The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 311 Family Love First

Chapter 311 Family Love First (1)
When Yun Feihong led Chasing Soul to rush in, he found that Yu Jing'er was gone, Hong Zhuxiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan were also normal, but he was surprised by the appearance of Master Miaoshou... Xue Yuan and Qing Mu The blank look also made him puzzled.

Regarding Yu Jinger's disappearance, Hong Zhuxiang's words "disappeared in ashes and smoke" are very convincing. Everyone's eyes are only now focused on the various treasures in the secret room, but everyone just sighed and didn't take it to heart...

Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked Zhuihun to carefully wrap up the poisonous medical books and cheats. After processing, he still had to study it carefully. , I also know that Xuanyuan Tianzhan did this for her body, but does her body really need such conditioning?

"Ah Zhan, what's wrong with my body?" Hong Zhuxiang found that the man was too nervous, right?She didn't feel anything strange, did she? !
Xuanyuan Tianzhan was stunned for a moment, his moving hand trembled unconsciously, the real Miaoshou turned his head away, his deep old eyes concealed all expressions.Long Yuyan, Murong Rui and others also looked over together. Long Yuyan knew the truth, and the bottomless abyss in his eyes made it impossible to explore, but Murong Rui didn't know, what happened to Xiang'er?
Murong Rui frowned suspiciously. He remembered that when Xuanyuan Tianzhan knew that Xiang'er took drugs for him, he was furious. At that time, he felt that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes were full of worry. He was really worried about Xiang'er's body, what was going on that he didn't know about?

"Xiang'er is wondering why Wei Fu is so interested in medical books? In fact, look, Wei Fu is now very strong in martial arts, right? Wisdom is unparalleled? No one can match his strategy... Wei Fu is the only one who feels that his own I'm a little lacking in medical skills, so if you want to learn it, you should be proficient... Knowing a little is nothing. Besides, husbands are not uncommon for these ancient books. I don't know?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said calmly, but his palms were sweating, he looked at Hongzhuxiang with a smile, his eyes were full of tenderness.

"So that's it!" Hong Zhuxiang laughed suddenly, isn't Ah Zhan too smug?I'm not afraid that she will really test him. If he can't answer it, wouldn't it be embarrassing?But... Ah Zhan is embarrassing, and her face is not bright, so she won't do such a thing.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had successfully changed the subject, Long Yuyan was relieved, the current situation can be concealed for a while, but Murong Rui is relieved, as long as Xiang'er's body is fine!

"Chasing the soul, transport these gold, silver and jewels away, and the treasury of the Hanhai Kingdom will be filled a lot again." Hong Zhuxiang walked up and down in a good mood, and now her muscles and bones are also active, and everyone is safe again , this is the best ending.

"Yes, Wangfei!" Although Zhuihun's face was expressionless, his heart was full of excitement. The important thing was not the treasures in the secret room, but the Wangfei always facing her lord. She is really a rare good princess.

Long Yuyan is at ease, and has no interest in gold, silver and jewelry. Although Murong Rui is the king of a country, he has never thought about Xiang'er's things. It's okay to be strong, my sister is not married yet?Just focus on Xuanyuan Tianzhan, as an elder brother, his heart is so cold!
"Sister, the national treasury of the Hanhai Kingdom is already full, why don't you fill up the treasury of the Nanyue Kingdom?" Yun Feihong laughed.

Anyway, he also contributed a lot, so it's always okay to get a share, right?Moreover, his brother-in-law always made things difficult for him and prevented him from bleeding, which made it hard for him to balance.

"Nanyue Kingdom is so far away from the snowy waves and blue sea, brother, isn't he afraid of robbers on the road?" Hong Zhuxiang said angrily, then leaned into Yun Feihong's ear and whispered, "When Ah Zhan proposes marriage, It’s enough to blackmail him more, and there will be someone to transport it when the time comes.”

When Yun Feihong heard this, his eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, it seemed that he didn't love this little sister for nothing, Xiang'er still turned to him, the brother and sister chatted happily and laughed constantly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan watched the little girl's mood soar, and his eyebrows and eyes softened.

Before leaving Xuelang Bihai, Hongzhuxiang found Xueqing at the location where Xueyuan was tracked by the hidden guard. When Hongzhuxiang pushed the door of Xueqing's house, the originally innocent and kind woman was stupid and dull at the moment. Not knowing her at all, her shoulders trembled, her eyes were full of fear.

Hongzhuxiang's heart suddenly ached, she approached Xueqing, comforted her, and talked to her with a smile, but no matter what she did, only a pair of empty eyes responded to her... Hongzhuxiang sighed silently, she always I don't understand how Yu Jinger can deal with such a woman...

"Azhan, can you cure her?" Hong Zhuxiang turned her head to Xuanyuan Tianzhan, looking at him expectantly. She really hoped that Azhan could cure Xueqing, although she felt hopeless.

"Yes! Xiang'er, when you were poisoned before, you still have the last Yangyang Pill left. This Yangyang Pill can conflict with the medicinal effects of the Yuxue Shengwan in her body, and it won't cause her to go into a coma again." Xuanyuan Tian Zhan's words made Hong Zhuxiang full of hope for an instant, and she knew that Xue's situation would not be like this forever.

When Xueqing woke up again, she was sitting beside her elder brother Xueyuan who she had been thinking about day and night. At this moment, Hong Zhuxiang had left, Xueyuan hugged Xueqing tightly, and the paper in her hand fell silently, with only one sentence on it Words: Believe in her forever, love her well!In fact, Hongzhuxiang didn't blame Xueyuan anymore, but they couldn't go back either.

In the end, after Xuanyuan Tianzhan handed over everything about the snow waves and blue sea to Xiao Tianyue, he brought the red bamboo fragrance back to the Hanhai Kingdom. The two of them were blowing the cool sea breeze and relaxing. Everything was so wonderful...

So far, the snow waves and blue seas have entered the territory of the Hanhai Kingdom, and Hongzhuxiang, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and others finally embarked on the journey to return to the Hanhai Kingdom... Sail the world and travel thousands of miles, what is waiting for them in the future?
Han Bingxue is no longer dressed in black clothes, she is ice and snow, she should be holy, she is wearing an exquisite wrought white gauze, specially prepared by Ouyang Ren, her face is covered with a white veil, only revealing a pair of peerless and elegant Eyes, black pupils like the misty stars of summer night, flickering, standing on tiptoe, looking eagerly at the sea surface...

"Ah Zhan, you think Leng Yishuang's injury should be healed?" Hong Zhuxiang remembered that when she left, Leng Yishuang was seriously injured. She didn't have much martial arts, so she doesn't know what's going on now?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly couldn't help teasing the little woman, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help saying: "Didn't Xiang'er hate Leng Yishuang before? Now he cares about her... Women are really strange!" strangeness.

Hongzhuxiang raised her eyebrows and gave Xuanyuan Tianzhan a straight look. People can't become good friends just by meeting, can they?Besides, Leng Yishuang was still her rival in love at that time, staring at her husband all day, how could she not hate her?There is always a time when a person becomes enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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