The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 279 The Long Way to Marry a Wife

Chapter 279 The Long Way to Marry a Wife (1)
"What does Xiang'er think her husband would do?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly asked with great interest.He really wanted to know Xiang'er's opinion!
"To deal with a man like Xue Zhongchen, you should let him taste the feeling of falling into the trough..." The best way to step on a man is to step on his dignity. The appearance of Xuanyuan Tianzhan is already Xue Zhongchen Zhongchen couldn't tolerate it, if he was deprived of his royal power again, then his life would be worse than death.

"So, in fact, now, Ah Zhan only needs to wait slowly for the army of the Hanhai Kingdom to swallow up the Xuelangbihai, which is the best punishment for Xue Zhongchen." Hong Zhuxiang said leisurely.

"Xiang'er is right, so it's time for us to have a good rest." Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at Hong Zhuxiang with a deep smile, then at the men who were in the way, and flew out with his arms around the little woman... …

Getting Yu Jing'er for the first time, Xue Zhongchen had never felt so excited... The heart that had been dead seemed to come back to life in an instant.

Especially the big red plum blossoms on the bed sheet made Xue Zhongchen's heart feel as if he was flying into the clouds... He has been enjoying it all day today, this feeling of being pressed down by others is really satisfying, especially when he has been in it for many years Come to the woman who has always wanted to conquer.

Catching the pride in Xue Zhongchen's eyes, Yu Jing'er sneered in her heart, isn't the blood on the bed sheet just like pig blood... If she was still clean, how could that idiot Qingmu obey her?

Men only like a woman's body, they all like to see a woman submitting, and they never feel sorry for her when they do that... It doesn't matter, although her body is about to fall apart, her heart is very hard She just pretended to show him what kind of Xue Zhongchen liked, and moved between men, what else could she not know? !

As long as the man is useless, she will kill him mercilessly, no matter who it is!
However, what she wants to do most now is to conquer Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the man who doesn't even look at her... For him, she will do whatever it takes!

"Brother Chen, I'm finally yours, are you satisfied now?" Yu Jing'er pressed her soft body up, her sweet voice filled with grievances, and there were crystal tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, she looked very pitiful look like.

How could Xue Zhongchen resist this posture?The man's heart softened, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, maybe he shouldn't be so urgent!
"Jing'er, be good... I will love you well in the future!" Xue Zhongchen patted Yu Jing'er on the back and said comfortingly.

Hmph... Do you still want to have a future?When you attract Xuanyuan Tianzhan and it's useless, see if I don't tear you into pieces, I torture her to the point where she can't straighten up, she's just a beast!
"Prince, it's not good... Xuanyuan Tianzhan's people have occupied the palace, and they will come here soon, please make a decision early!" Xue Zhongchen's confidant's anxious voice came from outside the door. The guard in white followed Xue Zhongchen.

"Get out!" Xue Zhongchen roared violently.what!Shouldn't he be backlashed?Why is there no pain at all... Could it be that the pill that Jing'er fed into his mouth had an effect?
"Brother Chen, do you feel much better after taking Jing'er's medicine?! Xuanyuan Tianzhan is too presumptuous. Jing'er can't see it, and she doesn't want to hide in the secret room. As long as Brother Chen kills Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Jing'er Just marry Brother Chen as your wife and serve Brother Chen for the rest of your life." Yu Jing'er said in a soft voice.

If she wanted to marry Yu Jinger, she had to see if Xue Zhongchen could live to that day. What she gave him was not a panacea, but a more powerful forbidden drug. die.

Hearing Yu Jing'er's words, Xue Zhongchen's eyes lit up, he wanted to marry her even in his dreams, Jing'er is the goddess in his heart!Now that I want her body, I want to marry her even more, imprison her by my side, and taste it slowly...

Xue Zhongchen thought beautifully, however, this is just a dream, how can you control a woman like a snake and scorpion?

"Jing'er, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is not so easy to kill!" The last time he was able to seriously injure Xuanyuan Tianzhan, it was because he didn't know that he had taken forbidden drugs and his skills soared. A meticulous man is simply harder than reaching the sky!

"Brother Chen, Jing'er has a way to deal with him, you just need to lure him over..." Yu Jing'er smiled, Xuanyuan Tianzhan would soon be hers.Don't you look at her?Then let Xuanyuan Tianzhan take a good look at her!

At the end of April, when the first ray of sunlight in the morning poured into the window, casting warm and bright light, Hongzhuxiang had already woken up, blinked her big sparkling eyes, and didn't know what was going on in her mind.

"Xiang'er, woke up so early?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the little woman beside him tenderly, his amber eyes were as soft as water dripping out.

Hongzhuxiang's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked back at him with her dark bright eyes. He was always so gentle when facing himself, as if he was not a high-ranking prince in ordinary times, but a husband who loves his wife...

"Ah Zhan, I've always had an ominous premonition in my heart recently, and I feel that something unexpected will happen, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger." The small hand hugged the man's waist tightly, and Hong Zhuxiang moved the whole body She retracted into Xuanyuantian Zhan Zhan's arms, as if this was the only way to make herself feel at ease.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart trembled slightly, he gently raised his hand, and patted the woman's back comfortingly...

"Xiang'er, your husband is here, you don't have to think about anything, no matter what happens, everything will be handled by your husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes suddenly turned cold, piercing deeply into the void like a sharp sword.

"With Ah Zhan here, Xiang'er is not afraid of anything!" She is Hongzhuxiang, who likes publicity, high-profile, chic and casual Hongzhuxiang... When did she become so concerned about gain and loss?

"Jing'er, do you really have a way to deal with Xuanyuan Tianzhan?" Xue Zhongchen looked at the confident woman beside him suspiciously, feeling a little disbelieving in her heart, as long as Xuanyuan Tianzhan was brought into this room, she would Is there really a way to deal with him?

But he clearly remembered that Jing'er didn't know martial arts, how would she deal with Xuanyuan Tianzhan?Where did she get so confident?
"Brother Chen, don't you believe in Jing'er's ability? Sometimes you don't need strong martial arts to deal with a person. No matter what you do, you need to use your brain. A man like Xuanyuan Tianzhan can't be dealt with by strong martial arts." !" Yu Jing'er looked at Xue Zhongchen with a smile on her face, and she wanted to try her best to persuade him, so her attitude would naturally be better.

Hmph... such a stupid man deserves her attitude, okay?Once Xue Zhongchen loses its use value, she will abandon him like a shoe. Only a man as perfect as Xuanyuan Tianzhan is worthy of her Yu Jinger's attention!
(End of this chapter)

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