-profile way. At this moment, Xuanyuan Tianzhan finally felt a little more balanced in his heart.

When the two left the room, Ying Ying had thoughtfully prepared another room for his lord. Looking at the comfortable layout inside, Hong Zhuxiang had no choice but to admire Ying Ying's means and ability to handle affairs!How many years would it take to train such a subordinate?
"Ah Zhan, let the elder brothers and the others come out!" Hong Zhuxiang approached the man, approaching him intimately, coquettishly softly.

They were all for her own good, she didn't want Ah Zhan to treat them like this!
"No!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said resolutely, grabbing the little woman's little hand twitching on his chest.

These three big men are very annoying, always disturbing the two-person world between him and Xiang'er, which makes him very unhappy, he has not forgotten that Yun Feihong hugged Xiang'er when he was in Xuanyuan City, although he is Xiang'er's brother, but Just seeing Yun Feihong's provocative attitude just now, he couldn't help but want to punish him.If he dares to make things difficult for him in the future and prevent him from marrying Xiang'er, hum...

Xuanyuan Tianzhan originally wanted to let Long Yuyan go, but when he thought of Xiang'er's excited appearance when he saw Long Yuyan, he felt sour, and he didn't intend to let go of the always upright elder brother.

As for Murong Rui, he couldn't let it go, the tenderness on his face, the urgent concern, and those eyes that fluctuate in love... He really couldn't guard against it!
"Ah Zhan..." Hong Zhuxiang called out aggrievedly, how could he be so domineering?
"Xiang'er, if you could only let one person out, who would you choose to let out?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked suddenly.He was just curious, among the three of them, who was more important to Xiang'er.

"Murong Rui." Hong Zhuxiang replied almost without thinking.

When Xuanyuan Tianzhan heard this, his anger rose, and he turned over to hold down the little woman. Is Xiang'er really worried about Murong Rui the most?One look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression, Hong Zhuxiang knew that he was unhappy again.

"Ah Zhan, it's not what you think. Murong Rui's expression shows that he hasn't slept for several days and nights. He needs to rest now! But my brother and senior brother are still ruddy." Hong Zhuxiang took the initiative to explain.

"Fool, sleep peacefully... After an hour, Murong Rui will decipher the formation..." How could he not know that Murong Rui came all the way because he was worried about Xiang'er?Even if Murong Rui was his rival in love, he couldn't bear to do it, so he deliberately left some loopholes...

Murong Rui's love for Xiang'er is no less than him, but it is doomed to have no ending. Compared with Murong Rui, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is really much luckier!Moreover, he has never been a man who eats jealousy indiscriminately!
At the end of April, the flames of war finally ignited. After waiting for more than ten days, the 20 Han Sea Nation army finally set foot on a ship sailing into the snowy sea. The vast mind...following the wind and waves, the soldiers are high-spirited, singing loudly, swallowing mountains and rivers with mighty momentum!

But at this time, the masters of Xuelangbihai are encountering an unprecedented disaster, the pain of backlash from banned drugs, and the sudden attack of powerful enemies... All this makes people caught off guard!

The tranquility of the snowy waves and blue sea was finally broken. Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave an order that all those who had been tracked and recorded by Wuyuelou to have their internal strength skyrocketed would be shot to death.In order to complete the task assigned by his lord on time, Wu Ting almost raced against the clock and entered the busiest stage in history.

At the same time, Jin Jingwei, led by Ying Ying, had long been lurking in every corner of the Xuelang Bihai Palace, and now they are dispatched together to develop the Xuelang Bihai Palace in a drastic manner.

Almost all the guards of the palace took a large amount of forbidden drugs to increase internal strength... Although they were unable to exert themselves due to backlash, they had undergone special training. Therefore, their madness can be imagined, and this fight was unprecedentedly fierce.

In the huge room, Xuanyuan Tianzhan embraced Hong Zhuxiang's petite body with his broad shoulders, tapped the window edge lightly with his slender fingertips, looked out the window with his deep eyes, everything was under his control...

A wanton smile curled up on the corner of the man's mouth. If there were no accidents, the army of the Hanhai Kingdom would soon occupy the entire Xuelangbihai, and the guards of the palace would be completely swallowed up by Jin Jingwei!As for Xue Zhongchen, he will let him die without a place to bury him. He will not let anyone who has hurt Xiang'er and tried to hurt Xiang'er be spared. Once the overall situation is stabilized, he will slowly settle the matter account!

Leaning on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's solid chest, Hongzhuxiang stared at the men in black who were intertwined and fighting outside, the faint smell of blood filled his nostrils, and the painful wailing was endless. She had seen such a bloody scene before, so why bother now? sentimental?Besides, they are all people who must be killed!

"Xiang'er, let's play a game of chess." Murong Rui's gentle voice came from behind, so calm that there was no disturbance... as if all the killing outside had nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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