Chapter 292 Amnesia
"Does she think you have such a great ability?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes turned cold, and the amber golden light burst out of his eyes like a sharp knife, Yu Jing'er, it's best not to provoke him again!

Seeing the man's gloomy face for a moment, Hong Zhuxiang put her small hand in his palm and held his big hand tightly. Ah Zhan probably thought of those bad experiences five years ago again.As proud as he is, how can he tolerate a shameless woman challenging his bottom line again and again? !

Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt the woman's distress, and his heart softened a little, but the eyes he looked at Qingmu were still cold!

"Qingmu knows that he doesn't have such a great ability, so he dare not challenge Lord Zhan's prestige! Qingmu came here to tell Lord Zhan about Yu Jingxuan!" Qingmu took out a picture from his sleeve, This is the distribution map of Yu Jingxuan's organs.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan opened the scroll and took a look. Although his expression was calm, his heart was extremely excited... He couldn't help but look at Qingmu again, and suddenly found that this man was different. He seemed very relaxed, as if he had been liberated.Does he have his own reasons...

"Why did you do this? Didn't you always like Yu Jing'er?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes softened a little, and the corners of his mouth also lost a little bit of ridicule towards Qingmu!This distribution map of the organization is true at first glance, which shows that this man doesn't want to deceive him either!
"Qingmu is stupid, loved the wrong person, now I want to turn back..." The man in Tsing Yi smiled wryly, is this love?It is better to use it. For so many years, Yu Jing'er has never left to poison him. Can he get out of it unscathed?Now, he is not afraid of death, all he wants is peace!
"Turn back? How do you want to turn back?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan sensed something in Qing Mu's words, and became interested.

"Qingmu is well aware of the seriousness of his sins, and is willing to help Prince Zhan completely crack Yu Jingxuan. As for Qingmu's life, he is at the disposal of Prince Zhan. Qingmu has no complaints." The man's eyes were calm, as if he had no complaints Concerned about their own lives in general.Is this the so-called redemption?
"How do you know that this king won't set Yu Jingxuan on fire and let it be wiped out?!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked back.

"My lord won't..." The conversation between the two seemed natural, but Hong Zhuxiang, Murong Rui and the others were confused, so four pairs of bright eyes stared at Xuanyuan Tianzhan curiously.

"General, why are you here?" Pei You looked at the leisurely Xuanyuan Wangyue in the county government office in surprise. He came to the county government office immediately after he invaded Qingfeng City.When did General Wang Yue come in?How did he get in again?Why can't he figure it out at all?
"Is General Pei surprised?" Xuanyuan Wangyue raised his eyebrows, his sharp eagle eyes were deep and dark...

Pei You was shocked, is the man in front of him really just an unknown young general?Why does he have such sharp eyes and such a powerful aura?And why the more I look at him, the more familiar I feel?
"This subordinate has lost his composure..." Pei You suddenly understood that the gate of Qingfeng City was opened within an hour, presumably the [-] elites led by General Wang Yue entered the city from a secret place...

At that time, their four-way army was using wheel tactics to attack the city gate violently. At that time, most of the enemy's troops were attracted.However, who would have expected that among the 1 people, [-] elites would be missing?
I see!First use the large army to attract the enemy's full attention, and then break through from the enemy's weak point. When the enemy and the enemy are fighting fiercely, an elite army suddenly appears in the city, and the result can be imagined... This move is really wonderful. !

It seems that General Wang Yue has long thought of a way to break the city, so he is so calm!However, it would be too risky to do so. Even a veteran like him does not have the courage to issue a military order when he is not sure!
Pei You couldn't help sighing, it's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead, and each generation is stronger than the previous generation!
"General Pei, you and the other generals contributed a lot to the capture of Qingfeng City this time, and it should be remembered as a great achievement! Now that Qingfeng City has been broken, the entire army should reward you for your meritorious service, let's celebrate together!" Xuanyuan Wangyue said in a mood Excellent, the corner of his mouth unconsciously raised a smile... very sunny, very bright smile!

It was this smile that surprised Pei You, he finally remembered, this...isn't this the son of Prince Ling?oh my god!He really has blind eyes, and he actually regarded Xuanyuan Wangyue, the talented and well-known heir of Prince Ling, as an unknown young general!
Prince Ling's son is the cousin of Prince Zhan. His father Xuanyuan Ling and the current emperor Xuanyuan Ce are brothers. Xuanyuan Ling assists Xuanyuan Ce wholeheartedly and makes great contributions to the prosperity of Hanhai Kingdom!
And Xuanyuan Wangyue grew up in the Prince Regent's Mansion almost from an early age, and has a very good relationship with Prince Zhan... What is commendable is that such a noble boy can hide his noble status and come to the military camp where he often eats and sleeps. It is really admirable !

"General Wang is right, the general will do it right away!" Pei You was extremely excited, his body instantly accumulated countless strength, and his voice became high-pitched and clear.

"Who said this king can't? This king is planning to set Yu Jingxuan on fire!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said displeasedly after glancing at Qingmu.

Now everything about Xue Lang Bi Hai is up to him, including Yu Jingxuan, as to whether or not to burn Yu Jingxuan, it depends on his mood!

"..." Qingmu was speechless for a while, he didn't expect Xuanyuan Tianzhan to react like this... Even if he is not interested in the treasury under the foundation of Yujingxuan, isn't he also interested in the high-quality ancient books inside?This fire will completely burn all the treasures of Xuelang Bihai!

Red Bamboo Fragrance can be seen that there must be valuable things in Yu Jingxuan, and Ah Zhan didn't want to burn Yu Jingxuan before he got what he wanted, but Ah Zhan obviously found Qingmu very displeased , what Qingmu thinks he won't do, he will do it!
Hong Zhuxiang smiled softly, this man is sometimes as stubborn as a child...

"Ah Zhan, Xiang'er is very curious about Yu Jingxuan!" Since there is something Ah Zhan wants in Yu Jingxuan, it can't be burned yet!
Murong Rui and Long Yuyan were startled together, and there was an unknown light in their eyes... Even though Qingmu handed over the distribution map of the mechanism, they still felt that it was not that simple, they just entered the outer courtyard , you can feel that there is danger everywhere.

"For Xiang'er's sake, I will not burn Yu Jingxuan for the time being as my husband! But the people inside must die!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan has the whole snow wave and blue sea in his hands, how can he tolerate Yu Jingxuan? Jing'er, this hateful woman, lived a leisurely life?
"Okay! Listen to Ah Zhan!" Hongzhu replied sweetly, with a smile on her face...

(End of this chapter)

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