The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 313 Big Brother Shows His Power

Chapter 313 Big Brother Shows His Power (1)
"Eldest Prince, there are so many people here, it's not a place to talk!" Ouyang Ren looked at the mother and son who were so excited that they were crying, and couldn't help suggesting that everyone find a suitable place to talk.

"Guys, my lord is here to invite you!" As soon as Ouyang Ren finished speaking, he heard a familiar charming male voice. Following the voice, it turned out to be Long Yuyan.

Hong Zhuxiang found the white gauze snow and ice when she was on the boat, but there were many people outside, so she was easy to be targeted. She and Ah Zhan were fine, but they couldn't cause trouble for the concubine mother.

Long Yuyan originally wanted to see Ouyang Ren, and wanted to ask him if he could cure Xiang'er's body. As soon as he got off the boat, he heard that the person next to Ouyang Ren was her mother and concubine, so he volunteered to invite them. The concubine mother's temperament is really dusty, pure and pure, no wonder Xiang'er was born so stunning and beautiful, so there is such a beautiful mother!

Long Yuyan led the way in front, and everyone followed behind. Yun Feihong was still in a state of extreme agitation. It was not until he arrived at the other courtyard of Xuanyuan Tianzhan Wuyuelou that he calmed down a little, and then he turned his head away and calmed down. Ordinarily, they would not even look at Han Bingxue... Han Bingxue knew that Yun Feihong was being awkward, so it wasn't surprising, she was just filled with guilt.

When the gate of Wuyuelou Bieyuan opened, in the radiance of the sun, a woman dressed in bright red was smiling brightly. She ran towards her with open arms, and Han Bingxue felt warm all over her body. , a small thing fell into her arms.

"Mother!" The woman's sweet voice came, like cotton candy, soft and soft, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was a little jealous, Xiang'er rarely called him in such a soft tone, right?
Han Bingxue was taken aback, a tear flowed from the corner of her eye under the veil, it was not Aunt Yu, but Mother, the mother whom she had been looking forward to for more than ten years...

"Xiang'er..." With a trembling voice, Han Bingxue stretched out her arms to hug Hong Zhuxiang. Her life was full of ill-fated fate, but at this moment, God gave her the warmth she had never had before. Her Aunt Yu never dared to look forward to such a mother, she is not a qualified mother at all!

When Xiang'er was five years old, she was supposed to be a high-ranking princess who was cared for by thousands of people, but she was almost buried in the sea of ​​fire with her because of the royal family struggle in Nanyue Kingdom. Although at the last moment, the guards escorted them out, she lost Five-year-old daughter, at that time, Han Bingxue was almost crazy...

The brigade sent by the Nanyue Kingdom found nothing in the end, and all the secret lines of the Southwest King also lost their traces. From then on, she didn't want to get involved in the imperial power struggle anymore, and only wanted to find her Xiang'er in peace.

The army of tens of thousands of people finally returned without success, and she went through many hardships and dangers. After seven years, she finally found her daughter and named her Hongzhuxiang.

The sunset glows red and dyes the sky, and the bamboo fragrance at the foot of the hopeless mountain.In fact, the red one was not the sunset glow, but the hot blood of the Nanyue guards on the ground. At that time, she only felt that the sky was full of red; at the foot of Hopeless Mountain, what wafted the fragrance was not the green bamboo, but the pungent thick blood... ...Piaoxiang is just her good idea.

Although everything has passed, her heart is full of scars. Now that Xiang'er is fine, she also feels at ease, quiet and quiet, without desire and inaction, is what she has been looking for in her life.Time flies, time flies like water, in the blink of an eye, it has been 13 years since then!
Han Bingxue didn't have time to sink into deeper sadness, a pleasant and reassuring male voice flew into her ears.

"My son-in-law pays homage to his mother-in-law!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan stepped up to Hong Zhuxiang's side, with a peerless face that was so beautiful that both people and gods were indignant, with a frown and a smile, showing an elegant and holy temperament, he respectfully moved toward Han Bingxue. Bye, humble and polite, without being restrained, restraining the aura of the king, and restoring the image of a handsome young man...

It's just that this black clothes reminds people of his domineering iceberg and his arrogance from time to time. It's really hard for Hong Zhuxiang to connect these two men together and imagine that they are the same person.

Even so, Hong Zhuxiang still couldn't help snickering, this is not married yet, Ah Zhan called his mother-in-law, his brain is really brilliant!However, his appearance as a junior seeing his elders is really cute.

Murong Rui curled his lips, Xuanyuan Tianzhan tricked Xiang'er in this way, right? !How thick-skinned must he be, to attack so quickly, and, judging by his gentle and refined appearance, it's clearly an act, right?How often have you seen him treat people so respectfully... However, Xiang'er seems to like it!
"Good boy!" Han Bingxue nodded incessantly. In the whole world, I am afraid that there is no one who does not know Xuanyuan Tianzhan's reputation, especially during this period of time in Hanhai Kingdom, the most talked about people in the streets and alleys is their regent. Wise, what kind of jade tree faces the wind, can crown the world.When I saw her today, she was indeed a dragon and a phoenix among people!
Murong Rui and Long Yuyan also came up to salute Han Bingxue one after another, both of them were polite, looking like a modest young man, Han Bingxue couldn't help sighing, Xiang'er's popularity is really good, that's why she doesn't get much in society In three years, I have met so many excellent men, but I just don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing... Forget it, just let it be!
"Mother, let's go sit in the room and talk slowly." Hong Zhuxiang gave Yun Feihong a sideways glance, and kept winking at him, but that brother just ignored her, looking bullish.

Han Bingxue naturally noticed the interaction between the siblings, and Hong'er was trying to get angry with her.She sighed silently, and just about to call Yun Feihong, she saw a cloud-white figure flying towards her quickly.

Yun Feihong was in a hurry, she had already talked to everyone, didn't she notice him?
Han Bingxue suddenly laughed, and shook her head helplessly. The softer the smile in her eyes, the more intense Yun Feihong's anger was. The man turned around and shot at Han Bingxue. cold sweat, but also know that this is Han Bingxue's family affair.

Hong Zhuxiang smiled lightly, brother finally couldn't sit still, right? !Mother, you'd better comfort this furious lion!Hong Zhuxiang took a step back and walked in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, not planning to intervene to help anyone. Although mother is weak, her martial arts are not weak... If Han Bingyu hadn't played tricks at that time, she would not have been able to deal with mother!
"Xiang'er, let them have a good fight here, let's go back and rest first." Xuanyuan Tianzhan leaned towards his handsome face and suggested viciously.

"You have a good idea, I don't want to accompany you, I want to accompany my mother!" Hong Zhuxiang pushed Xuanyuan Tianzhan not to save face, she finally saw her mother, she had to talk to her no matter what , by the way, she still has to ask her what plans she has in the future...

Yun Feihong's martial arts has never been bad, but under the oppression of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Murong Rui, Long Yuyan and other masters, he always has no room to show. Now there are thousands of roaring lions galloping in his heart. Not spit fast.

"Hong'er, it's my mother's fault!" Han Bingxue took a palm and landed on the ground. Yun Feihong's palm seemed extremely fierce, but in fact it was deep and depressed, and Han Bingxue's heart ached from seeing it.

(End of this chapter)

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