Chapter 376 An Explanation (1)
What a man pays attention to is facts, he wants to use facts to prove that he can cure her, but what a woman pays attention to is feelings, she blames him for not telling herself the truth, but now he is still using his own superb means to hide everything!
"I want to go!" Yun Feixiang said coldly, her heart ached, and the bright red joy in front of her tightly surrounded her, she should have been wandering in happiness, but all the red turned into blood, Freeze her whole body in it!

His warmth echoed in his mind, still like the spring breeze in March, his jealousy was flying, and his arrogance was still there. In less than two years, he had already occupied all of her, and he had already made her unforgettable !

"For Xiang'er, why not lose the world?"

"The sky is the witness, and the moon god is the same. I, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, swear in blood that I will only have Hongzhuxiang as one wife in this life. I will protect and love each other throughout my life. If I violate this oath, I will be wiped out in ashes."

If possible, she would never want to leave him. She is attached to his warm embrace, and she loves his affectionate eyes. When she fell deeply into the vortex of love, she realized that leaving is also a difficult thing!

However, she felt overwhelmingly suffocated!What if he couldn't have his children?
"Where is Xiang'er going? I'll accompany you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood in front of Yun Feixiang one step at a time. His tall body was like a towering mountain, straight and upright, but there was a kind of oldness that had passed through the years... Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes were already red, Xiang'er can beat him and scold him, but she can't leave him!
Yun Feixiang suddenly realized that she was not the only one who was heartbroken, but also the man in front of him. His brows were furrowed, his face was devoid of any color, and a kind of deep pain and struggle surrounded him.

A pair of small hands caressed the man's face, sticking to his skin inch by inch, such a familiar touch, such a deep feeling, like flesh and blood, if you want to part with it, it will only be dripping with blood!

"I want to go alone!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan spat out a mouthful of blood as the ruthless words came out, she still wanted to leave, no matter what she wanted to do...

"I don't allow it!" The domineering voice was harsher than ever before, and the man hugged the petite body in front of him forcefully. He was tall and completely covered her.

The unique fragrance that penetrates deep into the bone marrow sweeps over, the breath is the familiar smell of a man, Yun Feixiang's heart instantly turns into a lake in early spring, a piece of softness, the man is very domineering, but she feels a warm embrace, with a feeling that she has never felt before. The temptation of the past attracted her deeply, a hysterical voice in her heart shouted, don't go, don't go!
Sensing the little woman's hesitation, Xuanyuan Tianzhan finally knew that her heart was softening. Her tone of voice was cold, but her heart was soft. Xuanyuan Tianzhan buried his head into the woman's neck, and his mellow voice slowly sounded : "Xiang'er, I'm sorry! I thought I could handle everything well, I thought I couldn't let anyone hurt you! I'm not good enough!"

"No one has any influence on me, except this cruel fact! Why are you the only one who refuses to tell the truth! Are you going to be childless all your life and abandon the vast country of the Hanhai Kingdom? The blood of the country?"

Both of these are unacceptable to her!

"Xiang'er, I, Xuanyuan Tianzhan, said that you will only be monogamous in this life, and it will remain the same for life!" The man's firm voice remained the same, just as it was before. From Xuanyuan Tianzhan's point of view, this was a misunderstanding. Believe him, he can explain it clearly!
Although all the facts point to him, he longs for Xiang'er to believe him!

"I can't just sit and watch your Xuanyuan royal family have no successors!" Yun Feixiang's eyes were filled with such a heart-wrenching fact that made it hard to breathe.

"Xiang'er, you still don't believe me!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's voice was hoarse. How many times he had emphasized that he could cure her body. What should he do with this little woman? !

In a hidden hotel in Xuanyuan Imperial City, in a high-end private room, a woman dressed in orange looks out of the window. The window is closed, but she seems to be able to see everything outside the window through the window. The woman's dark eyes are full of confidence the light!

There was a sound from behind, and someone was brought in. The corners of her lips raised, her mood was like the bright sun shining on the earth with infinite brilliance, her figure moved slightly, and she raised her hand to signal the person behind to speak.

"Young Master, there is no change in the Prince Regent's Mansion!" The maid kneeling on the knees was sweating profusely on her forehead. As soon as she spoke, she could feel the cold air coming from the window.

The orange-red woman turned around, her sharp eyes turned into freshly sharpened blades, and landed on the kneeling maid. Everyone in the room held their breath and did not dare to move. The young master miscalculated this time. I will be furious!

"What did you say? Say it again!" The evil smile instantly magnified in the eyes of the kneeling maid, her chin was pinched fiercely, her bones seemed to be crushed, and the corners of her mouth twitched in pain.

"Young...young master, everything this subordinate said is true!" The maid was forced to raise her head, and her dodging eyes met a pair of bloodthirsty and fierce eyes. At this moment, she was desperate. woman.

Everyone only heard a "click", and saw the maid fell to the ground with her neck crooked, before she even had time to yell out, the person next to her who was pale with fright quickly handed over a wet handkerchief, and the orange-red sleeves swept over, wet Pa was in his hand.

All the people were stunned watching this scene, but they didn't dare to show their anger, especially the guard who just came from the west and wanted to urge Rufeng to act earlier. The people outside the door quickly dragged away the dead maid, as if dragging Like a hunting animal.

"Very good! Yun Feixiang, since you don't leave by yourself, don't blame me for being cruel!"

She thinks that she knows Yun Feixiang well. Although she usually looks like a small bird, she is an extremely arrogant woman in her bones. How can she be calm when she encounters such a thing now?
She originally guessed that Yun Feixiang would leave angrily when she learned that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had concealed such an important matter from her!However, she really underestimated Yun Feixiang!
Wuying and Mingyue, who were guarding the door, finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the panting coming from the room, and the initial worries and gloom were swept away, and the two exited Zhanxiangxuan courtyard wisely, Give full play to the due diligence of your subordinates.

Yun Feixiang didn't expect that Xuanyuan Tianzhan would force her to kiss her, and along the way, she was like a little sheep, without any ability to fight back. This man has not been so domineering for a long time. Hearing that she insisted on leaving today, He actually got angry abruptly.

After the end of the love affair, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a little lacking in confidence. The little girl leaned against his arm and leaned in his arms, her face flushed as if she was drunk, but she stubbornly turned her head away, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a pain in her heart , I don't know how to get rid of the current predicament.

(End of this chapter)

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