The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 281 Conspiracy and Anti-conspiracy

Chapter 281 Conspiracy and Anti-conspiracy
Murong Rui turned his head unnaturally, and stopped talking, Xiang'er really can't be messed with!He also wants to look for it. As for Che Zimei, he has already made it very clear to her that if there is another Xiang'er in the world, he will immediately marry her back to the palace...

Yun Feihong sniggered from the sidelines, as his younger sister, she usually acts like an obedient girl beside Xuanyuan Tianzhan...I really didn't expect to have such a savage side.

"Brother, what are you laughing at? And you are really, anyway, you are also the dream lover of women in Nanyue Kingdom. Why don't you even get a woman? How are you doing? You are almost an old man."

Yun Feihong just spit out a mouthful of tea, he is the same age as Brother Zhan, okay?

Long Yuyan originally listened quietly to the conversations of the few people, but now that Yun Feihong has become an old man, what about him?He is the biggest man here!

"Xiang'er, senior brother is the oldest..." Long Yuyan laughed suddenly.He's 25 years old, old indeed...

"Eldest brother is so handsome and charming. He will only get better with age, and more and more girls like him. You can't generalize!" Hong Zhuxiang looked at Long Yuyan as if appreciating a treasure, and said with a smile, Eldest brother is a rare good man!

Murong Rui's and Yun Feihong's faces turned black, Xiang'er was eccentric, absolutely eccentric!Long Yuyan is getting more and more attractive, they are getting older...

While several people were talking happily, a voice instantly quieted the whole room.

"My lord, Xue Zhongchen came to the door automatically." Shadow's voice was tinged with coldness, there were not many people with Xue Zhongchen, but all of them were crazy, and Xue Zhongchen didn't seem to be backlashed, no doubt know why!
"Jin Jingwei set up the formation, don't let Xue Zhongchen enter the courtyard before noon tomorrow, and you all have successfully completed the task!" The corners of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's mouth curled up slightly, and his sexy thin lips were raised, as if everything was under his control.

Sure enough, Xue Zhongchen came to the door on his own initiative!

Now, the entire Xuelangbihai Palace, except for the secret room and Yu Jingxuan, has been captured by Jin Jingwei, and the royal masters have also been wiped out in one fell swoop.In Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, Xue Zhongchen was just a clown who was played around by a woman and didn't even know it, how stupid!

"Subordinates obey!" Shadow suppressed the doubts in his heart and led the order out.

Although he was puzzled by the prince's actions, he believed in the prince, and, as the prince's most trusted subordinate, he could only obey, obey, and obey again!
The four joking people in the room stopped and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan with different expressions... Hong Zhuxiang's dark and bright eyes fell on the man's face. He is so beautiful, but he also has such a smart mind. God is really nostalgic!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's doing this meant that he didn't take Xue Zhongchen seriously at all, which meant that Xue Zhongchen didn't have the qualifications to be Xuanyuan Tianzhan's opponent!There is nothing more shameful for a man than this!

"Didn't you hear what this prince said? Tell your prince Zhan to come out, this prince has something to tell him!" Xue Zhongchen was so angry that his face turned green. What kind of attitude did Xuanyuan Tianzhan send him? ?

"Our lord has said that I will handle the affairs of the Prince of the Sea Region to me!" Shadow stood firm, with an uncompromising attitude.

"You? What are you?" A mere hermit guard dared to challenge him, he was really impatient.

With a wave of Xue Zhongchenxiu's sleeve, there was a strong wind of the palm, and the powerful fluctuation of energy shook Yinwei almost to the point of unsteadiness...

"Set up the formation!" Shadow's eyes dimmed, it was not a human, but a demon.Although he couldn't beat him, it was still possible to set up an formation to keep him out of the courtyard.

The masters of Jin Jingwei exercised their internal strength and changed their formations violently. One by one, black figures flew fast, vaguely visible, vaguely visible, forming a constantly changing human wall.

The martial arts of several people in the room are extraordinary, when they heard the breath outside, they all trembled...

"Brother Zhan, why did Xue Zhongchen's internal energy increase so much again?" Yun Feihong frowned and asked in puzzlement.In fact, what he wants to ask more is, what kind of formation does Jin Jingwei cloth have that can stop the demon-like crazy Xue Zhongchen? !

"It's nothing more than taking a forbidden drug with a stronger medicinal effect. If you go against the sky, you will eventually suffer the consequences!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said flatly, squinting out the window.

"But from Xue Zhongchen's appearance, it seems that he has not been backlashed by the forbidden medicine. Moreover, judging from the fluctuation of the air flow just now, even if Jin Jingwei stopped him, it seems that there is no way to subdue him..."

"It's not that there will be no backlash, it's just that the time has not come... Every banned drug will backfire, and the faster the internal strength soars, the stronger the backlash will be!"

"Since this is the case, why does Xue Zhongchen still take such forbidden medicine?" Yun Feihong seemed to be addicted.

"Then you have to ask Xue Zhongchen!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan threw a cold look and refused to continue answering.

Yun Feihong was bored and embarrassed, and immediately winked at Hong Zhuxiang, as if to say, sister, help brother...

"Yun Feihong, believe it or not, I gouged out your eyeballs." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes shone coldly, and his cool tone seemed to be covered with frost... In an instant, the temperature in the room dropped by more than ten degrees.

Murong Rui and Long Yuyan shuddered together, they really wanted to ask!However, because Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arrogance was too high, they really didn't want to be bored, so they forcibly endured it.

Looking at the looks of these beautiful men, Hong Zhuxiang felt a little funny, A Zhan, can't you take care of everyone's curiosity?

"Azhan, Xiang'er also wants to know... It stands to reason that Xue Zhongchen has taken forbidden medicine and his martial arts are already high enough, so why should he take something that is more counterproductive? And you don't seem to be worried at all, As if it was predicted that Xue Zhongchen would die soon..." The little woman bared her teeth and smiled brightly. She was asking questions on behalf of the public, so she must live up to expectations.

"Xiang'er is such a little idiot!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said dotingly, pinching her little face lightly.The man's eyes were gentle, and with deep love, he looked down at her cherry-like red lips, and couldn't help but want to take a bite.

But Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't forget that there were three unsightly guys in the room, he really wanted to kick them overseas...

Seeing the two people making fun of each other like no one else, Murong Rui couldn't express the feeling in his heart...

"Ah Zhan, tell me..." Hong Zhuxiang coquettishly, her voice was soft and soft, which made Xuanyuan Tianzhan irresistible.

"Xiang'er, come here and let me tell you quietly for my husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled, and pressed his lips to the little woman's ear...

(End of this chapter)

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