Chapter 339 Shocking Romance (1)
"Xiang'er, I'm here for my husband." The man's high-pitched and doting voice spread with strong inner strength. Anyone who is in the park can hear it. Go with the sound.

Hong Zhuxiang stood up, looking at the handsome man in the snow-white brocade robe from the air, her heart was full of happiness, she never thought the word "husband" was so beautiful, until now, that full of happiness Love overflowed from the tip of his heart and flowed all over his body, this is the person he loves the most!

In an attic in the far distance of the Imperial City Park, Yun Tianxiang hugged his little wife and looked at the center of the island with great interest. When the man saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan appearing on the stage, his eyes lit up. This was the first time he saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan. own son-in-law.

Although Xuanyuan Tianzhan was dressed in white, with a face as beautiful as a banished fairy, and looked like a handsome young man, Yun Tianxiang still felt the domineering and powerful son-in-law from the hidden aura.It is almost impossible for Feilong to embarrass such a man, but in this case, let Feilong do it.

"Brother Tian, ​​I said Tianzhan is a good boy, right?" Han Bingxue couldn't stop praising Xuanyuan Tianzhan. It seemed that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's humility and courtesy showed great benefits at this time.

"Yes, yes, how many bad children are there in Bing'er's eyes?" Yun Tianxiang pulled the woman in his arms and sat on his lap. His wife is the most kind-hearted, which makes people feel distressed.

The face under the veil of cold ice and snow turned red, and his body instantly softened a lot. He couldn't help but blame and said, "I'm an old husband and wife, why are we still so close?" Although it was a question, it didn't mean to blame at all. After going through so much She knows how to cherish tribulations, and the husband and wife finally reunited, so they should seize the remaining time, but her face...

"Looking at Xiang'er and the others being so high-profile, we are already very low-key hiding in this attic." The man retorted, with a hint of distress in his eyes. Women love beauty, let alone Bing'er was so beautiful before.

Han Bingxue was speechless, looking softly at the center of the lake, with faint tears overflowing from his eyes, Yun Tianxiang's heart tightened, and he couldn't help comforting Han Bingxue, the man's eyes were cold, he would never let Binger suffer. I will not let it go, especially that woman named Han Bingyu.The old scores of their youth should also be settled, but after the dust of Xiang'er's marriage is settled.

This lake is very big, one part is connected to another, and the water is constantly flowing. Beside a small hidden arch bridge, several handsome men in casual clothes are guarding the side. They are headed by a woman. It is the return of the soul.This is the first time that Huihun and Chasing Soul have completed the task separately, but such a task is more suitable for women to do.

"Commander, when will we start releasing it!" Yi Yinwei couldn't bear the excitement in his heart and asked.This is the first time he has accepted such a task!

"When the lord confesses his love." Huihun focused on the small island in the middle of the lake without blinking his eyes. Completing the task is the key point, and the rest is just empty talk. "You guys pay attention, I'll go look elsewhere."

The hidden guards were stunned, the prince confessed?What kind of situation was that, when everyone began to flirt with their lord's confession, but at that time, they were all so surprised that they couldn't speak.

The man in the lake is as handsome as a fairy, tall as a god, dressed in white clothes fluttering, and his sleeves are fluttering like the wind. He stands in the sky, looking at the smiling woman in white in the center of the island, full of affection and clear love, obviously like Yu's son, however, gave birth to a strong aura, which made people hold their breath and hold their breath.

The arrival of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, like thunder on the ground, brought the whole atmosphere to the climax. The people were stunned at first, and then they were shocked and cheered thunderously. This is Lord Zhan!
Hong Zhuxiang looked at him from a distance, as if she had returned to the scene of the first meeting, which was also in a lake. She was admiring the scenery in the lake on Murong Rui's boat, and happened to see him. Among the many noble princes and ladies, he looked like a So dazzling, so magnificent, he was like a ray of clear spring, suddenly flowing into her heart, making the most beautiful ripples.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes fell into those bright and dark pupils, the love and affection are self-evident, just looking at each other from across the sky, it is like a fire, the man's heart warms up, and with a move, a white shadow in the air Disappeared in an instant, and in an instant, Xuanyuan Tianzhan landed on the ring, standing in front of Hong Zhuxiang.

Everyone was shocked, they kept rubbing their eyes, doubting that they were dazzled, and only came back to their senses when they saw the man standing firmly on the ring, still facing the wind, with an imposing manner.

Ordinary people have never seen such a scene, and they all lamented that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was the reincarnation of a god, who came and went like flying. Although martial arts masters knew that there was such a martial art in the world, they had never seen it before, and their shock was indescribable.

Such Xuanyuan Tianzhan, who can compete with him?Who can fight against such a man?
Yun Feilong's expression darkened obviously. Except for those with strong concentration in their hearts, everyone on the field gasped. Was Xuanyuan Tianzhan releasing his unfathomable strength on purpose?The man's powerful aura spread out, and everyone was stabbed like a prick, and they actually had the idea of ​​retreating.

This is a soldier who surrenders without fighting!

"Prince Zhan, please sit down!" Yun Feilong smiled very much, but the nerves in his body were tangled up. The people stopped by Lingchuan City were really just appearances, such a deeply hidden regent.

"No hurry, no hurry!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at the position in the corner from the corner of his eye, his eyes deepened, how could he sit in such a corner as the majestic Regent of the Hanhai Kingdom?If you want to sit, you must sit beside Xiang'er.

Yun Feilong was brushed in the face, and his complexion was not good. Everyone faintly felt the strong smell of explosion under the strong air pressure, like a torch suddenly thrown into the boiling oil, and the fire burned blazingly.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the chair next to Hongzhuxiang, Murongrui was on the left, and Xiyuewei was on the right. Immediately, he practiced his kung fu, concentrated his inner strength, and a ball of white light flipped in his hand.

The breath changed instantly, low and depressing, Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Xiyuewei, and retracted the internal force in his palm.

Xiyuewei just felt like sitting on pins and needles. Just now Xuanyuan Tianzhan's glance was clearly threatening and provocative. He is practicing kung fu again at the moment, and the meaning is obvious. Besides, there is still a deal between Xiyue Kingdom and Hanhai Kingdom. character.He didn't intend to sit next to Hong Zhuxiang at first, but Yun Feilong led him over, so he sat too, I should have known...

"Lord Zhan, you must be tired from the long journey, please sit here." Xi Yuewei stood up and respectfully offered his seat to Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Yun Feilong's face turned dark immediately, he didn't expect Xi Yuewei to be such a cowardly and cowardly person, Xi Yuewei saw a trace of contempt in Yunfeilong's eyes, but he didn't take it seriously, if it wasn't for Yunfeilong being Hong Zhuxiang's older brother, Did he think he could act presumptuously in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan?
"Since the prince of the Western Regions is willing to give way, then I can't postpone it." Xuanyuan Tianzhan replied calmly, without the slightest awareness of occupying other people's positions.

(End of this chapter)

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