Chapter 283
"Generals, the prince ordered that the army continue to advance, but Qingfeng City has been unable to attack for a long time, and we need to wait for an opportunity. Which general is willing to stay here?" Xiao Tianyue glanced at everyone, as if everyone was tired, but they deserved it. He is a general selected by the prince thousands of times, and everyone is vying to stay behind. His courage is commendable.

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that it was the most difficult thing to stay. Not only was Qingfeng City easy to defend and difficult to attack, but there was also a mysterious man in Tsing Yi sitting in town, so it might not be possible to attack for a while.

"The young general is willing to issue a military order, and he will definitely capture Qingfeng City before sunset tomorrow!" The person who spoke had a jade-like face, handsome eyebrows, and a clear and bright voice, but he was cynical when speaking.

"You... boy, if you stay here, the people in Xuelangbihai will think that I have no generals in Hanhai Kingdom!" A veteran jumped out first and firmly disagreed. This young boy is only eighteen or nineteen years old. If you don't have much experience, how can major military affairs be trifling?

"What? Does General Yin look down on young people? General, don't forget that the regent was only 15 years old when he went out to conquer the surrounding barbarians. The young general is already more than enough now." The young general walked forward while talking eloquently In front of Yin Yun, a pair of peach blossom eyes with a smile exuded a dazzling and charming light.

"The young general knows that he does not dare to be compared with the prince in Wentao and Wushu, but he has also been familiar with military books since he was a child. He has always had a heart of worrying about the country and has the ambition to serve the country. What does General Yin mean by saying this?" He Xuanyuan Wangyue never said Spewing wild words, since he dared to issue a military order, he would definitely be able to break through Qingfeng City.

These generals who have been in the military camp all year round naturally don't know Xuanyuan Wangyue, but Xiao Tianyue does know... Xuanyuan Wangyue likes to go to the Regent's Palace since he was a child, and often pesters the prince to tell him various knowledge and experiences, and he himself He is quick-witted, smart and curious, and the prince also likes to pamper him.until……

Uh...until the last time Prince Mochizuki pestered the princess curiously to tell him something, he was stopped by the prince outside the gate of the palace. Unexpectedly, he sneaked into the barracks!

Yin Yun was speechless for a while, seeing that this kid is full of confidence, he really doesn't seem to be talking about it... Moreover, judging from the current situation, even veterans like them dare not issue military orders. Could it be that this young man really Are you sure?
"Well said! A good man has ambitions everywhere, and everyone should contribute to the country. Since this young general is willing to issue a military order, the general will leave 1 people at your disposal. If Qingfeng City cannot be captured before sunset tomorrow, It will never be pardoned!" Xiao Tianyue gave an order, and everyone had no objection, but the eyes they looked at Xuanyuan Wangyue were full of disbelief!
"Your subordinates obey!" Xuanyuan Wangyue waved his snow-white cloak, turned around and left the camp.

All the generals looked at the slender figure who left gracefully in puzzlement, the young man was indeed full of vigor!Only Xiao Tianyue just smiled faintly, and then ordered the army to move on...

Under the golden sunlight, a sly smile flashed in the man's eyes, cousin, little brother helped you a lot this time!
"Ah Zhan, who is guarding Qingfeng City, and why did it fail so badly?" Hong Zhuxiang turned her head to look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, she can guarantee that Ah Zhan must know.

"National teacher of Xuelang Bihai——Qing Mu!" In Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, Qingmu is the only talent in the entire Xuelang Bihai, but it's a pity that the way is different and they don't conspire together!

Now Qingfeng City is guarded by Qingmu, it is impossible to attack it in a short time!

"Brother Zhan, if you go out, Qingfeng City will be taken very quickly!" Yun Feihong said with a smile on his face, shaking his folding fan.

"How can you use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken?" Xuanyuan Tian gave Yun Feihong a sharp look. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for Qingmu to go out in person?Besides, he still has to stay here to watch Xue Zhongchen lose his reputation and die without a place to bury him!

God knows how much his heart ached when Xiang'er left. He swore that anyone who tried to hurt Xiang'er would die!

Yun Feihong automatically stopped talking, he felt that he should stop talking... As long as Brother Zhan was around, he would always receive all kinds of blank stares, as if he was so superficial as the dignified prince of Nanyue Kingdom!
The corner of Hong Zhuxiang's mouth twitched, should this man be so arrogant?That's her own brother, at least give me some face!
"Ah Zhan, can't you get along well with my brother and the others? It's embarrassing for you to be so sweet!" The little woman pouted and said dissatisfied.

"Shouldn't Xiang'er be very proud of being such a special husband?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his eyebrows. He could get along well with his future brother-in-law, but he couldn't get along well with two rivals who were eyeing each other!
Although Long Yuyan hides this feeling very deeply, it exists after all, let alone Murong Rui, who can not understand the light that shines from those eyes from time to time?

As for Yun Feihong, Xuanyuan Tianzhan has always been polite to him, the blame is that when he saw Xiang'er last time, he gave Xiang'er a big hug.

The three people next to them are full of black lines, and one day they will join forces to fight Xuanyuan Tianzhan!

"I'm almost too proud..." The little woman said bluntly.If you don't have a straight face with him for a few days, will his tail be up to the sky?

"Uh...Xiang'er, don't be angry, I know I'm wrong!" The big hand held the little woman into his arms, Xuanyuan Tianzhan comforted her carefully, rubbing his fingertips on her pink lips until the little woman was delicate and pretty. glared at him.

"Ah Zhan, tomorrow is the last day of the month, how are you going to deal with Xue Zhongchen and those masters in the secret room?" Hong Zhuxiang thought for a while, and decided that it would be better to talk about the business.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, time was running out, why didn't Ah Zhan take the opportunity to continue to clear the remaining forces?He obviously knew the entrance to the secret room!
"Xiang'er, at noon tomorrow, Xue Zhongchen will suffer the consequences, we just need to watch his jokes at that time." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said with a smile as he glanced out the window.

Hong Zhuxiang was startled, and immediately understood why this man was not in a hurry, he must have known in advance that the forbidden medicine Xue Zhongchen took would have a backlash tomorrow at noon, and this backlash is fatal!

"But how do you know that he will suffer backlash tomorrow?" Yes, how did Ah Zhan know?This is a very important question!
"I've seen it before!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes suddenly showed a trace of coldness, and he looked away unconsciously...

Sensing the man's discomfort, Hong Zhuxiang didn't intend to ask any more, and held his big hand back with her small hand, silently expressing her feelings.Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at her gratefully, and buried his head in her hair... Five years ago, if Master hadn't appeared, he might have fallen for that woman.

(End of this chapter)

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