The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 326 Going to the South Moon Country

Chapter 326 Going to the South Moon Country (2)
Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his head, glanced at Wu Ting with his deep eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "I know this is not enough, here is a list, I am writing..." After the great Lord Zhan finished speaking, he swiped his pen and ink again , he looked serious and calm, and he was more cautious than usual in correcting memorials.

Wu Zing has completely convinced his prince, okay... In the words of the princess, the prince is a local tyrant. He originally thought that this booklet was thick enough, but unexpectedly the prince said that there is another one. I'm afraid I can't wait to dedicate everything to the princess, right?It can be seen how important the princess is to the prince!
"My lord, when will you need the gifts on this list?" Wu Zing carefully flipped through the booklet, there are a lot of things!And they are all treasures, and many of them are priceless antique treasures. The prince is really generous!

"Within three days!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan spat out a few words.

"Three days? This subordinate immediately... go to do it immediately." Wu Zong couldn't calm down anymore, and his whole body felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood in an instant, and he rushed out, almost knocking Bo Zheng at the door to the ground.

Uncle Zheng gave Wu Zing a strange look, then turned and entered the door of the study. What he did most every day was to tell those who asked to see the lord at the door that the lord was not available, or that the lord was missing. The big man below is here again.

"My lord, Mr. Mochizuki is here again." Zheng Bo respectfully reported.His word "you" definitely has an accent.

"No see!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan gave Zheng Bo two words.

When Zheng Bo came in, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had just finished writing the second list, put down the pen, and seemed not satisfied, his brows were slightly frowned... Then, he added a few more strokes to the booklet, and he was satisfied nodded.

Zheng Bo was sweating profusely, he knew that the prince would say no, isn't this the word that the prince said the most?However, Mr. Mochizuki is not easy to dismiss!What's more, he is still the adoptive son recognized by the emperor, that is, the prince's younger brother... What should I do?
"Uncle Zheng, is there anything else?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan leaned back and looked at Uncle Zheng steadfastly.

"My lord, Mr. Wangyue said that if the lord doesn't see him, he will go to the Nanyue Kingdom to find the princess and tell him anecdotes about celebrities..." Zheng Bo calmed down and pretended to be calm.

"Let him give it a try." Xuanyuan Tianzhan had a smile on his lips, the meaning was unclear...It seems that Xuanyuan Wangyue, the newly appointed Wangyue King, is doing too leisurely, he should play the role of his father to arrange something for him. In his opinion, training in the Imperial City Barracks is very suitable for that kid.

Uncle Zheng passed the words of his Lord Zhan to Xuanyuan Wangyue, and Xuanyuan Wangyue immediately had black lines all over his head. His brother is really hard to see, no, this time he must enter the Prince Regent's Mansion, if he can't enter again Go, that would be a shame.

About a quarter of an hour later, a guard from the Prince Regent's Palace entered the door with a serious expression and a stern tone: "Get out of the way quickly, I have important military information to report to the prince, and I will not delay it for a moment."

The guard at the gate gave Xuanyuan Wangyue a strange look, and then said calmly, "Young Master Wangyue, stop making trouble!"

Xuanyuan Wangyue ran away violently, and pulled off the fake beard on his chin. He was so well disguised that he was actually seen through... How sharp the eyes of the guards of the Prince Regent's Palace must be!Should he be happy that the Regent's Palace is heavily guarded, or feel sad for himself?

"Come here, give this to Prime Minister Che, and let him prepare these things within three days." Xuanyuan Tianzhan checked the list carefully again, and after confirming that it was correct, he sent someone to deliver it to Che Zili.

The man finished his affairs, closed his eyes and leaned on the soft couch, and in the morning there was still the charming words of the little woman in his ears, but now, there is only an empty silence... Xiang'er's departure also took his heart away, Longing rose up like a tide, slapping Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart fiercely.

Yun Feihong was sitting on a tall white horse, his spirits were flying high, and he was in a better mood than ever. If he hadn't been concerned about the mighty image of his eldest prince, he would not have been able to help singing loudly. Thinking of Brother Zhan's depressed expression of reluctance in the morning, He finally felt that he had found some comfort. The era when brother Zhan bullied him was over. Nanyue Kingdom was his territory.

Brother Zhan wants to marry Xiang'er from his Nanyue Kingdom, it's not that easy!

Finally taking his younger sister and mother concubine back to Nanyue Kingdom, this is the thing Yun Feihong is most proud of now. After more than ten years, the family reunion, just think about how touching it is, but why does Ouyang Ren always follow his mother concubine? ?Although he said that he was going to Nanyue Kingdom too, and they would walk together along the way, but Yun Feihong always felt that this was not the case.

Long Yuyan and Ouyang Ren rode in the same carriage, and when old friends met, they also cherished each other, but when it came to Hong Zhuxiang's physical condition, Ouyang Ren said that Master Miaoshou was his master, and there was nothing the master could do about it. Most likely, he was powerless. In the end, Ouyang Ren said that he had to go through Hongzhuxiang's veins to make a definite judgment.

Long Yuyan understood this, but it would be tricky to keep this matter from Xiang'er, so let's take a step first, there are always opportunities.

"Xiang'er, Tianzhan is a good boy, mother can feel at ease when you are together." Han Bingxue lovingly stroked Hong Zhuxiang's head, smiling all over her face, her life is enough.

"Mother, you can rest assured about Xiang'er's affairs, but Xiang'er is not at ease about your matter. Now it's just us mother and daughter, Xiang'er wants to know what kind of plans mother has?" If you don't see your brother, maybe Mother can still live incognito as before, but now that mother has met her eldest brother, she has to face up to this problem.

"Xiang'er, mother only thinks about you and Hong'er, Longer can be fine..." Han Bingxue couldn't tell herself, as she got closer and closer to the Nanyue Kingdom Imperial City, her heart became less and less anxious. Calm, an inexplicable feeling came to my heart.

"What about Emperor Nanyue? What should he do?" Hong Zhuxiang didn't let go of the panic that flashed in Han Bingxue's eyes. If she said that her mother didn't love Emperor Nanyue, it could only be trying to cover up.

"Xiang'er, you..." Hong Zhuxiang suddenly asked Han Bingxue, what did Xiang'er know?
"Xiang'er was born by mother alone, right? If there is a mother, there is naturally a father. Although Xiang'er has never met him, Xiang'er knows that he loves her mother very much, and also loves Xiang'er... …When mother returns to Nanyue Kingdom, can she only see me and my brother, but not my lover? Mother is just escaping by doing this.”

"Xiang'er, mother looks like this now, how can I see your father?" Han Bingxue felt pain in her eyes, and stroked her right cheek with a trembling hand. The scar was so deep, ugly and ferocious, that every time she looked in the mirror, she would almost Fainting, I don't know how many years it took before she could face up to her face. If Brother Tian saw her face and had to face it every day, it would be so...

(End of this chapter)

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