The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 315 An Absolute Surprise

Chapter 315 An Absolute Surprise (1)
"Xiang'er, it's not advisable for a girl to show her face before her big wedding. You should go back to Nanyue Kingdom with your brother! Besides, Father misses you very much, so you should go back and see Father." This was Yun Feihong's final wish. The purpose, he smiled wantonly, and what he said was reasonable, and Hong Zhuxiang also wanted to go back to Nanyue Kingdom to meet the loving father who always appeared in his dreams, so...

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood up from the chair with a bang, the word "unkindness" was written in his deep amber pupils, if not for the presence of his mother-in-law, he would have thrown Yun Feihong out of Hanhai Kingdom.

"Brother Feihong, the matter of the snow waves and blue sea has just subsided. Now the whole country of Hanhai Kingdom is excited, and the emperor is about to hold a celebration banquet. How could my king's concubine be missing from the celebration banquet? Besides, Xiang'er was a little seasick when she came back. It's not suitable to run around, how about this, you go back to Nanyue Kingdom first, and after a while, this king will send Xiang'er back to Nanyue Kingdom in person, what do you think?" Once Prince Xuanyuan Tianzhan's shelf is brought out, the temperature around him will be lowered. down several degrees.

However, Yun Feihong didn't realize it, he went back to Nanyue Kingdom first, so it would take a monkey year to see Xiang'er?Although he dare not say that he fully understands Brother Zhan, he has seen a lot of Brother Zhan's methods.

Hong Zhuxiang was speechless, why didn't he realize that the smell of gunpowder between these two people was so strong before?Also, Ah Zhan, when did she get seasick?She was alive and kicking when she was on the boat.

"Since Hanhai Kingdom is going to hold a celebration banquet, my prince will naturally represent Nanyue Kingdom to participate. I believe that Emperor Shengtian will not miss such a grand event, right?" Yun Feihong looked at Murong Rui, his meaning was obvious, he must bring Zuo Xiang'er, this time, he must repair Xuanyuan Tianzhan, he believes that Murong Rui will not miss this opportunity.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Murong Rui stood up with a smile on his face, glanced at the red bamboo fragrance intentionally or unintentionally, and said something in an official tone.Xiang'er, don't blame me, who made Xuanyuan Tianzhan so rampant?
Hong Zhuxiang rolled her big eyes, listening to the words of several people was really awkward, when they were called brothers and brothers in the snowy waves and blue sea, now my king, my prince, I have all come out, really It's amazing to have a broken identity!
"Since everyone is so sincere, then prepare the congratulatory gifts and go to Xuanyuan City to participate in the celebration." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said leisurely.

Hong Zhuxiang almost didn't laugh out loud, are you ready for a congratulatory gift?The congratulatory gifts from Prince Nanyue and Emperor Shengtian couldn't be too shabby!It is estimated that brother and Rui are going to look for congratulations in the next few days.

Yun Feihong's face darkened, who is repairing whom?How could Xiang'er fall in love with such a dark-bellied man, so she wouldn't be afraid of being wiped out by him?Murong Rui didn't think much of it, he had already prepared a lot of congratulatory gifts for Xiang'er!

After staying in the fringe area of ​​Hanhai Kingdom for a few days, they finally returned to Xuanyuan City. The bustling atmosphere in the city made Hong Zhuxiang feel good, and her curious eyes kept looking around.

Seeing that the young people had a good time, Han Bingxue offered to go back to the inn to rest first. Xuanyuan Tianzhan sent someone to invite Han Bingxue to the Prince Regent's Mansion, but Han Bingxue insisted on not going. Finally, under Hong Zhuxiang's persuasion, she went to Wuyue Tower Ouyang Ren naturally went to the other courtyard with Han Bingxue, and Long Yuyan had something to ask Ouyang Ren, so he followed them to the other courtyard of Wuyuelou.

Hong Zhuxiang was concerned about Leng Yishuang's injury, and she didn't know whether to go to Leng Wangfu or Feixiang Tower to see her. Anyway, now that she has arrived at the most prosperous area of ​​Xuanyuan City, she should go to Feixiang Tower to see her first.

However, when Red Bamboo Fragrance arrived at its destination, it was startled. Why... why is this Feixiang Tower closed?
Hongzhuxiang frowned slightly, Nalan Ruofei must have violated Hanhai Kingdom's law, right?But it shouldn't be, with Leng Yishuang, the domineering and domineering daughter of the princess, who else would dare to lift the signboard of Feixianglou?

"Ah Zhan, why is the Feixiang Building closed?" Hong Zhuxiang asked suspiciously, walking towards the gate, without noticing the smile on the corner of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's mouth.

"Xiang'er goes in and has a look." The man put his arms around the little woman's waist, and looked provocatively at the two tails behind him. Shouldn't they prepare gifts?What have you been doing with him and Xiang'er?
Yun Feihong and Murong Rui pretended not to see Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, and continued to follow behind them. They followed Xiang'er, but they didn't follow Xuanyuan Tianzhan. To put it bluntly, didn't Xuanyuan Tianzhan also follow Xiang'er?

Hongzhuxiang only had a slight shake of her inner strength, and the door opened. The inside was cleaned up, without any mess, but there was no one there. She entered the lobby and went up the stairs step by step. Flying in front of the private room specially prepared for her, she finally felt something was wrong.

With a sunny smile on the corner of his mouth, he pushed open the door of the private room with his little hand. It turned out that these guys...

The moment the red color came into view, the cheers were deafening instantly, and the red bamboo fragrance was almost overwhelmed. In the previous life, it would only be so lively when there was a party. I didn't expect Nalan Ruofei and Leng Yishuang, the ancients, to make such a mess. Such a surprise!
"Xiang'er, you miss me so much!" Leng Yishuang directly jumped up and gave Hong Zhuxiang a bear hug. The hug was not warm yet. Nalan Ruofei hurried up, and after meeting Xuanyuan Tianzhan's threatening eyes, He stepped aside obediently, and greeted Murong Rui and Yun Feihong.

Hong Zhuxiang carefully looked at Leng Yishuang from top to bottom, this girl jumped so high, it seems that the injury on her body has healed.The private room was very lively. Knowing that Hongzhuxiang was coming back today, Nalan Ruofei deliberately closed the door for a whole day. He thought about going back and let the vinegar jar make up for it, if he dared.

"Princess, welcome back!" Che Zili pretended not to see his lord first, he definitely didn't mean not to see lord, but he really didn't want to be arrested by lord again, and he would oppress him infinitely on the charge of dereliction of duty.

"Prime Minister Che looks more and more handsome!" Young people have the most common words when they are together, and Hong Zhuxiang also likes to praise others sincerely. Well, Che Li is in a better mood than ever!From childhood to adulthood, as long as the prince stands by his side, no one can see him, okay?It's still the princess who knows the pearl!

"Brother, don't be smug, the concubine is just being polite!" Che Zimei couldn't help teasing her brother, and after this teasing, she discovered that Murong Rui was behind Hongzhuxiang...

A heart hurts like a tugging, why can't I let go of the reluctance in my heart, after chasing it for so long, do I really want to give up this idea completely?Murong Rui, a man who is infatuated with the princess, can she change him?

"Stinky girl, did you ever say that about your brother?" Che Zili glared at Che Zimei angrily, only to find that there was something wrong with Che Zimei's eyes. Until Murong Rui casually turned his head away.

(End of this chapter)

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