The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 307 Three Great Old Men Surprised

Chapter 307

Xue Yuan's palm has been cut by the cold sword, dripping with blood, Xiang'er... I finally saw you, but I didn't expect it to be like this!The man's face is so beautiful that even women are jealous, it's almost nothing more than that. However, Hong Zhuxiang saw more of his tired and guilty eyes.

The strength on the neck gradually weakened, Yu Jinger's heart moved, and she grasped the information accurately, Xue Yuan came, fortunately she had made some preparations in advance... She thought Qingmu would come to rescue her, but obviously, Qingmu Mu has already betrayed her...Qingmu has been poisoned by her. If she dies, Qingmu will have no way out. Does this man really think that his footprints can leave her?

"Xiang'er, can you let her go?" Xue Yuan took a deep breath, not daring to look directly at the red-clothed opposite, he opened his mouth and finally spoke.

The atmosphere became stiff in an instant, and Xue Yuan's sudden appearance was to intercede for Yu Jing'er, which was really unbelievable!But, didn't they watch Xue Yuan go out from Yu Jingxuan's injury with their own eyes?
"Yes! If you insist on me letting her go, I'll let her go!" Hong Zhuxiang's tone didn't have any warmth, and her face was a bit grim. She never thought that in her life, she would die again. Living, living and dying, Xue Yuan, who was always on her mind, didn't even want to give her an explanation, just asking her if she could let Yu Jing'er go? !
"Xiang'er, please let her go!" Xue Yuan didn't expect Hong Zhuxiang to agree to him so readily. He had already planned to tell her the truth when it was most necessary. Since Xiang'er had already agreed, then... …

"It's okay to let her go. From now on, we will never get in touch with each other forever!" Hong Zhuxiang thought that she owed Xue Yuan a love. Ten years ago, he jumped off the cliff on his own initiative and left hope to himself. After that, she can satisfy him any request he makes...

However, without even an explanation like this, it just appeared in her life inexplicably, and suddenly disappeared without a sound, repeatedly, after several twists and turns... But there is not even an explanation, she can't bear it!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui were shocked by Hong Zhuxiang's words. They knew Xiang'er's temperament, and the people she cared about would sacrifice their lives for him. An important sentence, but now Xiang'er said such a thing to Xue Yuan, it can be seen that she is disappointed in her heart... Xue Yuan, let's do it and cherish this friendship!

Strangers in the world, old and dead do not communicate with each other!
Xue Yuan murmured this sentence repeatedly, it was so heavy that he couldn't bear it, but Qing'er had a deep affection for her, and now she was poisoned by Yu Jing'er's so-called Yu Xue Sheng Pill, if Yu Jing'er died Now, the poison on his body is irrelevant, at worst he will die, but what about Qing'er?
"Okay!" Somehow, a word came out of his mouth, the difficult and hoarse tone was extremely unpleasant, but everyone in the secret room heard it very clearly.

Hong Zhuxiang's dark and bright pupils suddenly dimmed. She knew that Xue Yuan might have some difficulties, but she had done her best to such a friend. She was tired and didn't want to maintain this friendship anymore. Now, it happened...

Since he doesn't want to believe her, it doesn't matter, everyone has their own choice, and she Hong Zhuxiang chooses to respect, but from now on, the matter of Xue Yuan has nothing to do with her.

"You can take Yu Jing'er away." Hong Zhuxiang felt a little bitter in her heart, but she still looked at Xue Yuan and spoke calmly. Her tone was very calm and firm. She looked at his blue clothes, blue The blue eyes seemed to be looking at a stranger.

The pain in Xue Yuan's heart suddenly spread endlessly. Maybe he should tell Xiang'er the truth, maybe he should have appeared earlier, even if he went to see Xiang'er once before going to Yu Jingxuan, it would not be the current situation. The friendship between life and death is like a stranger in a blink of an eye, the wounds he has suffered have left scars, and the road he has traveled cannot be turned back. Even if he has thousands of difficulties, he is not qualified to be forgiven because he has been selfish from beginning to end. Live the feelings of others!

However, Hong Zhuxiang agreed to let her go, but Yu Jing'er is not happy at all now, she has already strongly sensed the powerful aura of the three venerables, and she has no hope of living no matter what.

She is a fugitive, and she could have sealed her deep inner strength and lived an ordinary life on this continent as an ordinary person, but she was angry for a moment and broke the seal, just to make a perfect final blow in front of Hong Zhuxiang. It's just that in the end, it was Hongzhuxiang who was perfect, and Yu Jing'er was the one who was trampled underfoot.

"Red Zhuxiang, didn't you expect it? Someone would choose to betray you for me... How does it feel?" Yu Jing'er will die anyway sooner or later. Hongzhuxiang felt a little pain, and she could get a little satisfaction.

Xue Yuan's face suddenly became ugly, he never thought that Yu Jing'er would say that about Xiang'er at this moment, and even said that she was a betrayer, it's ridiculous, he came to save her, okay?Is it really Yu Jinger's usual style to repay kindness with hatred?
However, didn't Yu Jing'er always value her humble life very much?Such an unwise approach, didn't she know that it would anger Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Murong Rui and others?

"Yu Jing'er, don't be too presumptuous, believe it or not, this king will kill you now?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan exuded air-conditioning all over his body, and his face was covered with thick frost. Such a shameless woman, what qualifications does she have to provoke Xiang'er?
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, don't forget, you promised me that as long as you are in Yu Jingxuan, you will not hurt me? Hehe... You said that you will not hurt me, you are really good to me! It seems that you really have no more love for me..." Yu Jing'er was already blind, and she was blackened by the poison of the silver needle, but she said such charming words with her current appearance, it was extremely ridiculous.

"It's really wishful thinking, daydreaming!" Hong Zhuxiang smiled mockingly, and now she is still thinking about his A Zhan, what a shame!She thought that besides disgusting people, what effect could she say?
"Xuanyuan Tianzhan promised not to kill you in Yujingxuan, but I, Murong Rui, didn't agree to anything. Since you are impatient, I will teach Xianger a lesson for you, a cruel woman." Murong Rui stood up. When he came out, the cyan clothes were outstanding and elegant, and Xue Xue's face was unparalleled. He stood there, always supporting the love in his heart.

"Hehe... Hongzhuxiang, it seems that you are really pathetic! Your man can't kill me, but your confidant wants to fight you. You want to let me go, but Murong Rui wants to kill me. You are really A confidant!" Yu Jing'er really didn't shed tears until the Yellow River, and she angered Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui with one sentence.

"Yu Jing'er, kill you, I, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, still think my hands are dirty! I can throw you to a place full of men and satisfy you..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan was really angry this time, he saw There are many shameless people who have passed by, but this is the first time he has seen someone as shameless as Yu Jinger!

(End of this chapter)

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