The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 366 Bloody Confrontation

Chapter 366 Bloody Confrontation (1)
"Pfft..." The man's brisk laughter rang out. Although the Nanyue Kingdom has many mountains and rivers, most of the official roads seem to be flat, right?If Xiang'er said that, if his elder brother Yun Feihong heard it, Fei would be so angry that he would not be able to eat for three days.

Yun Feixiang looked sideways, only to find the man beside him, his neckline was slightly open, the skin on his chest was glowing red, the man was smiling, and looked in a good mood.

"What are you laughing at?" Yun Feixiang narrowed her eyes and asked.

"It seems that Xiang'er has been tossed and broken. Even when the carriage stopped, she thought she was walking on the road." The man grabbed the little woman, let her sit on his lap, and looked at her deeply. .

"I don't want to marry you anymore." The little woman tilted her head willfully, avoiding the man's sight, and a cunning flashed in her bright moon-like eyes.

"Xiang'er can't go back on his word! You're already married, tell your husband quickly, what's wrong with Xiang'er? What wronged you?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan turned the woman's head over, but she saw tears streaming down her face The man felt extremely distressed instantly, and wiped the teardrops from the corners of the woman's eyes in a panic.

Yun Feixiang knew that this trick was very effective. She immediately pursed her lips, leaned softly into the man's arms, and patted his chest lightly, saying, "How long will it take to walk like this? I don't want to walk like this. country, I will fall apart to the bone. How can I be in the mood to be your bride?"

The woman sighed sadly, looking unwilling.

"Then how does Xiang'er want to go?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked with a smile, how could the little woman escape Xuanyuan Tianzhan's fiery eyes with such a little thought?

"Anyway, everyone doesn't know who is sitting in the sedan chair? Why don't I sneak out, disguise myself as an ordinary woman, and enjoy the scenery outside. Ah Zhan, do you think it's okay?" Yun Feixiang grabbed the man The skirt on the chest was twisted coquettishly, as if she would not marry if she was not allowed to go out.

"Not good! What should I do as a husband?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan resolutely denied it. He wanted to sneak out to play by himself.

"You let Wuying pretend to be you! Isn't it possible to change your appearance!" Yun Feixiang cast a wink at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, full of charm, the man took a deep breath, his eyes deepened, and he stared at the little woman beside him , The fire in the chest burned up.

"Hmm..." Soon there was a whimpering sound of resistance from inside the carriage. Xuanyuan Tianzhan ordered the hidden guard to go elsewhere, and now there was no one else outside except Wuying and Mingyue.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan savored the delicacy happily, and smiled as he watched the rebellious little girl slowly being tamed by him like a docile kitten. The flame of happiness suddenly ignited in his heart, and proud laughter kept coming out of the carriage.

"The prince bullied the concubine again." Mingyue blushed a little.She is no longer surprised by the intimacy of the prince and concubine, but for some reason, she still feels embarrassed every time.

Mingyue lowered her head, her eyes were a little dazed, if those dirty things hadn't happened, and those cruel memories... how wonderful it would be!
Wuying closed his eyes abruptly, feeling like a knife was piercing his heart. From under the woman's trembling eyelashes, he faintly saw crystal teardrops. How many times, he told himself that he was not worthy of loving anymore, but how many times, did he... Want to get closer to her again.

There is a voice in Wuying's heart that keeps shouting: Get close to her, get close to her, but at the same time, there is another voice shouting: Don't touch her, you are not qualified!The man's body seemed to be split into two halves in an instant, with the pain of tearing, and then, he only felt that his mind had entered a state of chaos, and he didn't know the direction.

Mingyue raised her head in panic, and looked at the man who grabbed her big hand in disbelief. Before she could react, a domineering and passionate kiss came from her lips. Although it had a cold and domineering air, it was also very affectionate...

Wuying actually kissed her?When Mingyue discovered such a fact, it was too late to resist, or maybe she was unwilling to resist subconsciously, the two figures, one black and one white, were intertwined, entangled like a fire!
I don't know how long it took, the man in front of her suddenly let go of her in a panic, no longer domineering, no longer strong, but also lost the affection just now... Mingyue felt an inexplicable loss in her heart, like a shooting star suddenly flashing across the sky, but she didn't have time Wish-like regret and... reluctance.

"Tsk tsk... Wuying's kissing skills are really good." Hong Zhuxiang jumped off the carriage and couldn't help teasing.

She has already asked Ah Zhan just now. Wuying’s double-faced personality is no longer stimulated by certain stimulation at a fixed time like before. If the treatment continues, the two people in Wuying’s body will eventually merge into one. The end result is yet to be known, but it's still something to be happy about.At least from this incident, it can be seen that Wuying has an uncontrollable feeling for Mingyue, and she sees everything just now so real.

"Princess..." Wuying blushed obviously, he only realized that he had kissed Mingyue when they parted at the end, and he was completely unaware of the previous incident.

Not to mention Mingyue, her face was so red that she turned her back, she looked like a shy little daughter-in-law, this appearance made Hong Zhuxiang laugh again.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Now my lord and I have important things to do, and I entrust you with a task, and you must complete it well." Hong Zhuxiang said with a smile.

As soon as the two of them heard that they had a task, they immediately calmed down and waited for orders with serious faces. Hong Zhuxiang couldn't help but chuckled again, and then said sternly: "Wuying pretends to be your prince, and Mingyue pretends to be me." , one sitting on a horse, one sitting in a sedan chair, you know..."

After Hongzhuxiang finished speaking, she gave Wuying and Mingyue a comforting look, and then flew away like the wind with Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Only then did the two of them come to their senses, their eyes suddenly widened as big as copper bells... what?The princess and the prince actually let them pretend to be their masters and appear in the wedding party?This is the rhythm of death!

After a few days, they finally entered the Hanhai Kingdom, but on this road to the border of the Hanhai Kingdom, the wedding party encountered the strongest attack. The enemy rushed in like crazy hungry wolves. It was comparable to Xue Zhongchen's killers who had taken banned drugs!
Everything that happened suddenly caught Wuying by surprise, and now Yingying was punished by the prince to be autistic for a month because of the last time she framed Murong Rui, and she was not allowed to accept any tasks during this month!
Although they have joined Wujing and Soul Chaser in Lingchuan City, these crazy demons don't seem to have any thoughts at all, they only know how to kill people!Damn it, who wants the princess' life again and again?

"Array!" With Wuying's order, all Jin Jingwei's masters gathered together. Formation is their unique skill, especially when facing top masters. These people are so crazy now, they are even stronger than the most powerful masters Be tough, and if you're not paying attention, their losses will be unprecedented.

(End of this chapter)

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