The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 324 Drunk for King Dance

Chapter 324 Drunk for King Dance (2)
Leng Feng came quickly after receiving the order, and he grasped the timing just right. He was ordered to concentrate on observing Xuanyuan Tianzhan's Wuyuelou master in the snowy waves and blue sea, and learned a lot secretly.

Murong Rui glanced behind him indifferently, there was still no day and night thoughts, the smear of red that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, only the misty moonlight swaying thousands of miles, leaving the afterglow of celebration.Tsing Yi Fufeng, gentle and elegant, the man said lightly: "Let's go."

"Your Majesty, are you really not seeing Miss Xiang'er anymore?" Leng Feng asked tentatively.After so many things, he has a very good understanding of the emperor's mind.

"Forget it, we will meet again if we are destined." Murong Rui got into the carriage, leaving behind a lot of sadness, which disappeared without a sound.Xiang'er has ridden in this carriage many times before, but now, she only rides in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's carriage, as long as Xiang'er is well, he will be satisfied...

Leng Feng's heart hurts inexplicably. The emperor loves him so deeply that he can't extricate himself. The portraits in the imperial study room are the best testimony!The man whipped the whip in his hand, and the horse neighed and galloped. The black carriage disappeared into the night, only the grunt of the ruts on the road was heard.

The wind whistled, the horseshoes rustled, and the galloping carriage shuttled through the forest like black elves, but... Murong Rui suddenly leaned forward, and the sound of the carriage stopped abruptly.

"Woo..." Leng Feng's heart trembled suddenly, he stopped the carriage, and there was someone standing in the middle of the road, isn't this courting death?Murong Rui's closed eyes suddenly opened, is Xiang'er here?
The night was silent and silent, the people outside the car looked at the car curtain, the people inside the car curtain listened to the outside of the car, the cold wind separated the two of them, choking speechlessly, the appearance of the woman in front of him was beyond his expectation.

"It's me!" Che Zimei's crisp and melodious female voice broke the silence, with a hint of bitterness, which made people feel distressed. She had expected that Murong Rui would not care about her wine, but she always had such a glimmer of hope in her heart. Well, she left the celebration early today just to get him some jars of wine.

It turns out that the car is beautiful!Disappointment flashed across the man's eyes, with Xuanyuan Tianzhan around, how could Xiang'er suddenly appear in front of him?Expect too much, always empty.

Murong Rui brushed the curtains and got out of the car. What caught his eyes was a long gown of water blue under the moonlight. He couldn't see clearly in the haze, but he saw Che Zimei holding a jug of wine in one hand, neatly placed beside him. There are several wine jars, as if waiting here for a long time.

"Murong Rui, you forgot to take the wine." Che Zimei just said this, she smiled, no matter whether Murong Rui could see her smile, Che Zimei suddenly didn't know how to call Murong Rui's name, she actually She doesn't like being called Mr. Rui, she wants to be called Brother Rui or Brother Murong.

"It's so dark, are you alone?" Murong Rui asked, his tone was a bit awkward, after all, Che Zimei was a girl, and she was waiting here so late, just to give him wine.

"I asked the guards of the Prime Minister's Mansion to wait for me over there." Che Zimei replied.

"Thank you for your kindness. Cold wind, get the wine!" Murong Rui said simply.

Che Zimei is too persistent, but he really doesn't have that kind of meaning for her, what he loves is Xiang'er, he will never fall in love with other women!

Leng Feng took the wine from Che Zimei's hand, feeling a little bitter in his heart. Why does God always torture people so much, those who love can't get it, and those who don't love take pains to chase... It seems that he should let go of the obsession in his heart earlier, so as not to It only increased troubles and pains... The beauty of the car was just the girl who aroused his fiery heart in his dream.

At the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Zheng Bo and others had been waiting at the gate for a long time. When they heard the sound of the carriage driving, their eyes lit up. The prince and princess finally came back.However, the princess seems... seems to be drunk? !
"Ah Zhan, you're drunk, hehe..." Red Bamboo Fragrance lay on the man's chest, whispering softly, waving her small hands indiscriminately, pinching the man's handsome face back and forth.Uncle Zheng and a group of guards were frightened and stupid. Did the concubine regard the prince as cotton?It looked very comfortable, but the prince didn't seem to care at all, allowing the princess to "spoil" his face on him.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's cold eyes instantly frightened away the secretly peeping eyes, Xiang'er refused to let him hold her, so he had to help her walk to Zhan Xiangxuan, but he was puzzled, Xiang'er drank too much It's sweet wine, generally speaking, it's not intoxicating, and isn't Xiang'er always a good drinker?How much did this little woman drink while he was away?

Mingyue was even more speechless, master, you are drunk, okay, and you still shouted that the prince is drunk?And... God, master, your saliva is all on the prince!
"Ah Zhan, I don't want to go, I want to watch the stars here." Hong Zhuxiang suddenly stopped in her tracks and stopped moving forward.

The corner of Wuying's mouth twitched fiercely, the princess wants to watch the stars here?Just now the princess was yelling that the moonlight was too bright to block her from seeing the stars, but now she wants to see the stars!Well...he had to admit, the princess was very... maddening when she was drunk!

"Xiang'er, good boy, let's go back to the room to rest first, and then we'll look at the stars later." The man coaxed softly, very patiently, although the guards didn't dare to look, their ears were pricked up, it turns out that the prince is also so gentle time!

"No, I don't want to, I want to watch the stars now!" Hong Zhuxiang resolutely protested, with a stubborn face.

"Okay, let's watch the stars first, Xiang'er is good..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan had no choice but to ask someone to bring a chair to watch the stars with the little woman who was already sleepy, his brain cells would be killed Yes, Xiang'er is crazy about drinking, it is really helpless.

Hong Zhuxiang looked up at the sky, made a fuss a few times, and then slowly calmed down. Seeing this, the man gently hugged the little woman horizontally, and while coaxing softly, he walked towards Zhanxiangxuan, causing nothing to be seen. He and Mingyue couldn't stop laughing, the master really tormented the prince so much today!

As soon as he returned to the room, Xuanyuan Tianzhan started to work in a hurry until he finished washing the little girl. When he thought she had fallen asleep in his arms, a pair of black, bright eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were deep. stared at him.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart moved, and he lowered his head to meet her bright eyes. Unable to guess what the little girl was thinking, an unknown fire was ignited in his heart, burning blazingly, and blooming hotly...

"Xiang'er is really drunk..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan supported her waist with trembling hands, his voice was low and long, as if he was talking or talking to himself.

"Your wife does not get drunk after a thousand cups, how can she get drunk and go crazy?" Hong Zhuxiang suddenly smiled slyly, revealing a row of white teeth, the whole person is like the stars of the day and night, shining brightly.

"Xiang'er playing tricks on me?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked softly, close to her ear.

"This is a release. There are thousands of emotions in my heart, and they need to be sorted out after all." Hong Zhuxiang smiled and whispered.

"Even if Xiang'er is crazy about drinking, she is willing to be her husband." Affectionate and sweet words were uttered from the man's lips, his warm breath sprayed on the red bamboo's cheeks, and the unique fragrance lingered in her The nostrils are safe and comfortable, the beauty that belongs to a man alone.

(End of this chapter)

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