The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 359: Mother's True Face

Chapter 359: Mother's True Face (1)
Hong Zhuxiang wanted to cry, she was the one who wanted to kiss him, she should take the initiative, why did this man control the direction again?Although she was indeed a little dizzy, she still couldn't find Bei. She must counterattack, counterattack, counterattack!

"Well... Ah Zhan, there are other people here!" Hong Zhuxiang struggled in a low voice.

"Xiang'er, this is what you provoked as a husband! Don't worry, they have already retreated." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said reassuringly.Xiang'er provoked his desire again and wanted to let it go?No, he's not doing it.

Hong Zhuxiang looked around, and there was no movement at all, and the hidden guards had already retreated to nowhere.Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help sighing, fortunately this man is her favorite person, not her enemy, otherwise it would be really terrifying, before she noticed anything, the hidden guard had already retreated automatically.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan took off his large black brocade robe, and with a wave, a black mushroom bloomed instantly on the grass, occupying a lot of area, just forming a great riverbed for spring seedlings.

"Well... we just... last night... don't... um..." Hong Zhuxiang only felt dizzy, and she fell down on the brocade robe. She just wanted to kiss him, she didn't think so much...

Afterwards, the man pressed up gently, whispering in his ears, full of sweet calls, Hong Zhuxiang didn't know why, she just wanted to dance with him and soar to the nine heavens...

The softly chanting song gradually became high-pitched and full of enthusiasm, and then, the deep and depressed voice became the main theme, dominating the whole music, flying to the acme of heaven, roaring happily, and finally fell into the gentle accompaniment...

"Xiang'er, you are so beautiful!" At the end of the song, the man's face was full of satisfaction.Xuanyuan Tianzhan shaved the girl's damp hair behind her ears, and sincerely praised that the beauty of his little girl is unmatched by any other woman.

The scent of red bamboo lay on the man, her little face was flushed, it was daytime, even though it was in the woods, it was the first time she had such an experience, it still made her feel very embarrassed, just now he saw the emotional appearance, think about it I feel awkward!
"Xiang'er, was it because you were not gentle enough for your husband just now?" Seeing that Hong Zhuxiang didn't speak, Xuanyuan Tianzhan blamed himself a little. He was very gentle at the beginning, but every time he got excited, he couldn't control his thoughts. Wanting more, deep in his heart, he also expected that little life to come out soon.

"No! You are already very gentle!" Compared with before, he is extraordinarily gentle today.

"What's wrong with Xiang'er?" The man clasped her little hand with his big hand and asked thoughtfully.

"Just a little shy." Hong Zhuxiang really didn't know how to answer, so she just said it straight, but she regretted it after she finished speaking, because this man is really thick-skinned!

"Don't be shy, I've seen it for my husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan moved his head and said ambiguously, his eyes looked up and down unconsciously, a spring light came into his eyes again, and the flames ignited.

Hong Zhuxiang was embarrassed, grabbed her clothes and put them on in a panic, making Xuanyuan Tianzhan chuckle.The cheerful singing of the birds sounded in the woods, and the happy sunshine sprinkled layers of brilliance. The two happy people smiled, and there was an unconcealable affection in their eyes.For a lifetime, it is enough to find someone who loves you wholeheartedly!
"Xiang'er, let's find a good day to get married?" The man circled her from behind, his tall body pressed against her body, and Hong Zhuxiang closed her eyes, feeling a warm and comfortable feeling that made her want to nest for the rest of her life. In the arms of a man, never leave.

"Well, Ah Zhan can do whatever he says..." At this moment, even Hong Zhuxiang didn't know how gentle her voice was. They had already developed to this point, and it was natural for them to talk about marriage.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was even more flattered and overjoyed. He loved Xiang'er's docile appearance very much.The man couldn't help it immediately, hugged the little woman and kissed her for a long time.

The scorching sun was high and the sky was clear. Hong Zhuxiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan finished their affairs and prepared to return to the palace. Suddenly, a man kneeling upright appeared on the road.He is not standing, but kneeling!
"Chasing the soul? Why are you kneeling here?" Hong Zhuxiang was a little surprised. Aren't the hidden guards always hiding in the dark?Besides, Chasing Soul is still the leader of Yinwei, why would he kneel here suddenly?
"It's not good for my subordinates to protect the princess, so I'm here to accept the crime." Zhuihun had a serious face, with deep guilt in his eyes, he looked at his prince and princess, waiting for the punishment they deserved.

Hong Zhuxiang didn't care about Zhui Hun's confession, her gaze stayed on Zhui Hun's face, the five bright red finger prints on this handsome face showed that he had done something cruel.Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened slightly, but he didn't say a word.

"What's wrong with your face? It's swollen? It's not because you had a fight with Huihun, you were beaten by her, right? But Huihun's attack is too heavy, right?!" After such a long time, Hong Zhuxiang naturally knew that chasing Hun and Huihun are a pair, and they couldn't help joking.

She guessed that Huihun didn't hit him. She didn't hit Ah Zhan so hard before, but apart from Huihun, who would dare to hit the high-ranking hidden guard commander of the royal family?
As soon as Wuying heard what his princess said, his shoulders kept shaking. It was the first time he saw Zhuihun's embarrassing face. The princess's words were really straightforward, but his prince's face didn't seem to be pretty either. !

Huihun was even more aggrieved in the dark, she was reluctant to beat Brother Zhuihun... But no matter what, they have always failed in their duties, and Zhuihun should suffer on behalf of the entire hidden guard team. complain.The prince just slapped Zhuihun in a fit of anger, and he hasn't punished him yet. Now that the princess has been found, it is reasonable for Zhuihun to accept the crime.

"Subordinate... this subordinate is not careful..." Zhuihun hesitated, not knowing what to say, "accidentally..." Zhuishun originally wanted to say that he was accidentally caught by a cat, but after thinking about it carefully, I can't even say it!Isn't that the same as saying that the prince is a cat?
When Hong Zhuxiang saw Zhuihun's flushed face and faltering look, she guessed something, she couldn't help but look at the man beside her, would Ah Zhan beat her own men like this?
Being looked at by Hong Zhuxiang like this, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart was flustered, he didn't know what Xiang'er was thinking now, looking at Xiang'er, he seemed to be asking him why he wanted to fight Soul Chaser?But he is the majestic regent of the Hanhai Kingdom, can't even beat a subordinate?Besides, chasing the soul did make a mistake. When he heard that Xiang'er had been chased and lost, he immediately became furious. How could he have so many scruples.

Thinking about it this way, Xuanyuan Tianzhan calmed down, compared to other punishments, slapping Zhuihun was just a slap in the face, it was nothing at all.

"Azhan, even if you want to punish your subordinates in the future, spanking is fine. Don't spank your face. Zhui Hun is so handsome, how can you marry a wife if your face is disfigured?" Hong Zhuxiang glared at Xuanyuantian reproachfully. At first glance, Zhan looks extremely cute.

(End of this chapter)

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