The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 298 Silver Threads Are Poisonous

Chapter 298 Silver Threads Are Poisonous
"Okay, okay, let's act quickly. Long Yuyan and Qingmu have already set off. How can we lose to our team of confidants who cooperate with each other tacitly?" topic?

"Who is your confidant who cooperates tacitly with you? Huh... this girl doesn't bother!" Hong Zhuxiang said while walking towards the direction she planned. Look at Yu Jinger, she can't waste time!
Murong Rui curled his lips, well, this is Xiang'er's nature, okay?What kind of obedient girl or something, I don't know how she behaved?
"You know, I just want to see what you look like!" Any woman will soften her heart when facing a man she likes, even Yu Jing'er is no exception!

"But I don't want to be seen by you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said very directly and without mercy. Yu Jinger's gaze made him feel sick and irritable. As long as Yu Jinger stood in front of him, he would Thinking of what happened five years ago, he has the urge to kill!

Yu Jing'er seemed to have gotten used to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone, no matter how indifferent the man behaved in front of her, she would think that this should belong to Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
"Then let's talk about Hongzhuxiang! Do you really love her as much as the rumors say? Tell me, what kind of woman is she that deserves your protection?" Yu Jinger tried her best to calm her mood, She should find some topics that Xuanyuan Tianzhan is interested in, and let him approach her slowly...

But Yu Jing'er didn't know that when she wanted to drain the blood of Hong Zhuxiang, she completely touched the bottom line of a man... Even if Yu Jing'er stayed in Yu Jingxuan all the time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan could still do it without breaking her promise Under the premise of not letting her die without a place to bury her.

Talk about Xiang'er? !Talking about Xiang'er with Yu Jing'er is simply a blasphemy against Xiang'er...

"You just need to know that she is ten thousand times better than you!" Yun Danfeng's words were solemn and inviolable, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's soft eyes all came from the love for Hongzhuxiang, But the coldness exuding from his whole body was directed at Yu Jing'er!
Such a sentence, combined with Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression, made Yu Jing'er almost furious, but she had to endure, before the effect of the medicine took effect, she had to endure!
With strange eyes, Yu Jinger casually glanced at the tea on the table. The peculiarity of this kind of tea lies in the fragrance it exudes. You don’t need to drink the tea, you just need to smell this fragrance, you will be poisoned ...Although the effect is slow, as long as you smell it for a certain period of time, even the man with the strongest will will collapse...

"Oh... Is it ten thousand times better than me? But as far as I know, Prince Zhan is not the only one who likes red bamboo fragrance, right? Emperor Shengtian has been ambiguous with her for a long time, but thinking about it It makes sense, women who come from prostitutes also know a lot of men..." Yu Jing'er said in a strange way.

Just as Xuanyuan Tianzhan was about to get angry, he detected some strange auras in the courtyard outside with his internal energy. His martial arts skills are extremely high, and he has already activated his skills to explore the situation within a radius of several hundred meters.Could it be that something happened to Xiang'er and the others?This forbearing and painful breath is not Xiang'er's,'s Murong Rui!
In a dark secret room, Hong Zhuxiang and Murong Rui were groping forward, just when they thought that everything inside was the same as the mechanism distribution map given by Qingmu, rows of silver needles rushed out, densely packed , without gaps!

Both of them immediately activated their internal energy to form a wall of air around them, but it was strange that the silver needle was also infused with internal energy, and it was able to resist them... What a horrifying thing !

Hong Zhuxiang looked up, and what she saw in her beautiful eyes was a tall and mighty man, dressed in black, expressionless, with empty eyes, like a ghost, and at the moment he was pointing at Yinzhen with all his aura !

Hong Zhuxiang was secretly surprised, fortunately she had the strong inner strength taught to her by Master Xiaoyao in her body, otherwise, she would not be able to resist the invasion of the silver needle at all!It seems that Yu Jingxuan is really not simple. Murong Rui's internal strength cultivation depends entirely on himself, and he can clearly feel the powerful aura of the man in black opposite him.

However, the other party didn't seem to be surprised by their intrusion. It seems that, as Qingmu said, there were quite a few people who broke into Yu Jingxuan, and these people almost all became their dead souls!
"Xiang'er, let's use our internal force to force the silver needle back!" The surrounding space is very narrow, they cannot avoid it now, and even if they dodge the silver needle, they still have to deal with the man in black, he is really not sure!
"Hmm..." Hong Zhuxiang and Murong Rui thought the same thing, the man opposite looked to be 50 to [-] years old, and he was obviously a master of martial arts like a big brother!

In order to reduce the pressure on Red Bamboo Fragrance, Murong Rui used almost all his internal strength, and the powerful air wave aroused the power of the silver needle in an instant. At this moment, the man in black seemed a little excited... It was the first time he met such a young and And such a powerful opponent!
Murong Rui's face turned pale as soon as he released his inner strength, and large beads of sweat kept oozing from his forehead...

The man in black's complexion changed, and he immediately pushed out a palm, the air between the two sides was suddenly white, Hong Zhuxiang and Murong Rui immediately covered their mouths and noses, it turned out that the silver needle instantly turned into powder... and the man in black, Still safe and sound standing on the other side!
Hong Zhuxiang just wanted to tell Murong Rui not to consume her internal energy so desperately, but...

"Rui, be careful!" As soon as the silver needle powder fell to the ground, Hong Zhuxiang saw a very thin silver thread fly out from the sleeve of the man in black, hitting Murong Rui's chest directly!
However, it was too late to stop, the silver thread was right in front of her, piercing Murong Rui's chest straight, while the man in black was still controlling the other side, constantly pulling the silver thread with internal force.

Murong Rui had never seen such a way of attacking the enemy. Although he had seen the silver thread attack just now, he had used too much internal energy just now, and he could no longer resist!
"Hmm...Xiang'er, let's go!" Murong Rui frowned, his face was pale and bloodless, and his expression was extremely painful. He covered his chest with one hand, and held Hong Zhuxiang to protect her behind him with the other.

"Rui, how are you... silver thread is poisonous!" Despicable, shameless!Yu Jinger's people are really just like her--unscrupulous!
"Xiang'er..." Murong Rui wanted Hong Zhuxiang to leave. Although he was injured, he could still hold the man in black for a while. If the injury got worse soon, he wouldn't dare to be so sure.

"Don't talk, I won't leave, you know, I will never abandon you!" The anger in Hong Zhuxiang's heart was completely aroused, Han Jian raised the knife and cut off the silver thread...

Murong Rui's eyes were foggy, even though the sharp pain in his chest stimulated his nerves over and over again, he was still awake, as if he heard his lover say to him, I will be with you forever, Xiang'er, my favorite woman!

(End of this chapter)

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